Monday, May 10, 2010

Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regime's Commie Cap-and-Trade Bill ;

Senators John Kerry (D-MA)
and Joe Lieberman (I-CT) plan
to introduce legislation designed
to inflate the cost of energy, strain
family budgets, and decimate
America's manufacturing sector
-- all in the name of supposedly
saving the climate.

Kerry and Lieberman
have been revamping legislation
that narrowly passed the House
of Representatives last year.

The House bill imposes
oppressive limits on carbon dioxide
(CO2) emissions and establishes a
complex cap-and-trade scheme in
which the federal government
determines how much CO2 a
business may emit.

If a business exceeds its
allowance, it may purchase
additional "carbon credits" from
an exchange, where the credits
will be traded like a commodity.

Rules for the exchange
of carbon credits, including
the trading of carbon derivatives,
are addressed in the House bill,
and my sources tell me that the
Senate version will include these
same stratagems.

The new Kerry-Lieberman
Senate bill will allow cap-and-trade
to hit power companies first, and
then within six years include the
manufacturing sector

The crippling burden
of our massive regulatory welfare
state, along with the federal government's
disregard for crimes committed against
citizens by violent foreign gangs and
drug cartels, has turned immigration
into a problem.

This problem is the result
not of innocent people seeking
a better life, but of an overbearing
government that is too big not to fail.

A century of progressive legislation
culminating in the money-hemorrhaging
Obama administration has resulted in a
system of taxation by which approximately
half of Americans pay no federal income tax,
and 40 percent actually receive payments
from their fellow citizens via the IRS.

With this being the case,
the majority of new immigrants from poor
countries fall into the category who pay
nothing and receive benefits that
taxpayers are forced to provide.

Indeed, a 2006 study shows
that immigrants pay little in
taxes and receive high levels
of government assistance.

Because illegal immigrants
qualify for fewer benefits than
legal immigrants, granting them
amnesty would cost American
taxpayers an estimated half-trillion
dollars per year.

Even without these additional costs,
the government will spend over 10
trillion taxpayer dollars on welfare
programs over the next decade

An invasion is underway,
aided by opportunists on both
sides of America's political spectrum.

In the nineties,
President Clinton used immigration
as a voter-recruitment tool, naturalizing
large numbers of Latinos in order to
secure his hold on the White House.

The project was spearheaded by
now-chief Obama advisor
Rahm Emmanuel.

Judging from President Obama's
response to Arizona's action, we
shouldn't expect a change of
strategy any time soon.

Both California and Texas
hold decisive electoral votes,
so now many political leaders
must ritualistically seek the blessing
of groups like the National Council
de La Raza to obtain the
Mexican-American vote.

When Mexican President
Ernst Zedillo spoke to La Raza
in 1997 and uttered the words,
"I have proudly proclaimed that
the Mexican nation extends beyond
the territory enclosed by its borders,"
members of La Raza jumped to their
feet in thunderous applause.

The Mexican government
is encouraging this process
of conquest, with former Mexican
Consul General José Pescador Osuna
remarking, "I think we are practicing
La Reconquista in California."

Some U.S. towns have
already partially seceded to Mexico.

El Cenizo, Texas
has declared the town
language Spanish, ordered
that all business be conducted
in Spanish, and has made talking
with immigration authorities
a firing offense.

Mexico's outright invasion of America
has taken on some not-so-subtle tones.

Mexican military incursions
into the U.S. to protect Mexico's
drug trade are now frequent.

The Department
of Homeland Security
records 231 since 1996.

Today, there are large numbers
of individuals residing in the U.S.
who neither consider themselves
Americans nor want to become

Some have organized into militant groups
whose stated purpose is to overpopulate
the southwestern United States and reclaim
it for Mexico without firing a shot.

Will we continue
to let Mexico dictate to the U.S.?

Enough is enough

The Communist Hell Care Coups

The Commie Energy and Environment Coups

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars & Frauds