Monday, May 10, 2010

Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

that the business publication
Barron's has an article headlined
on its cover,

"A savvy hedge-fund manager
reveals how to make money
on Old World's woes."

A better headline would have been
"How to exploit human suffering."

At a time when people are dying
in Greece because of riots in response
to economic problems, what kind of
publication would openly advertise
how to make money at the expense
of others and profit from their misery?

I do not advocate
kangaroo justice for these traitors
who have no constitutional authority
for their unconstitutional acts, but I do
advocate for their removal from office
and their prosecution for the treason
that they have committed ;
prosecute them .

These self professed Progressives
are Marxist Communists and Fascists
who are destroying our economy and
have destroyed the lives of millions for
power, and they will continue to do
so, unless we strongly excoriate them
individually while repudiating every
single word of their unconstitutional
attempt at governance.

One last strong admonition :
the failure of our economy was due
to government imposition of Marxism
and had nothing to do with Capitalism.

Marxism is by definition
unconstitutional and has always resulted
in slavery and the execution of millions