This is a bogus argument,
in the short term it might be true,
but in the long term it just delays
the day of reckoning and makes
the situation infinitely worse
At its birth,
America embodied the highest hopes
of mankind but is now a tragic caricature
of those great ideals.
As it enters the 21st century,
America finds itself bankrupt
morally as well as financially.
Its ideals stood the test of time
but America did not.
Two hundred years ago,
Thomas Jefferson warned America
about the dangers of private bankers
and standing, i.e. permanent, armies.
Fifty years ago, President Eisenhower
warned America about the dangers posed
by the emerging military-industrial complex ;
and ten years ago, Congressman Dingall
warned America about the danger
of repealing Glass-Steagall.
America was warned
and America didn't listen.
Now, the price must be paid.
Shiva's dance of destruction
and transformation is underway.
The destruction comes first,
the transformation comes next-
but only if America first changes its ways
This summer,
the United States Senate
will make one of the most solemn
determinations within our constitutional
system - whether to confirm a president's
nominee to a lifetime of service on the
United States Supreme Court.
When considering a nominee for the
vacancy created by Justice John Paul
Stevens' retirement, the Senate must
determine whether the nominee will
demonstrate an unfailing fidelity to the
text of the Constitution and proper
restraint against the temptation to
expand judicial power.
United States Supreme Court
vacancies are not to be filled with
symbols of ideology ; they are to be
filled with people who demonstrate
a true adherence to the rule of law.
A nominee should
present a robust body of work.
The president and the Senate
must evaluate how the nominee
would approach the role of
judging -how the nominee
will make determinations
about the meaning of federal
law and the Constitution.
Whether the nominee will simply
apply the law as written and adhere
to the Constitution's limits on the role
of the federal government in citizens' lives
It is equally important for the nominee
to understand the Court's role in stopping
unconstitutional intrusions by the elected
branches of the federal government
Repeal :
Commie Micromanagement
& Commie Obamanomics