Gabriel Calzada
is the economist at the King Juan
Carlos University who got out his
calculator and analyzed the green job
situation in Spain-the same Spain
whose job-crushing subsidies are
supposed to be a model for
our green recovery.
The professor found that subsidizing
green energy costs more traditional
jobs than are created in the
green sector.
More than two jobs were lost
for every single green job
created by subsidies.
Because his scholarship
raised important red flags,
it caused quite a stir in the
policy debate.
Such a stir that it appears
the American Wind Energy
Association (funded by the
wind-power industry) helped
coordinate a smear job on Calzada
by the tax-payer-funded National
Renewable Energy Laboratory.
Googling "Gabriel Calzada"
will provide many links to pages
quoting the supposed rebuttal
by the NREL.
What the NREL and AWEA can't
rebut is that Spain's unemployment
rate exceeds all its European neighbors
and just passed 20 percent.
Further, the deteriorating economic
situation is leading Spain to reduce
or cancel those very subsidies that
are supposed to help the economy.
They are admitting
the fraud, at least implicitly.
That is, the cost of the subsidies
exceeds the benefit to the economy.
When the times get tough,
it's time to stop pretending.
Which takes us to Bruce Arnold.
In his recent "CBO Economic
and Budget Issue Brief: How Policies
to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Could Affect Employment," Arnold
points out the negative impact of
CO2-cutting policies like cap
and trade or carbon taxes,
In particular, job losses in the
industries that shrink would lower
employment more than job gains
in other industries would increase
employment, thereby raising the
overall unemployment rate."
So the CBO says pretty much
what Calzada said about the green
stimulus-there isn't one.
Carbon cuts lead to net job losses.
The CBO author, Arnold, goes
further and notes that those who
keep their jobs will get
reduced pay,
The increases in prices caused
by a tax or a cap-and-trade
program would cause workers'
real (inflation-adjusted) wages to be
lower than they would otherwise be
President Obama's leftist legal
nominees have been completely
unwilling and unable to defend
their liberal legal views from
Senate questioning.
Instead they have retreated
or renounced their past writings
in an all too familiar spectacle
Though Ms. Kagan has not written
extensively on the role of a judge,
the little she has written is troubling.
In a law review article,
she expressed agreement
with the idea that the Court
primarily exists to look out for
the "despised and disadvantaged."
The problem with this view
-which sounds remarkably similar
to President Obama's frequent appeals
to judges ruling on grounds other than
law-is that it allows judges to favor
whichever particular client they view
as "despised and disadvantaged."
The judiciary is not to favor any one
particular group, but to secure justice
equally for all through impartial application
of the Constitution and laws.
Senators should vigorously question
Ms. Kagan about such statements
to determine whether she is truly
committed to the rule of law.
Nothing less should be
expected from anyone appointed
to a life-tenured position as one of
the final arbiters of justice
in our country.
The American people agree.
According to a national post-election
2008 survey of 800 actual voters, 70%
of respondents preferred that judges
not base their decisions on personal
views and feelings.
And according to the latest
Quinnipiac University Poll by a 16
point margin more Americans believe
the Supreme Court should only consider
the original intentions of the authors of
the Constitution instead of considering
changing times and current realities.
And finally, the latest Gallup poll shows
that more Americans "would prefer a
new Supreme Court justice who makes
the court more conservative (42%)
over one who would make the Court
more liberal (27%)."
Let's hope the Senate gives
the American people what they want
"President Obama's nomination
of Elena Kagan to the Supreme
Court is irresponsible.
Ms. Kagan is a liberal activist
and political operative with no
experience as judge.
A Supreme Court nominee
ought to have significant practical
experience as a lawyer or a judge
- especially a nominee for the
nation's highest court.
Her decision to throw military
recruiters off the campus of Harvard
Law School during a time of war
shows she is far to the left
of mainstream America.
The fact that she continued to work
in the Clinton White House after it
became clear that President Clinton
lied under oath raises questions about
her ethical judgment.
And her record,
as spotty as it is, shows that Ms. Kagan
is a committed liberal judicial activist.
Tea Party activists
ought to be paying close
attention to this nomination.
With looming constitutional battles
ranging from Obamacare to illegal
immigration, the United States Senate
should ensure that only a justice who
will strictly interpret the U.S.
Constitution is approved.
There's no reason to believe
that Ms. Kagan meets this standard.
Given the stakes,
every U.S. Senator should
know that the upcoming vote
on Ms. Kagan will be as closely
watched as their votes on Obamacare"
The Communist Hell Care Coups
The Commie Energy and Environment Coups
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.
Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise
Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars & Frauds