Monday, May 24, 2010

The Hell Care Coup of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

Remember how Obamacare was
going to save big bucks and reduce
wait time in emergency rooms?

The idea was that millions
of previously uninsured Americans
accustomed to using ERs for basic
medical treatment would snatch up
Obamacare coverage and start getting
primary care from regular (and cheaper)
medical practices.

Nice thought.
But it doesn't look like it'll pan out.

Indeed, notes Rick Dallam,
it looks like "it's going to be
exactly the opposite over the
next four to eight years."

In an article in The Hill,
Dallam, a health care partner
at a firm that designs health care
facilities, notes: "We don't have the
primary care infrastructure in place
in America to cover the need.

Our clients are looking at and
preparing for more emergency
department volume, not less."

A big part of the problem :
a growing shortage of
primary care physicians.

The American Academy
of Family Physicians recently
predicted that by 2020, the United
States would have 40,000 fewer
family physicians than needed.

As the doc supply diminishes,
it will be become increasingly more
difficult to get a timely appointment.

Inevitably, more and more folks
will resort to emergency rooms to
get the medical attention they want.

But there is another,
even bigger problem,
rooted in the new law itself :

Roughly half of the 34 million
newly insured under Obamacare
will get their coverage via Medicaid,
a poorly performing welfare program.

Medicaid reimbursement rates
for physicians are so low that many
doctors simply refuse to accept
Medicaid patients.

Based on previous experience,
Medicaid expansion will not only
"crowd out" private insurance, but
will also swell the ranks of those
getting routine, non-urgent care
through hospital emergency rooms.

The result :
an even higher reliance
on emergency room care
among Medicaid beneficiaries
than among the uninsured.

What a mess

Commie Anti 2nd Amendment
President Felipe Calderon of Mexico
& of the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

In his speech before a Joint Session
of Congress 'yesterday', President
Felipe Calderon of Mexico made
a bold claim. He asserted that :

We have seized 75,000 guns
and assault weapons in Mexico
in the last three years.

And more than 80 percent of
those we have been able to trace
came from the United States
- from the United States.

The media immediately
picked up on this claim.

As Reuters summarized
the President's remarks :

[He] said
more than 80 percent of [the guns]
came from the United States

Except that, of course, was
not what the President said.

The President included
a crucial qualifier in his statement :

he was referring only to the
guns that Mexico has (with U.S.
assistance) been able to trace.

And in that context, the
President's claim is correct :

He was referring to a U.S.
Government Accountability
Office (GAO) report concluding
that, of the guns seized in Mexico
and given to the ATF for tracing
from 2004 through 2008,
approximately 87 percent
originated in the U.S.

But this number says nothing
about the percentage of guns
seized in Mexico that originated
in the U.S., because the U.S.
does not trace the majority
of guns seized in Mexico.

The argument the President made
'today' has been refuted again and
again, but it is not surprising that he
relied on it.

The only surprising fact
is that the President couched
his remarks in the context of a
request for an 'assault weapons'
ban, instead of in the context of
support for the OAS's

Convention Against
the Illicit Manufacturing
of and Trafficking in Firearms,
Ammunition, Explosives, and
Other Related Materials,
commonly known as CIFTA.

Perhaps this is a
tactful admission that the
Convention is seriously flawed.

But if the President
was trying to be tactful,
he might have omitted his
argument that the U.S. faces
an incipient armed rebellion
unless it acts on his request.

The basic fact is
that Mexico's problems
are fundamentally homegrown.

It may be politically convenient
for the President of Mexico to
claim U.S. responsibility, but in
the form he presented them today,
those claims are regrettably misleading

The Communist Hell Care Coups

The Commie Energy and Environment Coups

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars & Frauds

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Financial Regulations of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

As the Senate continues to debate
financial regulation, two senators -
Olympia Snowe of Maine and Mark
Pryor of Arkansas - have proposed
an amendment to ensure that regulators
consider the effects of new rules
on small businesses.

Specifically, the two would require
the new Consumer Financial Protection
Bureau to convene a "Small Business
Review Panel" to assess the effect of
any new rules on small business before
formally proposing them.

Such "Small Business Review Panels"
were first authorized under a regulatory
reform bill signed by Bill Clinton in 1996.

With members representing small
businesses, these panels advise regulators
on the possible effects of new rules -
before the rules are formally proposed.

Currently, two agencies are required
to use these panels: the Environmental
Protection Agency and the Occupational
Safety and Health Administration, which
have them some 40 times over 14 years.

The proposed amendment would
extend their use to the CFPB as well.

These review panels
are no panacea for overregulation

The amendment has drawn
a surprising amount of criticism.

Review panels, they say,
provide small businesses a "privileged"
position in the rulemaking process, warning
that it would result in weaker regulations.

Instead, they are proposing a
substitute which would provide
for panels that would review
small business impacts after
rules are finalized.

In other words,
regulate first, consider
the consequences later.

This makes no sense.

A thorough consideration
of the effects of government
restrictions on small businesses -
or on anyone - is not a privilege.

Its a basic responsibility.

Nor is it a problem
if rules are changed because
of potential harms that they
may impose.

The danger is not that regulators
will respond to new information -
but that they will not.

The Snowe-Pryor amendment,
to be voted on tomorrow, will
likely not get a lot of attention.

It involves a small detail of
regulatory procedure that
rarely makes headlines.

But the debate
will say a lot about
how Congress views
regulation, and its potential
effect on enterprise in America

Mind Control Policies
of the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regimes :

It appears that Race to the Top
(RTTT)-the government's latest
attempt to dole out federal dollars
for state education budgets-is
turning into more of a
wild goose chase.

Race to the Top is hitting the wall.

President Barack Obama's $4.35
billion grant competition-designed
to encourage states to dramatically
improve school performance-is
running into resistance across the
country, as state officials and
teachers unions are clashing
with the administration over
the contest rules.

Some states are saying no because
they fear an increase in federal red tape.

Other states can't get the necessary
"stakeholders" to agree to their

In the first round of awards
it became quite clear that states
that received stakeholder agreement-
i.e., union buy-in-to carry out the federal
government's goals for education were
scored more favorably.

The two winners,
Delaware and Tennessee,
received nearly full buy-in from
teachers unions, as opposed to
Florida-a reform-minded state
that failed to garner significant
union support.

If Washington wants to see real
education reform, the answer isn't
to tie states to the demands of the
federal government.

States need more freedom
to apply reforms, such as the
successful changes implemented
in Florida.

of aiming for the top in
educational achievement,
RTTT is another distraction
from the important reforms that
could truly help students get ahead

The Communist Hell Care Coups

The Commie Energy and Environment Coups

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars & Frauds

Illegal Alien Entitlements of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

While states and local governments
nationwide enact imperative measures
to curb illegal immigration, two New
Jersey cities are accommodating illegal
aliens by offering them special
identification cards to facilitate
life in the U.S.

The Garden State municipalities
have joined a handful of others across
the country-including San Francisco,
California and New Haven, Connecticut
-in issuing or endorsing official photo
identification cards to illegal immigrants
in their communities.

No proof of legal residence
required and no questions asked.

The cards are essential,
Latino rights advocates say,
because they allow illegal
aliens to get medical treatment
at taxpayer-funded clinics, borrow
books from local libraries, cash checks
and access other public services offered
by the cities or counties they live in.

Without a government-issued
photo identification, these
things are usually off limits to
undocumented immigrants.

So Princeton and Trenton
offer official photo ID cards
for immigrants who otherwise
can't obtain them because
they're in the U.S. illegally.

In both areas,
police and county
prosecutors firmly endorse
the program which has the ardent
support of virtually all local public
and elected officials

Commie Pelosi & Commie Catholics
of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes :

A week after ordering Catholic Church
leaders to push immigration reform from
the pulpit, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
promises to go full throttle with legislation
that will extend amnesty to the 'estimated'
12 million illegal aliens in the United States.

Congress will continue to work
for a fairer, more compassionate,
more just immigration system, Madame
Speaker assured a Capitol Hill audience
at the Asian-American and Pacific Islanders
Summit this week.

It will include
a path to legalization
and will honor family
unification, Pelosi added.

The San Francisco
Democrat also committed
to creating "greater diversity"
in the workplace and revealed
a new Capitol Hill initiative to
"increase House diversity and
opportunities" for minority
candidates at all staff levels.

She then affirmed that
"the beauty is in the mix,"
evidently referring to mingling
a variety of ethnicities.

In her ongoing push to legalize
the illegal, Pelosi urged Catholic
leaders to "instruct" parishioners
to advocate for immigration reform.

Clerics should "play a very major role"
in supporting the Democrats' amnesty
plans, the Speaker said at a Catholic
Community conference on Capitol Hill.

Some of the people
who oppose amnesty
for illegal aliens are sitting
in those pews, Madame Speaker
told church leaders, and they must
be told that immigration reform is a
"manifestation of our living Gospels."

She also claimed
that immigration is
included in the Bible's
teachings on the dignity
and worth of every person.

Though it's unusual
for a legislator to openly
encourage clergy to push a
specific policy, the source of
this fierce campaign is hardly

has long advocated for
illegal immigrants and represents
in Congress a sanctuary city
(San Francisco) that proudly
offers them public benefits and
official government identifications.

Pelosi also opposes
taking measures to secure the
increasingly violent Mexican border

Commie Elena Kagan of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

Besides being a liberal activist
and political operative with no
judicial experience, President
Obama's Supreme Court nominee
has financial ties to a global investment
firm embroiled in a major fraud scandal
after getting a generous government

Solicitor General Elena Kagan
worked for Goldman Sachs, a
Wall Street titan that donates
generously to Democrats, while
she was dean of Harvard Law
School and some believe she will
be the firm's "Golden Girl" on the
U.S. Supreme Court if she gets

Kagan worked as an "advisor"
for Goldman Sachs for about four
years and received a $10,000 annual
"stipend" from the embattled investment
banking and securities firm.

The information only came to light
because Kagan was forced to include
it on financial disclosure forms when
Obama appointed her Solicitor General
last year.

Goldman Sachs has been charged
with defrauding investors in the sale
of securities with subprime mortgage
ties when the housing market was

The Securities
and Exchange Commission (SEC)
claims the firm misstated and omitted
key facts about a financial product tied
to subprime mortgages, leaving investors
to lose $1 billion.

The firm is one of many
financial institutions that
received a taxpayer bailout
as part of Obama's fraud-infested
Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP).

Allocation of the disastrous program's
$700 billion has been largely swayed
by lobbyists, despite the president's
promises to restrict them from
influencing the disbursement of
tax dollars in this case.

Goldman Sachs
got a $10 billion infusion.

Not surprisingly,
Kagan, her supporters
and even the Justice Department
assure that she was not involved
in any investment decisions at
Goldman Sachs.

The Solicitor General
was merely a member
of the firms' "advisory panel"
that met once a year to discuss
public policy issues

Muslim Illegal Aliens of the Global
Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes ;

In an 'unbelievable' ruling,
a federal appellate court has
blocked the deportation of a
Palestinian couple because the
U.S. government failed to
consider Muslim marriage
customs under Sharia law.

The decision reverses
both a federal judge and
the Justice Department's
Board of Immigration Appeals,
which had determined that the
Palestinian couple (Nabil and
Sawsan Hassan) obtained U.S.
residency illegally because they
lied about their marital status
to get it.

Nabil entered the U.S. in 1995
with a special visa granted to the
unmarried children of legal
permanent residents, in this
case his mother.

Sawsan entered the country
on the same day with a
nonimmigrant tourist visa.

A month later the couple
had a wedding ceremony
at a Michigan mosque even
though they had already been
legally married in Israel.

Sawson filed for legal permanent
residency based on the marriage
and got it a few months later.

When Nabil applied
to become a U.S. Citizen in 2002,
authorities discovered that he never
even qualified for residency because
he lied about being unmarried to
obtain a visa through his mother.

That means he was an
inadmissible alien at the
time of entry.

His wife's residency
also got revoked because
her status was based on her
illegal immigrant husband's.

The couple fought the deportation
but an immigration judge upheld it
and so did the Justice Department's
Board of Immigration Appeals.

The government presented evidence
that the couple had been married in
Jerusalem before coming to the U.S.
and therefore neither spouse qualified
to be in the country.

The Hassans
played the Muslim card
in their appeal and won

Monday, May 17, 2010

Oil Tax Hikes of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

Instead of concentrating
on the cause of the oil spill,
lawmakers on Capitol Hill
appear to be focused on
liability limits and oil
tax increases.

The White House
and some Members of Congress
are pushing for a one-cent increase
per-barrel of oil produced - from
eight cents to nine.

In reality, this is an indirect gas tax
that will be passed onto the consumer.

Currently the direct federal gas tax
is 18.4 cents per gallon with the mean
state tax being 27.2 cents per gallon.

The purpose of the newly proposed
tax hike is to increase the amount of
funds available in the Oil Spill Liability
Trust Fund and ostensibly collect more
money for the clean up.

But the real purpose
is to make political ends meet.

Although it doesn't sound like much,
the Wall Street Journal reports that

"The one-cent increase would raise
about $5 billion over 10 years to help
offset the cost of the tax package, which
is nearing $200 billion.

The tax
could go to 10 cents a barrel in 2017."

Wait. What tax package?

Politico says,
"The added revenue is coveted
by tax writers, still struggling to find
close to $50 billion in offsets needed
to pay for an election-year package
of infrastructure investments and
popular tax break extensions."

This makes one wonder :
is this about cleaning up the
Gulf or making ends meet for
other political agendas?

The Value Added Tax of the
Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regime :

The threat of a value added tax
(VAT) in the United States is
growing steadily.

Despite protesting
that it is not something
he is considering, President
Obama refused to rule out a VAT
completely, much as David Cameron
and Nick Klegg, the new leaders of the
U.K. refused to rule out an increase in
the UK VAT during the campaign.

Of course, one day after taking office
they were laying the groundwork for an
increase in the UK VAT to 20 percent.

That would be a 5 percentage point
increase from the current
15 percent rate.

Not surprisingly,
Obama has already said he would
consider it if his debt commission
finds it necessary.

The VAT threat
will lurk in dark corners
until either Congress brings
the deficit under control or Obama
is ready to bring it out into the open.

Until then, murmurings will continue
that a VAT is the only way
to solve our fiscal mess.

it appears at least
to have been part of
President Obama's plan
all along to drive spending
up rapidly - to "glut the beast"
- to make a VAT seem inevitable

Greece and the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

Under the dual pressures
of time passing and Obama
spending, the long-run isn't so
long any more.

Many will explain away the current
Grecian formula budget deficits as the
obvious and temporary outcome
of recession.

Fine to a point,
but in between the supposed long-run
and the short-run is the medium run,
and in this medium run (say the period
from 2010 to 2012, America's
debt-to-GDP ratio is projected by the
Congressional Budget Office (CBO)
to reach a very French-like 90 percent
under Obama's policies.

And, of course these numbers
don't reflect the budget busting
Obamacare or all the other
emergency, important, or just plain
excessive spending Obama and friends
will be working on over the next
couple of years.

They seek to dismiss
those on the right and the
left who see trouble ahead.

But They cannot dismiss
the growing wariness in credit
markets toward all countries with
fiscally irresponsible governments.

What Greece faces today
fiscally is a window on our future if
we continue down the debt-laden road.

We're not Greece, yet.
But we will be if we don't find an exit.
Fortunately, there are many exits, and
they all involve a turn to the right
at a spending stop.

If the Grecian crisis does
befall the United States, and
all the journalists and pundits
are then screaming, "How did
this happen and who's to blame?"
A big finger of the blame will go to
the apologists for the "progressive",
read socialist vision

Small Businesses v. the Global
Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes :

The National Federation
of Independent Business, representing
the interests of small businesses across
America, today joined more 20 states
on the lawsuit challenging the
constitutionality of Obamacare.

The move is the latest blow
to President Obama's post-passage
public relations effort.

NFIB's involvement was prompted
by the individual and employer mandates,
new taxes and onerous paperwork

An accompanying statement said
the Patient Protection and Affordable
Care Act would devastate small business,
threatening their viability.

The lawsuit's two main legal claims
involve the unconstitutionality
of the individual mandate

The Communist Hell Care Coups

The Commie Energy and Environment Coups

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars & Frauds

The Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

During the days of the cold war
communism was thought of as the
plague on liberty - today avowed
communist serve at the pleasure
of the President.

Organizations with admitted goals
of global governance and ending
nationalism are openly included in
planning for America's future.

Since his early college years
Obama has admittedly surrounded
himself with socialists, Maoists,
Marxists, and communists

The Commie Smart Grid of the
Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regime ;

According to the United Nations
Governing Council of the UN
Environmental Programme (UNEP),

"our dominant economic model may
thus be termed a 'brown economy."
UNEP's clearly stated goal is to
overturn the "brown economy" and
replace it with a "green economy":

"A green economy implies the
decoupling of resource use and
environmental impacts from
economic growth...

These investments, both public
and private, provide the mechanism
for the reconfiguration of businesses,
infrastructure and institutions, and for
the adoption of sustainable consumption
and production processes." [p. 2]

Sustainable consumption?
Reconfiguring businesses,
infrastructure and institutions?

What do these words mean?

They do not mean merely reshuffling
the existing order, but rather replacing
it with a completely new economic
system, one that has never before
been seen or used in the history
of the world.

The current crisis of capitalism
is being used to implement a radical
new economic system that will
completely supplant it

The Illegal Alien Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regime ;

Elites on the coasts
don't want to recognize
what can only be described
as combat operations conducted
north of the US - Mexican border.

On April 30th
a Pinal County Sheriff deputy
was wounded by drug traffickers
in a shootout about 50 miles
south of Phoenix.

Deputy Louie Puroll
confronted five illegals who
attacked him in an ambush.

Puroll fought a 20 minute gun battle
with men armed with AK-47 assault
rifles before being hit from behind.

He was able to call
for assistance on his cell phone.

But until help arrived Puroll fought
the traffickers off with his pistol and
his AR-15, the law enforcement
version of the M-16 rifle issued
to the U.S. military.

When that assistance arrived,
along with a sheriff department
helicopter, the chopper also
came under fire.

Eventually 17 illegal immigrants
were apprehended after a force of
more than 200 lawmen responded
to Deputy Puroll's shooting.

In Cochise County,
south and east of Tucson,
fences are cut so drug traffickers
can have access to the remote areas
and avoid the roads and check points
of the Border Patrol.

Small family businesses
can't afford the time it takes
to mend fences and check on
cattle that may have strayed
too far away.

One rancher reported
that between 300 and 1200
people cross his ranch every day.

They vandalize his property,
steal his vehicles and leave
garbage everywhere.

The same man
has found 17 dead bodies over
the last two years, those of "mules" ,
people used to transport drugs across
the border then shot, on his ranch

The American left
has its own millet system,
consisting of ethnic (and other)
groups defined in large part by their
grievances as victims of America.

The left provides these groups
with attention, representation, and
handouts in exchange for their votes.

This system has been in place
for generations, and it has become
the driving wheel of Democratic politics.

It has worked nearly as well for them
as it did for the Ottoman overlords.

The history of the left
in this country is a history of division.

Whatever conflict was current --
labor vs. management, class vs. class,
race vs. race -- there you'd find the left,
stirring things up in order to derive as
much political benefit as possible.

A workable democratic
system demands a willingness to seek
consensus and engage in compromise.

The left prefers
Balkanization and permanent conflict.

For some years now,
it has appeared that the
Leftist formula had reached
the end of its string.

The corrupt and crime-ridden
unions were on their last legs,
hemorrhaging members even
as they drove jobs overseas.

Blacks were steadily moving
into the middle class and becoming
less susceptible to separatist rhetoric.

An attempt to transform
the university student body
into a permanent revolutionary
phalanx on the Peronist model
had only partial success -- students
were willing to play while actually on
campus, but after graduation, they
went on to more interesting pursuits.

So how to keep the pot boiling?

The answer was to go find
a new millet -- or rather, to
take advantage of the one next
door, of the desperate people fleeing
a serial kleptocracy, an uneducated,
ignorant, and frightened mass open
to all forms of manipulation.

This explains why illegal
immigration is so important to the left

The Commie Stimulus Bill of the Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regime : How it Really Works ;

Sheltering Arms Senior Services
won a contract worth $22.3 million
in stimulus funds to weatherize homes
of low-income families in Houston, but
a new report from Texas Watchdog
reveals the work performed was so
shoddy that 33 of 53 homes
will need to be fixed.

The contract,
awarded under the American Recovery
and Reinvestment Act, is the second largest
weatherization contract in Texas, running
through March 2012.

Yet with nearly two years left
on the agreement, Sheltering Arms
Senior Services is already under fire

We Don't need
no stinking budget resolution,
says the Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal Regime :

House Majority Leader
Steny Hoyer (D-MD) once said
that the "most basic responsibility
of governing is to pass a budget."

Yesterday it became clear
that Congress has decided to
shirk that responsibility, as word
broke that the House likely will not
pass a budget resolution for the first
time since the modern budget process
was created in 1974.

That's earthshaking news,
especially given the ballooning
federal spending, which soared
to an $82.69 billion deficit in April,
a projected $1.5 trillion deficit in 2010,
and even more deficits as far as
the eye can see.

Like any American's household budget
that tracks income and expenses, budget
resolutions set a framework for Congress'
taxing and spending.

But it's a framework
that the leadership in the
House would rather do without

Global Jesuit Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regime ;

As reported in a previous
article, the Jesuit Order, via
its agent provocateurs, is the
master of agitation, reaction and
subsequent annihilation of targeted
populations the world over.

Here, in the Vatican-financed and
owned "Holy Roman" 14th Amendment
American Empire, the story is the same
- agitation, reaction and revolution to
culminate in absolutist, Jesuit-controlled,
CIA-enhanced, CFR-facilitated,
Republican "New Right"-led, Council
for National Policy-supported, politically
and religiously united, ecumenically-based,
"Neo-Con" Roman Catholic/Apostate
Protestant and Baptist, White Fascist
Martial Law.

To begin with Socialist-Communism
and Socialist-Fascism are two heads
attached to the same body.

Both systems always work together.

A White Gentile Roman
Catholic Bavarian-Nazi-SS Chief
Heinrich Himmler and a White Gentile
Christian-Orthodox Georgian-Soviet
NKVD Chief Lavrenty Beria (below),
both worked together before and during
World War II.

Both systems are always financed by
the same Jesuit-created, Jesuit-ruled,
Masonic Secret Societies.

Both systems always destroy
"heretic" Protestant, Orthodox,
and Baptist Christian peoples as well
as "liberal," pagan Roman Catholics.

Both systems always work in
tandem for the annihilation of the
Hebrew/Jewish/Israelitic peoples
racially composing the 13 tribes
descended from Jacob.

Both systems work together to
promote the security of the Pope's
CFR-directed, Masonic government
of the Jesuit Papacy's "Revived
Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem"-Israel

For over 150 years
the Military Company
of Jesus has sought to
"make America dominantly Catholic."

This conspiracy, spearheaded by
the Jesuit-ruled Knights of Columbus
founded and headquartered in
New Haven, Connecticut-just as
apostate Protestant Yale University's
co-conspiratorial Skull and Bones
fraternity is also based in New Haven
-, began its real thrust of "Romanizing"
White Anglo-Saxon-Celtic
Protestant/Baptist America in the
mid-19th Century in complete obedience
to the Black Pope's Counter Reformation
Council of Trent.

First, the Jesuits fomented the
"Anti-Slavery Agitation" from 1820
to 1860, dividing the old Federal Republic
(1787-1868) along geographic lines
as per the Mason-Dixon Line
-North and South.

Secondly, the Order formed the
"New Federalist," Radical "Red/Black"
Republican Party, led by the bitter and
wicked, White-on-Black adulterer,
socialist-communist "commoner"
Thaddeus Stevens in the House of
Representatives to champion Rome's
British Crown-led, anti-slavery,
pro-socialist-communist, radical
White/Black American-slave-owners
movement while at the same time divided
the Democratic party into two warring
factions, breaking up the party's
convention of 1860

Boycott, Cast Out,
Defeat, Deport,
Embargo, Expose,
Impeach, Object,
Oppose, Protest
and Resist ;


AND ALL Evil,Unholy,
Of The Satanic World Order ;

Protest Resist Defy Defeat Expose & Oppose :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies,
Liars & Frauds

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal's cap & trade & carbon tax Regimes ;

Gabriel Calzada
is the economist at the King Juan
Carlos University who got out his
calculator and analyzed the green job
situation in Spain-the same Spain
whose job-crushing subsidies are
supposed to be a model for
our green recovery.

The professor found that subsidizing
green energy costs more traditional
jobs than are created in the
green sector.

More than two jobs were lost
for every single green job
created by subsidies.

Because his scholarship
raised important red flags,
it caused quite a stir in the
policy debate.

Such a stir that it appears
the American Wind Energy
Association (funded by the
wind-power industry) helped
coordinate a smear job on Calzada
by the tax-payer-funded National
Renewable Energy Laboratory.

Googling "Gabriel Calzada"
will provide many links to pages
quoting the supposed rebuttal
by the NREL.

What the NREL and AWEA can't
rebut is that Spain's unemployment
rate exceeds all its European neighbors
and just passed 20 percent.

Further, the deteriorating economic
situation is leading Spain to reduce
or cancel those very subsidies that
are supposed to help the economy.

They are admitting
the fraud, at least implicitly.

That is, the cost of the subsidies
exceeds the benefit to the economy.

When the times get tough,
it's time to stop pretending.

Which takes us to Bruce Arnold.

In his recent "CBO Economic
and Budget Issue Brief: How Policies
to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Could Affect Employment," Arnold
points out the negative impact of
CO2-cutting policies like cap
and trade or carbon taxes,

In particular, job losses in the
industries that shrink would lower
employment more than job gains
in other industries would increase
employment, thereby raising the
overall unemployment rate."

So the CBO says pretty much
what Calzada said about the green
stimulus-there isn't one.

Carbon cuts lead to net job losses.
The CBO author, Arnold, goes
further and notes that those who
keep their jobs will get
reduced pay,

The increases in prices caused
by a tax or a cap-and-trade
program would cause workers'
real (inflation-adjusted) wages to be
lower than they would otherwise be

President Obama's leftist legal
nominees have been completely
unwilling and unable to defend
their liberal legal views from
Senate questioning.

Instead they have retreated
or renounced their past writings
in an all too familiar spectacle

Though Ms. Kagan has not written
extensively on the role of a judge,
the little she has written is troubling.

In a law review article,
she expressed agreement
with the idea that the Court
primarily exists to look out for
the "despised and disadvantaged."

The problem with this view
-which sounds remarkably similar
to President Obama's frequent appeals
to judges ruling on grounds other than
law-is that it allows judges to favor
whichever particular client they view
as "despised and disadvantaged."

The judiciary is not to favor any one
particular group, but to secure justice
equally for all through impartial application
of the Constitution and laws.

Senators should vigorously question
Ms. Kagan about such statements
to determine whether she is truly
committed to the rule of law.

Nothing less should be
expected from anyone appointed
to a life-tenured position as one of
the final arbiters of justice
in our country.

The American people agree.
According to a national post-election
2008 survey of 800 actual voters, 70%
of respondents preferred that judges
not base their decisions on personal
views and feelings.

And according to the latest
Quinnipiac University Poll by a 16
point margin more Americans believe
the Supreme Court should only consider
the original intentions of the authors of
the Constitution instead of considering
changing times and current realities.

And finally, the latest Gallup poll shows
that more Americans "would prefer a
new Supreme Court justice who makes
the court more conservative (42%)
over one who would make the Court
more liberal (27%)."

Let's hope the Senate gives
the American people what they want

"President Obama's nomination
of Elena Kagan to the Supreme
Court is irresponsible.

Ms. Kagan is a liberal activist
and political operative with no
experience as judge.

A Supreme Court nominee
ought to have significant practical
experience as a lawyer or a judge
- especially a nominee for the
nation's highest court.

Her decision to throw military
recruiters off the campus of Harvard
Law School during a time of war
shows she is far to the left
of mainstream America.

The fact that she continued to work
in the Clinton White House after it
became clear that President Clinton
lied under oath raises questions about
her ethical judgment.

And her record,
as spotty as it is, shows that Ms. Kagan
is a committed liberal judicial activist.

Tea Party activists
ought to be paying close
attention to this nomination.

With looming constitutional battles
ranging from Obamacare to illegal
immigration, the United States Senate
should ensure that only a justice who
will strictly interpret the U.S.
Constitution is approved.

There's no reason to believe
that Ms. Kagan meets this standard.

Given the stakes,
every U.S. Senator should
know that the upcoming vote
on Ms. Kagan will be as closely
watched as their votes on Obamacare"

The Communist Hell Care Coups

The Commie Energy and Environment Coups

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars & Frauds

Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal unfree market Regimes ;

What we have here
is the failure of the unfree market.

That means the failure of Greece.
And the other PIGS (Portugal, Italy,
Greece, Spain). And Europe.

And it means the U.S., too.
It even includes the Great Recession.

The modern welfare state
is collapsing around us.

If you had believed
in the 72-Year Rule, you
would have seen this coming.

The 72-Year Rule
says the lifetime of any social order
or governing paradigm is about 72 years.

For example,
how long was it
from the adoption
of our original Constitution
(1789), which sanctioned slavery,
to the Civil War (1861)?
Call it 72 years.

And from then
until the New Deal in 1933?
Another 72 years.

How about from
the Bolshevik Revolution (1917)
to the fall of the Berlin Wall (1989)?
That would be 72 years again.

Do you know
when the first Social Security
check was issued? January 31, 1940.

If my guess is right, Social Security
has maybe two more years left.

Generally, the modern
welfare states were born in the 1930s.

So the 72-Year Rule says
the modern welfare states will collapse
and/or turn into something else in
the 2002-2012 time frame

Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Regimes : U.N. Agenda 21 ;

The International Council
for Local Environmental Initiatives.

ICLEI helped write Agenda 21
and now works to implement
the policy on the local level.

At least 544 American cities
now pay dues to ICLEI for it
to help implement Agenda 21
in their cities.

ICLEI is quite proud of its UN
connection and to Agenda 21
and says so clearly on its website.

If you want to fight Commie
Smart Growth in those 544 American
cities then it is quite necessary to take
on ICLEI and that means exposing its
ties to the UN.

The full concept
of Sustainable Development is rooted
in what we call the three E's - Social
Equity, Economic Prosperity,
and Ecological Integrity.

Another term
for social equity is the "Third Way."

The term is used to explain Sustainable
Development as an economic scheme
different from Capitalism and Socialism.

In the comparison,
Sustainable Development is defined
in near utopian terms as Capitalism is
dismissed as ownership by the wealthy
elite which care nothing for protecting
the environment; and Socialism,
according to the Sustainablists, is
inefficient and run by a political elite.

Instead, say the Sustainablists,
the third approach is "anticipatory,"
which controls problems today
to avoid them tomorrow.

That, they say, is accomplished
though strict environmental regulations,
financing "green" industries, and planning
for future generations.

And that doesn't simply entail local
development, but a comprehensive plan
to control every aspect of our lives, from
population control to food intake,
to health care.

Sustainable Development's
Social Equity plank is based
on a demand for something called
"social justice," a phrase first coined
by Karl Marx.

Social Equity means that individuals
must give up selfish wants for the needs
of the common good or the "community."

Through such a policy,
everyone has the right to
a job with a good wage, a
right to health care and a
right to housing.

To assure those rights,
wealth must be redistributed.

Property ownership is a social
injustice which brings wealth to some.

Business and property
are to be controlled by all of society.

The third plank
of Sustainable Development
is Economic Prosperity - implemented
through the creation of Public/Private
Partnerships (PPPs).

I call PPPs government-sanctioned
monopolies because they create an elite
of specially chosen businesses that are
granted "non-compete" clauses and
Comprehensive Development
Agreements to guarantee profits.

That is not free enterprise.
Incidentally, two of the most powerful
forces in the nation working to implement
PPPs are Randal O'Toole's CATO Institute
and the Reason Foundation, both heavily
funded by corporations which are the
direct beneficiaries of PPPs

On Monday,
President Obama
nominated Elena Kagan
to succeed John Paul Stevens
on the Supreme Court.

Kagan's resume is incredibly thin.
She was named dean of an Ivy League
law school after only four years on its faculty.

Kagan has never been a judge,
and she had never argued a case
in court prior to being named
Solicitor General in 2009.

But Kagan has one qualification
that trumps nearly everything else :

she's an alumna of Harvard,
and formerly a faculty member there.

If it sometimes seems
that the nation is governed by an elite
liberal clique of college fraternity and
sorority pals who are out of touch with
average Americans, that's because
it's largely true.

Every president,
and almost every presidential
candidate for the last two decades has
been a graduate of Harvard or Yale, and
if Kagan gets confirmed by the Senate
every member of the Supreme Court
will have been a Yale or Harvard
attendee, too.

What shall we make
of this preponderance of Yale-Harvard
grads in elite positions of our society?

we ought to ask
what kind of places Yale and Harvard are.

In recent years,
Yale has instituted an annual
"Sex Week at Yale," in which the
university invites porn stars and bondage
and leather fetishists to lecture (in various
stages of nudity) students on various
sexual techniques and the use
of assorted sex toys.

Harvard is home to "scholars"
like Charles Ogletree, who advocates
reparations for slavery, and "Skip" Gates,
who caused a race-baiting stir last year
after an incident with a white cop in which
President Obama took Gates's side without
"knowing all the facts."

Prior to coming to Harvard,
Gates testified on behalf of the1980s
rap act 2 Live Crew in an obscenity trial
over lyrics about "bustin' vaginas"
and other assorted perversions.

Radical black professor
Cornel West used to teach at Harvard;
when former Harvard president Larry
Summers criticized him for passing off
a rap CD as academic work, West left
in a snit for Princeton.

Summers himself
was later forced out
after offending campus feminists.

And Kagan was a chief proponent
of banning military recruiters from
Harvard over the military's "don't ask,
don't tell" policy toward gays.

Second, it is evident
that for all the blather
we hear about "diversity"
from politicians and academics,
the reality is that there's almost no
diversity among our political elites.

Somehow graduates of Howard
and Grambling never make it onto
the list of possible nominees when
a vacancy appears on the
Supreme Court, do they???

Monday, May 10, 2010

Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regime's Commie Cap-and-Trade Bill ;

Senators John Kerry (D-MA)
and Joe Lieberman (I-CT) plan
to introduce legislation designed
to inflate the cost of energy, strain
family budgets, and decimate
America's manufacturing sector
-- all in the name of supposedly
saving the climate.

Kerry and Lieberman
have been revamping legislation
that narrowly passed the House
of Representatives last year.

The House bill imposes
oppressive limits on carbon dioxide
(CO2) emissions and establishes a
complex cap-and-trade scheme in
which the federal government
determines how much CO2 a
business may emit.

If a business exceeds its
allowance, it may purchase
additional "carbon credits" from
an exchange, where the credits
will be traded like a commodity.

Rules for the exchange
of carbon credits, including
the trading of carbon derivatives,
are addressed in the House bill,
and my sources tell me that the
Senate version will include these
same stratagems.

The new Kerry-Lieberman
Senate bill will allow cap-and-trade
to hit power companies first, and
then within six years include the
manufacturing sector

The crippling burden
of our massive regulatory welfare
state, along with the federal government's
disregard for crimes committed against
citizens by violent foreign gangs and
drug cartels, has turned immigration
into a problem.

This problem is the result
not of innocent people seeking
a better life, but of an overbearing
government that is too big not to fail.

A century of progressive legislation
culminating in the money-hemorrhaging
Obama administration has resulted in a
system of taxation by which approximately
half of Americans pay no federal income tax,
and 40 percent actually receive payments
from their fellow citizens via the IRS.

With this being the case,
the majority of new immigrants from poor
countries fall into the category who pay
nothing and receive benefits that
taxpayers are forced to provide.

Indeed, a 2006 study shows
that immigrants pay little in
taxes and receive high levels
of government assistance.

Because illegal immigrants
qualify for fewer benefits than
legal immigrants, granting them
amnesty would cost American
taxpayers an estimated half-trillion
dollars per year.

Even without these additional costs,
the government will spend over 10
trillion taxpayer dollars on welfare
programs over the next decade

An invasion is underway,
aided by opportunists on both
sides of America's political spectrum.

In the nineties,
President Clinton used immigration
as a voter-recruitment tool, naturalizing
large numbers of Latinos in order to
secure his hold on the White House.

The project was spearheaded by
now-chief Obama advisor
Rahm Emmanuel.

Judging from President Obama's
response to Arizona's action, we
shouldn't expect a change of
strategy any time soon.

Both California and Texas
hold decisive electoral votes,
so now many political leaders
must ritualistically seek the blessing
of groups like the National Council
de La Raza to obtain the
Mexican-American vote.

When Mexican President
Ernst Zedillo spoke to La Raza
in 1997 and uttered the words,
"I have proudly proclaimed that
the Mexican nation extends beyond
the territory enclosed by its borders,"
members of La Raza jumped to their
feet in thunderous applause.

The Mexican government
is encouraging this process
of conquest, with former Mexican
Consul General JosƩ Pescador Osuna
remarking, "I think we are practicing
La Reconquista in California."

Some U.S. towns have
already partially seceded to Mexico.

El Cenizo, Texas
has declared the town
language Spanish, ordered
that all business be conducted
in Spanish, and has made talking
with immigration authorities
a firing offense.

Mexico's outright invasion of America
has taken on some not-so-subtle tones.

Mexican military incursions
into the U.S. to protect Mexico's
drug trade are now frequent.

The Department
of Homeland Security
records 231 since 1996.

Today, there are large numbers
of individuals residing in the U.S.
who neither consider themselves
Americans nor want to become

Some have organized into militant groups
whose stated purpose is to overpopulate
the southwestern United States and reclaim
it for Mexico without firing a shot.

Will we continue
to let Mexico dictate to the U.S.?

Enough is enough

The Communist Hell Care Coups

The Commie Energy and Environment Coups

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars & Frauds

Many individuals claim that Greece has to be bailed out to maintain stability in the financial markets ;

This is a bogus argument,
in the short term it might be true,
but in the long term it just delays
the day of reckoning and makes
the situation infinitely worse

At its birth,
America embodied the highest hopes
of mankind but is now a tragic caricature
of those great ideals.

As it enters the 21st century,
America finds itself bankrupt
morally as well as financially.

Its ideals stood the test of time
but America did not.

Two hundred years ago,
Thomas Jefferson warned America
about the dangers of private bankers
and standing, i.e. permanent, armies.

Fifty years ago, President Eisenhower
warned America about the dangers posed
by the emerging military-industrial complex ;
and ten years ago, Congressman Dingall
warned America about the danger
of repealing Glass-Steagall.

America was warned
and America didn't listen.
Now, the price must be paid.

Shiva's dance of destruction
and transformation is underway.

The destruction comes first,
the transformation comes next-
but only if America first changes its ways

This summer,
the United States Senate
will make one of the most solemn
determinations within our constitutional
system - whether to confirm a president's
nominee to a lifetime of service on the
United States Supreme Court.

When considering a nominee for the
vacancy created by Justice John Paul
Stevens' retirement, the Senate must
determine whether the nominee will
demonstrate an unfailing fidelity to the
text of the Constitution and proper
restraint against the temptation to
expand judicial power.

United States Supreme Court
vacancies are not to be filled with
symbols of ideology ; they are to be
filled with people who demonstrate
a true adherence to the rule of law.

A nominee should
present a robust body of work.

The president and the Senate
must evaluate how the nominee
would approach the role of
judging -how the nominee
will make determinations
about the meaning of federal
law and the Constitution.

Whether the nominee will simply
apply the law as written and adhere
to the Constitution's limits on the role
of the federal government in citizens' lives

It is equally important for the nominee
to understand the Court's role in stopping
unconstitutional intrusions by the elected
branches of the federal government

Repeal :
Commie Micromanagement
& Commie Obamanomics

Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regimes ;

that the business publication
Barron's has an article headlined
on its cover,

"A savvy hedge-fund manager
reveals how to make money
on Old World's woes."

A better headline would have been
"How to exploit human suffering."

At a time when people are dying
in Greece because of riots in response
to economic problems, what kind of
publication would openly advertise
how to make money at the expense
of others and profit from their misery?

I do not advocate
kangaroo justice for these traitors
who have no constitutional authority
for their unconstitutional acts, but I do
advocate for their removal from office
and their prosecution for the treason
that they have committed ;
prosecute them .

These self professed Progressives
are Marxist Communists and Fascists
who are destroying our economy and
have destroyed the lives of millions for
power, and they will continue to do
so, unless we strongly excoriate them
individually while repudiating every
single word of their unconstitutional
attempt at governance.

One last strong admonition :
the failure of our economy was due
to government imposition of Marxism
and had nothing to do with Capitalism.

Marxism is by definition
unconstitutional and has always resulted
in slavery and the execution of millions


Friday, May 7, 2010

Oppose The Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regime ;

We conservatives
don't hate government.

We revere the Constitution.

Government that exists
within the framework of the Constitution
is legitimate and worthy not only of our
respect, but our defense.

Government is not us,
as Obama put it, when a president
and Congress usurp the will of the people
in matters as far-reaching as health care,
cap-and-trade, and immigration.

They operate in secret,
they reject any real input from the other
party and the American people, and use
the law to plunder and punish us, not
promote this society.

How do you compromise with such an
ideology and abuse of authority?

You don't.
You defeat it.

If you want respect and support,
Mr. Obama, then respect and support
200 years of American history, traditions,
customs and beliefs.

Conservatives do not send messages
to the most extreme elements of our society
that perhaps violence is justifiable.

You might recall, Mr. Obama,
that we embrace ordered liberty
and civil society.

It is you and your true believers
who are always charging the ramparts,
always looking for something or someone
to tear down, always looking to transform
and transgress.

To accuse people who rightly,
legitimately, and peacefully protest
or object to your abuse of power
of fomenting possible violence is
a contemptible intimidation tactic.

We conservatives reject the likes
of William Ayers and Louis Farrakhan,
just as we reject the likes of Timothy
McVeigh and the neo-Nazis.

We don't hire lawyers for al-Qaeda
terrorists and place them in the highest
positions of the Justice Department.

You do.

What kind of signal
does that send the kooks and loons?

We conservatives do not encourage
violence against the government
or any government official.

We actually support law enforcement.

Do you?

Repeal :

Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Obamacare Regime ;

Under Obamacare,
employers must offer coverage
to anyone working as few as 30
hours per week.

Practical mini-med plans,
which employers use to offer limited
coverage to these workers, will no
longer be an option.

Obamacare thus incentivizes companies
to limit part-timers to fewer than 30
hours per week to avoid incurring
failure-to-cover penalties.

Obamacare will weigh heavier
on small employers than large ones.

While 33% of large employers do not
cover part-time employees, that number
rises to 45% when all businesses
are included.

Nearly a third (31%) of all large
employers may be slapped with
"unaffordable coverage" penalties,
but 38% of small- and mid-sized
(10-499 employees) employers
may wind up paying this fine.

Obamacare is bad news for all sizes
of businesses-and their workers :

The new health care law will impose
new compliance regulations, employer
mandate taxes, taxes on business
"flow-through" and investment
income, and numerous indirect
costs on small- and medium-size

Altogether, these constraints will
dramatically affect companies'
per-employee costs, firm-level
allocation of labor, desire to take
on health coverage, and motivation
to grow both in terms of
income and employment

"While the White House would like
to give the impression that the debate
on health care is over, the truth is
that it has just begun.

Like welfare reform legislation
in the past, there are really three
phases to reform.

An act of Congress is just the first;
now reform passes to the state level
and eventually to the local level, and
it is at the state and local levels that
the real impact on the country's
citizens will become apparent."

The states stand to lose substantially
due to the enactment of Obamacare.

First of all, the new law will make
a severe dent in the federalist system
upon which the nation was founded,
overriding states' authority.

Second, Obamacare marks
an enormous expansion of federal

"If HHS chooses to micromanage
each particle of the exchanges, failure
is all but guaranteed simply because the
regulatory and procurement process
will force states to miss deadlines."

Finally, Obamacare will create
a financial drain on the states, as certain
provisions related to the expansion of
Medicaid will expire after only a few
years, leaving states to fill the hole

The Communist Hell Care Coups

The Commie Energy and Environment Coups

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Opposing The Commie
Coup Against The U.S.A.

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars & Frauds

Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal Regime Seeks To Control The Internet Again ;

Today brought some huge news
for anyone who conducts business
or pleasure on the Internet :

The FCC has announced its plans
to deem and pass Net Neutrality.

Specifically, The FCC will defy
a court order to stop regulating
the Internet by nonsensically
deeming the Internet not to be
an information service, and
regulate it under Title II of
the Communications Act.

That sounds mild
but it has disastrous consequences.

Title II of the Communications Act
gives the FCC strong and broad

If the FCC is allowed
to put the Internet in the US
under those powers, then the Obama
administration will have total power to
tax Internet users, regulate content on
Internet servers, and even institute price
controls on Internet services.

Does this sound like it has anything
to do with "restoring" anything?
I don't think so.

The fact is, the idea
that this "Net Neutrality" plan is anything
but a power grab was always a lie being
pushed by a couple of sources.

The first is Google,
which has had ties with
the administration from Eric Schmidt
himself advising Barack Obama, to
Andrew McLaughlin who's been lobbying
for Google from his job as Deputy White
House CTO.

Google stands to benefit when the FCC
passes regulations which favor Internet
firms like Google over ISPs.

Part of Google's drive
has been in funding Free Press, a radical
fringe group dedicated to the nationalization
of all mass media in America.

Their neo-Marxist vision is to have
people's state commissars dictating all
the news you read in the newspaper,
watch on television, and see
on the Internet.

Obviously, they've been pushing hard
for deem-and-pass "reclassification"
of the Internet under FCC total control

Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Nazi Regime :

The Nazis were Marxists,
no matter what our tainted academia
and corrupt media wishes us to believe.

Nazis, Bolsheviks, the Ku Klux Klan,
Maoists, radical Islam and Fascists --
all are on the Left, something that should
be increasingly apparent to decent,
honorable people in our times.

The Big Lie which places Nazis
on some mythical Far Right was
created specifically so that there
would be a bogeyman manacled
on the wrists of those who wish
us to move "too far" in the direction
of Ronald Reagan or Barry Goldwater.

The truth about the Nazis
was that they were the antithesis
of Reagan and Goldwater.

Nazis were Marxists,
through and through.

Although Nazis
condemned Bolshevism, the particular
incarnation of Marx in Russia, and
although the Nazis often bickered
and fought with Fascism, the particular
incarnation of Marx in Italy, Hitler and
his ghastly accomplices were always and
forever absolutely committed to that which
we have come to call the "Far Left."

Nazis were Marxists

Defeat Global Commie Unionist
Corporate Criminal
Regime :

In December, 2008,
my American Policy Center (APC)
led a fight to stop Ohio from becoming
the 33rd state to call for a Constitutional
Convention (Con Con).

In the 1980's 32 other states
had passed Con Con resolutions
for the specific purpose of passing
a balanced budget amendment.

Had that resolution passed
the Ohio legislature, we would have
been just one state away from such
an event.

We argued then that one cannot call
a Con Con to discuss just one issue.

Once a Con Con is in place,
there is no controlling the agenda.

We fought to stop the Con Con
because of fear.

Today there is massive ignorance
among the American people
about the Constitution.

Worse, there are powerful forces
who consider that document to be
antiquated and a hindrance to their
vision of an all powerful government.

These things, and more, make today
the worst possible time in our nation's
history to mess with the greatest
governing document of all time.

We stopped the effort in 2008,
but the battle is on again as an even
more determined plan is under way
to gather support from the nation's
governors and state legislatures to
pass Con Con resolutions.

Again, this is not the work of wild-eyed
leftists intending to gut the Bill of Rights.

This is an effort by conservative legislators
who are alarmed by the growing power
of government.

The new plan making its rounds
in state capitals is much more ambitious
than the 2008 Ohio resolution to simply
discuss a balanced budget.

Now an entire package
of ten amendments to the
Constitution is being proposed
and promoted to state legislatures
through a powerful and well
funded campaign

Monday, May 3, 2010

Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal RACE PLAYERS ;

You know
internal White House polling must be
dismal if the President and his allies are
dropping all pretense of "Obama the Uniter"
to embrace the sordid politics of racial division.

And that's exactly what they are doing.

That liberals cast every issue
through a racial prism is not exactly
news to conservatives.

What's interesting is that the Left's
racialism is not fundamentally about
race but rather about using one of society's
most divisive issue to distract voters when
it has lost an argument.

By framing every issue in racial terms,
liberals avoid having to engage their
opponents on the substance
of debates it can't win

Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Financial Taxpayer Handouts :

The Dodd Commie
Wall Street Taxpayer Handouts bill
-- and the Democrats' narrative --
completely omits the role of government
in the financial debacle.

Neither Fannie Mae nor Freddie Mac
is mentioned in the legislation.

But the incentives
created by government, specifically
the sustained push through law and
regulation to provide mortgages to
more and more uncreditworthy
borrowers, created the conditions
for the housing bubble and for its
eventual crash.

The wizards of Wall Street may have
concocted exotic ways to make money
by betting on the fortunes of the real
estate market, but it was the politicians
who first destabilized that market.

Nicole Gelinas, writing in City Journal,
sketches what may be the next crash to
rock our world.

It's another investment,
like housing, that people assume
cannot fail -- municipal bonds.

They are risk free,
investors have long been assured,
because the cities and states that issue
them would do anything to avoid default.

Besides, "they ... have a captive
source of endless funds ... State and
local governments ... can always tax
their residents and businesses
to pay the bills"

Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminals Taxpayer Financial Welfare
Handouts :

I do think at this certain point
That Commie 'Obama' Has Done
Enough Damage To Our Republic :

What Obama
and his administration honestly believes.

Having never worked a day
in the private sector in their lives, they
can only manage to put on big boy pants,
but not to also act like big boys.

As such, their naive view
of the world and it's "unfairness" reigns
supreme and clouds absolutely every
part of their agenda.

To the point where apparently no one
has told him that deciding how much
money anyone makes is not his job
and is, in fact, antithetical to the
core principles of our nation.

Not only is he prancing around
giving speeches about evil Wall Street,
filled with feel good nonsense and super
serious faces that even those who voted
for him no longer believe, but he's doing
so when people are huddled around staring
dejectedly at a one page Classified section.

You know, Obama,
people would like to make some money,
reaching your apparent "too much" threshold
or not, to provide for their families.

Demonizing business isn't going to do that.

You know what will?
Stop bailing out poorly run businesses.
Stop regulating the good ones
out of business.

I mean, at some point,
hasn't the Government
made enough money?

The Communist Hell Care Coups

The Commie Energy and Environment Coups

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars & Frauds

Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminals : Illegal Alien D.C. Protests Funded By Maryland Taxpayers ;

A group organizing a May 1
"May Day" rally in favor of
"immigrant rights" in Lafayette
Park in front of the White House
is financially supported by the
Catholic Church, Big Business,
the federal government, and various
Maryland governmental entities.

The U.S. Conference
of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
and its Catholic Campaign for Human
Development (CCHD), which got caught
funding the radical group ACORN, are
listed on the CASA website as being
among its many financial donors
and supporters.

In the area of Big Business,
foundations, and organizations,
financial supporters include the
George Soros-funded Open Society
Institute, the American Petroleum
Institute, the Mexican American Legal
Defense and Education Fund, the National
Council of La Raza, the Bank of America
Foundation, the Barbara Bush Foundation
for Family Literacy, the Bechtel Foundation,
and the Susan G. Komen
Breast Cancer Foundation.

The federal government, and various
Maryland governmental entities :

. Baltimore City Council
. City of Baltimore Mayor's Office
. City of Takoma Park

. Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention

. Maryland AIDS Administration
. Maryland Cigarette Restitution Fund

. Maryland Department
of Housing and Community Development

. Maryland State Legislature

. Mid-County Regional Services
Center-Montgomery County

. Up-County Regional Services
Center-Montgomery County

. Montgomery County Council

. Montgomery County Department
of Health and Human Services

. Montgomery County Department
of Housing and Community Affairs

. Montgomery County Office
of the County Executive

. Montgomery County Public Schools
. Prince George's County Council

. Prince George's County Council
Special Appropriations Funds
(Councilmember Thomas E. Dernoga)

. Prince George's Department
of Housing and Community Development

. Prince George's County
Office of the County Executive

. Redevelopment Authority
of Prince George's County

. U.S. Department
of Housing and Urban Development

"Only in America can groups
like CASA and their illegal alien
criminal clientele use tax dollars to
lobby for amnesty and equal rights,
all to the detriment of the American
people and our way of life"

Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal's Security and Prosperity
Partnership :

For the past few decades
the federal government has been
pushing more and more free trade
agreements around the world.

Under President GHW Bush
we implemented the Security and Prosperity
Partnership with the United States, Canada,
and Mexico as partners.

Under this agreement many goals
were established to build cooperation
in key areas of security and business
to include a single border that
encompassed all three

Part of this shared border would include
integration of police and military command
and control, training, interoperability
of equipment, and standards.

Another aspect of the SPP
was to have more open borders
where citizens of each of the member
countries would more easily be able
to travel and that the flow of goods
and services would be expedited.

Travel corridors
would be created to ensure a smooth
flow between the three countries.

I did not go into every detail
of what the CFR wants in the way
of creating this integration, community,
union, or whatever you want to call it ;
but I think you get the picture.

Now looking over the list and comparing
it to the European structure and SPP goals
laid out above, do you notice the striking
similarities between the two?

President Obama stated his intent
to move forward with advancing the SPP
agenda under a less controversial title
of "North America Leader Summit."

Navy Vice Admiral James Winnefeld Jr.
stated, during his April confirmation hearings
to a Senate committee, that if confirmed to
head U.S. Northern Command and the
North American Aerospace Defense
Command, he will work to build and
maintain the command's relationships
between the militaries
of Canada and Mexico.

Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Invasions & Trespassers ;

Why Are Open Borders,
Aliens, Foreigners, Immigrants,
Migrants & Illegals Above The
Law ?

Maybe It's Because
Commie 'President' 'Obama'
Is One .

Repeal :

Repeal All Future Amnesty
& Immigration Efforts :

Repeal All :

Anchor Baby 'Laws',
Chain Migration 'Laws',
Guest Worker 'Laws',
Migrant Worker 'Laws',
Foreigner Adoption 'Laws',
Foreign Exchange Student 'Laws',
Sanctuary City 'Laws',
Affirmative Action 'Laws',
Equal Opportunity 'Laws'
& Public Housing 'Laws',

Boycott :

All Corporations that Employ
Illegal Aliens & Sanctuary
Cities & States That Welcome
Illegal Aliens ;

Repeal :

The 14th Amendment .

"Misguided and irresponsible"
is how Arizona's new law pertaining
to illegal immigration is characterized
by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

She represents San Francisco,
which calls itself a "sanctuary city,"
an exercise in exhibitionism that means
it will be essentially uncooperative regarding
enforcement of immigration laws.

Yet as many states go to court
to challenge the constitutionality of
the federal mandate to buy health insurance,
scandalized liberals invoke 19th-Century
specters of "nullification" and "interposition,"
anarchy and disunion.

It is passing strange
for federal officials, 'including'
the President, to accuse Arizona
of irresponsibility while the federal
government is refusing to fulfill its
responsibility to control the nation's

Such control is an essential
attribute of national sovereignty.

America is the only developed nation
that has a 2,000-mile border with a
developing nation, and the government's
refusal to control that border is why
there are an estimated 460,000 illegal
immigrants in Arizona .

Some critics say Arizona's law
is unconstitutional because the 14th
Amendment's guarantee of "equal
protection of the laws" prevents the
government from taking action on the
basis of race.

Liberals, however,
cannot comfortably make this argument
because they support racial set-asides
in government contracting, racial preferences
in college admissions, racial gerrymandering
of legislative districts and other aspects
of a racial spoils system