Friday, April 30, 2010

Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminals Pressing For Amnesty bill ;

The bill on the surface is identical
to the legislation America rejected
in 2007.

But When you dig down,
it may be worse.

It is another bloated bill
that hides from the American people
what Washington is trying to do to gain
even more power and authority
over its citizens.

The proposal adds a lot more
government and bureaucracy
(and government spending) while
doing little to actually ensure over
the long-term the sovereignty, security
and prosperity of the nation.

Maybe most troubling
is the call for a biometric
national id card, thinly disguised
as a more robust Social Security card.

Ignored are many legitimate on-going
or proposed efforts including E-Verify,
Social Security no-match verification and
information sharing, in favor of an expansive
and expensive program of questionable value
as an appropriate enforcement tool

Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminals Rig statehood Elections :

H.R. 2499,
the Puerto Rico Democracy Act,
contains language that will rig the
election in favor of Puerto Rican

I have written a more comprehensive
post titled "Puerto Rico Democracy
Act - Legislation Biased in Favor of
Statehood" on why this legislation is
biased in favor of statehood.

The Senate is the next stop
for this legislation, and it will be
interesting to see if Senate Majority
Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) tries to
bring up the bill this year.

One important point of contention
is the fact that this process is far different
from the pathways of Alaska and Hawaii
to statehood.

The legislation contains
many questionable provisions.

First, the legislation sets up
a voting process rigged for success.

The legislation sets up a preliminary
vote and the voters are given two options.

If a majority of Puerto Ricans vote
in favor of changing the status of the
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico to
"a different political status," then a
second vote would be scheduled to
poll voters on the following three
options :

1. "Independence: Puerto Rico should
become fully independent from the
United States;"

2. "Sovereignty in Association with the
United States: Puerto Rico and the United
States should form a political association
between sovereign nations that will not be
subject to the Territorial Clause of the
United States Constitution;" and,

3. "Statehood: Puerto Rico should be
admitted as a State of the Union."

This vote is rigged

Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Value Added Tax :

According to Paul Volcker,
former Chairman of the Federal Reserve
and a senior economic advisor to President
Obama, an European-style Value Added
Tax (VAT) would be a good idea
for the United States

But Even this early in the debate,
85 United States Senators stood up
on April 15 to oppose a VAT.

Yet the big-government crowd
hope to fund their massive spending
dreams with VAT revenues

The Communist Hell Care Coups

The Commie Energy and Environment Coups

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars & Frauds

Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminal federal deficit ;

The estimated federal deficit in 2010
will be $1.54 trillion, and spending on
entitlement programs (Medicare,
Medicaid, and Social Security) and
interest on the federal debt is slowly
squeezing out other programs

The GOP is standing down
from its standoff over the Senate's
financial-regulation bill :

But no one should think
this bill is fixed.

Far from it :
Beyond the creditor bailout,
I've counted at least 13 other
problems with the plan.

One of the most troubling
is at the core of the bill :
the creation of seizure authority -
politely called "orderly liquidation
authority" - for firms perceived by
regulators to be failing.

the Senate bill allows federal regulators,
with minimal judicial review, to take over
troubled financial firms and wind up
their affairs.

Skeptics say that that would
be unworkable for financial firms.

But the idea got some little-noticed
support recently from the Judicial
Conference of the United States, a
council of federal judges presided over
by the Chief Justice of the United States.

In a letter to Sen. Patrick Leahy,
the group pointed out that under the
Senate bill, some firms already in
bankruptcy would be forced out,
and into FDIC receivership - an odd
result if bankruptcy is not a viable option.

The letter then went on to point out
that the (very) limited judicial review
of seizures provided by the pending
legislation may be unconstitutional,
and criticized the 24-hour deadline
for such review as "inconsistent with
the thoughtful deliberation" needed for
a decision of such great significance.

These are not concerns, nor are they
from a source, to be taken lightly.

Before declaring
the financial-regulation bill "fixed,"
members should take another look
at seizure authority, as well as other
flaws in the plan

Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Hell Care Coup :

The new law gives government
a say in everything from the benefits
you carry to the treatment you receive.

And that means very real changes
to existing coverage.

One of those many changes derive
from new restrictions on flexible
spending accounts (FSAs).

Obamacare sends FSA users
an irresponsible message :

Stock up now
before the law takes full effect.

One side effect of this arrangement
is that people suffering from chronic
diseases will wind up spending more
on co-payments for prescription
drugs and doctor visits.

It's enough to make you wonder :

If it's smart to take care of your medical
needs before Obamacare kicks in, maybe
you'd be better off without Obamacare at all

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Global Commie Unionist Corporate Criminals Deterred By Anti Illegal Alien Law ;

Arizona, by enacting
a strict illegal immigration law
has decided it wants less murders,
kidnappings, assaults, rapes, human
smuggling, drop houses, home invasions,
welfare recipients; and fewer illegitimate
users of their schools, health care
and judicial systems.

What's not to like
and cheer on about that?

A report
issued by Maricopa County's
Attorney General Andrew Thomas
in October 2008 reveals the extent
of Arizona's problem with crime
committed by illegal immigrants.

In 2007,
illegal immigrants accounted for :

10% of sex crimes convictions
11% of murders convictions
13% of stolen cars convictions
13% of aggravated assaults convictions
17% of those sentenced for violent crimes
19% of those sentenced for property crimes
20% of those sentenced for felony DUI
21% of crimes committed with weapons

34% of those sentenced
for the manufacture, sale or transport
of drugs

36% of those sentenced for kidnapping
44% of forgeries

50% of those sentenced
for crimes related to "chop shops"

85% of false ID convictions
96% of smuggling convictions

Illegal immigrants make up
19 percent of those convicted
of crimes in Maricopa County
and 21 percent of those in county jails.

Illegal immigrants
make up an estimated 9 percent
of the county's population.

It is estimated that each violent crime
cost citizens $20,000, and each property
crime cost citizens $4363 per offense

The Communist Hell Care Coups

The Commie Energy and Environment Coups

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars & Frauds

Global Commie Corporate Unionist Criminal Fannie Mae ;

The tentacles of Fannie Mae extend
to the carbon credit scam.

Barbara Hollingsworth unveils more
hijinks at Fannie Mae :

When he wasn't busy helping create
a $127 billion mess for taxpayers to
clean up, former Fannie Mae Chief
Executive Officer Franklin Raines, two
of his top underlings and select individuals
in the "green" movement were inventing a
patented system to trade residential
carbon credits.

Patent No. 6904336 was approved
by the U.S. Patent and Trade Office
on Nov. 7, 2006 -- the day after
Democrats took control of Congress.

Former Sen. John Sununu, R-N.H.,
criticized the award at the time, pointing
out that it had "nothing to do with Fannie
Mae's charter, nothing to do with making
mortgages more affordable."

It wasn't about mortgages.
It was about 'green'backs.

The patent, which Fannie Mae
confirmed it still owns with Cantor
Fitzgerald subsidiary, gives
the mortgage giant a lock on the fledgling
carbon trading market, thus also giving
it a major financial stake in the success
of cap-and-trade legislation.

The agency has long been a money
exchange for the Democratic Party
and its former head Franklin Raines
seems to have profited the most in his
short time there despite its role in the
housing and banking crash and the
funny money accounting on his watch.

Global Commie Corporate
Unionist Criminal Spend
& Tax Frenzy :

When revenues crashed,
congressional Democrats sent a
third of the money in their $862 billion
February 2009 stimulus package to
state and local governments.

The stated reason was to
prevent interruption of services.

The political motive was to maintain
existing state and local payrolls and
to keep the dues money flowing to the
public-employee unions that were so
generous to Democrats in the 2008

But that was one-time relief.
As New York's Democratic Lt. Gov.
Richard Ravitch notes,

"The stimulus package just raised higher
the cliff from which we all will have to
jump off."

Revenues still lag beneath
the trajectory of spending.

In 2005, California Gov.
Arnold Schwarzenegger backed
ballot propositions to reduce the
power of public-employee unions.

The unions spent something like $100
million -- every dollar ultimately provided
by taxpayers -- to drive Schwarzenegger's
numbers down and beat the propositions.

That came at a time
when surging prosperity
seemed likely to continue.

After losing on the ballot propositions,
Schwarzenegger was unable or unwilling
to stop the public-employee unions and
obedient legislators and local officials from
spending every dollar available
and many more.

After the financial crash in 2008,
revenues crashed, and California state
government faces something like insolvency

Global Commie Corporate
Unionist Criminals ;

Dirty Deeds Not Done Cheap ;

The City of Cambridge, MA
has published their Fiscal Year 2011
One-Year Action Plan , which lists 64
different government programs that
"the City of Cambridge anticipates
utilizing with HUD appropriated
funds" to address "the housing

Multiply the 15 state resources
by 50 states (750) and the 15 local
resources by the 273 municipalities
with more than 100,000 residents

That's a lot of SEIU assistant
administrators and diversity

HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan
boasts that "the proposed 2010
budget exercises strong fiscal discipline,
consolidating or eliminating 27 programs
and activities," a claim belied by the fact
that HUD's budget rose 10.8% in 2010,
from $41.8 billion to $46.3 billion.

One can argue that government should
get out of the housing industry altogether.

See, for example, Howard Husock's
book, America's Trillion Dollar Mistake :
The Failure of American Housing Policy.

But if the government is going to supply
"affordable" housing, why do we need to
address the problem in 64 different ways?

Global Commie Corporate
Unionist Criminal Race Players
Charge Their Critics With
Sedition :

For the past year,
the Obama administration, unable to
win arguments based on facts and merit,
has been moving to criminalize the political
opposition in an effort to artificially control
the debate.

First, the DHS published reports
classifying conservative viewpoints
as terroristic.

Then hate crimes legislation
was introduced to squash religious
speech regarding sexual deviancy.

And finally, Regulatory Commie
Czar Cass Sunstein claimed the power
to ban "falsehoods," an infraction Sunstein
in his infinite nonpartisan wisdom would
define and determine.

And now,
the ultimate political A-bomb
has been introduced into the public
discourse : the charge of sedition.

"Sedition" is a historically loaded word,
since it is primarily associated with the
jailing of political opponents and has
traditionally been hard to identify.

Those in power usually wield
the "sedition" slur as a bludgeon against
anyone who stands in the way of their
agenda, whatever that may be.

But due to the fact that so-called
sedition is so frequently associated
with issues of free speech, the Supreme
Court of the United States (SCOTUS)
has ruled numerous times that anti-sedition
laws are unconstitutional.

Translation :
Sedition is constitutional

Global Commie Corporate
Unionist Criminal Welfare
Taxpayer Handout Bill :

The country fears big government
a lot more than they fear big business ;

The financial regulation bill
is a disaster in three major respects :

1. It gives incentives for irresponsibility
by, in effect, guaranteeing banks' survival
by establishing a $50 billion rescue fund.

In doing so, it gives the large banks
a huge advantage and extends to them
the same kind of implicit guarantee that
once encouraged the likes of Freddie Mac
and Fannie Mae to go on their lending spree.

It is a key step in the conversion
of big banks into quasi-public institutions,
ultimately controlled by the government,
levers through which the public sector
can control the private.

2. By vesting the secretary
of the Treasury with the power to seize
- in a hostile takeover - any financial
institution he deems too big to fail, it puts
at risk of public takeover every
such company in the nation.

3. The newly established
Consumer Financial Protection Agency
will have the power to approve or reject
any loan instrument offered by any
company in the land.

Obama's power-grabs
have been so frequent and so blatant
that he has no credibility on this subject.

Voters expect him to be fighting
to grow government and to be hostile
to private enterprise.

And they are wise
to his close connection with Wall Street

Global Commie Corporate
Unionist Criminal Welfare
Taxpayer Handout
Ponzi Scheme :

The recent financial crisis
was to a large degree the result
of the housing crisis, which in turn
was the result of a reduction in the
value of homes from over inflated

Very basically,
mortgages were given to borrowers,
and then these mortgages were bundled
into "mortgage backed securities,"
leveraged sometimes more than thirty
times, and presented to investors as
relatively safe investments.

When more homeowners than usual
couldn't pay their mortgages to the
investors because they overpurchased,
the effect was significantly multiplied
by the leverage.

If only two percent of the mortgages
went to foreclosure, but the portfolio
of mortgage backed securities was
leveraged at thirty times, then the
effect would be a 60% loss.

These foreclosures became known
as toxic mortgages and were the
contagion by which the financial
crisis spread.

The above explanation
is dangerously simple but important
to touch on because to a large extent,
the government intervention in the market
directly caused this financial crisis through
at least three interventions

Global Commie Unionist Corporate
Criminal Global Warming Frauds :

The Global Warming alarmists
who want to wreck the world economy
over an illusory danger, have already
wrecked the finances of airlines and
stranded passengers over an illusory
danger, based on computer models
from the same UK bureaucrats.

The UK Met Office is responsible for
predicting that the ash cloud from the
Icelandic volcano would destroy
aircraft engines.

They were wrong, because their
computer models were wrong.

The Met Office and its faulty computer
models should not be allowed to destroy
the economies of the advanced countries.

This incident should increase public
skepticism over doomsday predictions
of the alarmists, which are all based on
computer models riddled with dubious

The havoc imposed on the airlines
and flying public is but a pale indicator
of the disruption and ruin that would be
caused by Cap and Trade, carbon credit
trading, and other schemes dreamed up
to prevent a disaster even more dubious
than the supposed ash cloud, now discredited

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

If Freedom Is Outlawed Only Outlaws Will Be Free ;

The Global Commie Corporate
Unionists Criminal Taxpayer
Handout Agendas Of The Week

The Communist Hell Care Coups

The Commie Energy and Environment Coups

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars & Frauds

Global Commie Corporate Unionists Criminals Trying To Control The Internet ;

Three major business trade groups
warned against Internet regulations
Monday, urging the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC)
to think twice before continuing its
pursuit of Commie net Commie

The FCC delayed the deadline
for Commie net neutrality reply
comments in light of the D.C.
Circuit's ruling that the FCC does
not have the authority to impose
broadband regulations.

The FCC will likely try to reclassify
broadband as a Title II service to
better fit the net Commie neutrality

"We support an open Internet
that benefits e-commerce,"
"But there's no market failure here"
to justify government intervention.

The Chamber also opposes any moves
to reclassify broadband under Tite II.

Fannie and Freddie
pose a political minefield
for Democrats who have
systematically blocked scrutiny
of lower lending standards at
the heart of the sub-prime
mortgage crisis.

The Dodd bill
up for cloture vote
today ignores Fannie and Freddie
reform completely, giving Republicans
a big wedge in the issue.

The two government-sponsored
enterprises (GSEs) have directly
cost taxpayers over $125 billion,
placing hundreds of billions
more tax dollars at risk.

"Together [Fannie and Freddie]
represent the two largest, most
influence-exerting, regulation-avoiding,
bailed-out institutions in America,"
Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas),
top Republican on the House
Financial Services Subcommittee
on Financial Institutions and
Consumer Credit, said in a
letter Friday to Senate

"The American people
are tired of paying for the
failures of others, and real
regulatory reform means that
there should be no more
government get out of jail
free cards for bad corporate
financial bets."

"The Democrats want
us to trust them on this one,"
said Senate Republican Leader
Mitch McConnell (D-Ky.) in a
speech from the Senate floor

"With all respect,
Americans aren't in a trusting mood at this point"

Global Commie Corporate
Unionists Criminals Spend
& Tax Agendas ;

Like most Obama initiatives,
the unionization agenda is counter
to reality.

Unions have been losing ground
in the private sector for forty years,
with membership today at only 7%
of workers in the private sector.

Obviously, unions are not popular
in the rank and file of workers.

Today, there is a rising percentage
of public-sector union workers
compared to a decline in
private-sector ones.

Obama is close to Andy Stern
of the Service Employees International
Union, who is charging ahead to force
union membership on every government
employee, especially health care workers
-- a goal the White House is pushing as
part of the "overhaul" of health care.

And state employees in non-union
states are seeking affiliation with the
SEIU, waiting for the big day when
they can contravene local statutes and
organize openly with full union recognition.

That day is here.
The Public Safety-Employer-Employee
Cooperation Act of 2009 passed the
House in 2009 but did not make it to
the Senate vote for various extraneous

But it's back,
and it will pass the House
and Senate in this session of
Congress, lifted by a Democrat
majority anxious to move on the
bill before November, when it appears
that the composition of both Houses
will change significantly.

The bill is alarming.
According to the National
League of Cities, the Act violates
the National Labor Relations Act
of 1934 that recognized the separation
of federal authority over collective
bargaining within the states.

The seventeen states
that prohibit unionization
of public-sector workers
will be invaded and held
hostage to a federal law
that tosses aside what's left
of the sanctity of states' rights
and allow policemen, firefighters,
parole and judicial officers, prison
guards, and medical technicians to
join a labor union.

Obviously, other local government
workers will demand the same right.

Before you can say Jimmy Hoffa,
unions will have penetrated the very
marrow of government services
everywhere -- with potentially
catastrophic results

Global Commie Corporate
Unionists Criminals Oppose
Anti Illegal Alien Law ;

The ink is barely dry
on Arizona's new immigration
control law and President Obama
has already threatened to take legal
action against the measure even though
it was adopted from the federal statute
that's rarely enforced.

Amid huge protests
and cries of racism from
the open-borders movement,
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer
signed the law (SB1070) that bans
"sanctuary city" policies and makes
it a state crime to be in the U.S.
without proper documentation.

Obama, who tried pressuring
Brewer into vetoing the law,
assures that it threatens civil rights
and undermines basic notions of
fairness and trust between police
and their communities.

The commander-in-chief
has ordered the Department
of Justice to challenge its legality
and vows to "closely monitor the
situation" and examine the legislation's
civil rights implications.

The law marks
an unprecedented effort by a state
to take immigration matters into its
own hands since immigration offenses
are currently violations of federal law

But lawmakers in Arizona are fed up
with the enormous toll that hundreds
of thousands of illegal aliens are having
on their state as the feds sit idly by and
fail to secure the southern border

In a disgraceful waste
of tax dollars, a community
group that assists illegal immigrants
in the U.S. and helps them evade arrest
has received $100,000 from a county
that ironically has increased immigration
enforcement in the last year.

The public funds
went to Progreso Hispano,
a nonprofit in Fairfax Virginia
that proudly helps illegal aliens
and aims to empower them and
improve the quality of their lives
and communities.

The charity also counsels
illegal immigrants who get
arrested and offers a handy
guide for "undocumented"
residents dealing with federal

Progreso Hispano openly advices
the area's illegal aliens to refrain
from providing government officials
with information about their immigration
status, not to carry papers from another
country, not to open the door if authorities
come to their home, not to run and to
sway co-workers to collectively remain
silent and ask for an attorney in the event
of an immigration raid

In a flagrant example
of pay-to-play politics,
the president of a company
that helped House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi and her banker
husband make millions of dollars
has been awarded a prestigious
foreign ambassadorship.

Foreign ambassadors are appointed
by the president and it's quite common
that the coveted positions go to big
donors and fundraisers.

Barack Obama has stuck to the script
of most presidents-both Democrat
and Republican-by appointing more
than two dozen major fundraisers from
his 2008 campaign to ambassadorships.

The new U.S. ambassador to Hungary
(Eleni Tsakopoulos-Kounalakis) sticks
out because she's not an Obama fundraiser
but rather a renowned Hillary Clinton
"bundler" who raised more than $1 million
for the former New York senator's various
political campaigns.

She was even crowned a "Hillraiser"
because she gathered at least $100,000
for Clinton's failed presidential run.

also has very strong ties to Pelosi
and her wealthy banker hubby, a
connection that may have bought her
the ambassadorship, according to
information published in a news report
this week.

Paul Pelosi and the new ambassador's
father (Angelo Tsakopoulos) have been
tight for two decades and their business
deals have netted hefty sums for the Pelosis
who are worth more than $31 million

Global Commie Corporate
Unionists Criminals Having Their Way
With We The People ;

The Second Plank
of the Communist Manifesto,
written by Karl Marx and Frederick
Engels, calls for "A heavy progressive
or graduated income tax."

It seems the farther we move away
from the enlightened guidance of our
founders, the closer we get to a new
world order where the masses are
controlled by the elite few

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Global Commie Corporate Unionists Hell Care Coup ;

The 'health' 'care' 'debate'
has shown that many
Commies in Congress
do not always vote
in favor of what is
best for their 'constituents'.

Families, specifically,
will suffer many negative
repercussions from the
'passage' of the Commie
'health' 'care' 'bill'.

The immense impact
that the Commie Patient
Protection and Commie
Affordable Care Act
(PPACA) will have on
families by decreasing
family choice, undermining
the role of parents, penalizing
marriage, and undercutting
freedom of conscience.

- More Families Covered but Less Family Choice

- Undermining the Role of Parents

- Penalizing Marriage

- Undercutting Freedom of Conscience

The Communist Hell Care Coups

The Commie Energy and Environment Coups

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Corporate Unionist Ponzi Schemes,
Lies, Liars & Frauds

Global Commie Corporate Unionists Denounce New Anti Illegal Alien Law ;

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer signed
legislation Friday that allows police to
stop and question anyone they believe
may be in the country illegally.

Brewer's signature immediately set off
a firestorm of criticism from Hispanic
groups, who say the new law will
infringe upon the civil liberties of
people who are citizens of the United
States or who are in the country legally.

Phoenix's Democratic mayor has
threatened to sue the state, and other
groups are looking at economic
boycotts of Arizona.

Hours before Brewer offered her
signature, Obama criticized the effort
as "misguided" and said it "threatened
to undermine basic notions of fairness
that we cherish as Americans, as well
as the trust between police and their
communities that is so crucial to
keeping us safe."

McCain has twice been involved in
legislative efforts to boost border
security while creating a path to
citizenship for illegal immigrants, but
has taken a hard turn this year and is
talking almost exclusively about

The reason is the tough primary
challenge from former Rep. J.D.
Hayworth, who on Friday criticized
McCain in his own reaction to
Brewer's decision.

"As John McCain and others serving
in Washington have alternated between
inaction and amnesty, Arizona acted
decisively today to enforce the rule of
law and truly secure our border,"
Hayworth said in the statement.

The fight in Arizona seems likely to put
immigration reform on the Senate's
agenda, though it is unclear if any
legislation can make it through the
chamber as both parties eye
the 2010 midterm elections

The Global Commie
Wall Street Commie
Taxpayer Handout
Bailout Commie
'Bill' Update ;

The sole woman on the Senate
Banking committee said Saturday that
the GOP "will stand firm against a
partisan bill that exposes ordinary
taxpayers to future bailouts or favors
big companies over community banks
across America."

Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas),
delivering the weekly Republican
address, accused Democrats of forcing
the healthcare reform bill on the public
despite "overwhelming" opposition,
adding, "The tactics the Democratic
leadership used to pass the healthcare
bill must not be repeated."

Hutchison said that while both parties
'agree' that no company should be
deemed "too big to fail," Democrats
pushed a bill through the Banking
panel that doesn't stop future bailouts

Global Commies Outraged
Over New Anti Illegal Alien Law ;

Threats to lawmakers that followed
the passage of sweeping healthcare
reform legislation last month have
resurfaced with the immigration debate,
as a new threat made against an Arizona
congressman closed down offices.

A man Friday made death threats
against staff working in Rep. Raul
Grijalva's (D-Ariz.) Tuscon office,
forcing both of his home state offices
to shut down hours earlier than expected.

The threats were made over a
controversial immigration law passed
by Arizona's state legislature this week
and signed Friday by Gov.
Jan Brewer (R).

The new law allows Arizona state police
to check people's identification to see
if they are illegal immigrants.

The bill has stirred criticism, including
from Grijalva, who says that the bill is
discriminatory toward Latinos.

President Barack Obama criticized the
bill Friday afternoon at a naturalization
ceremony for American military service
members, calling it "misguided" and urging
Congress to take up comprehensive
immigration reform legislation.

"The recent efforts in Arizona ... threaten
to undermine basic notions of fairness that
we cherish as Americans as well as the
trust in police and their communities that
are so crucial to keeping us safe,"
Obama said.

The threat is a reminder that the
immigration debate could be shaping up
to be just as contentious as the healthcare
reform debate that took place over the
past year.

Grijalva, who is chairman of the
Congressional Progressive Caucus, is
one of the first whose office has received
threats, though he has not been alone and
the reported threats have gone to staffers
in both parties.

One man called Grijalva's Tucson
office twice and said he would
"blow everyone's brains out,"

The US Global Commie
Unionist Budget Blueprint Will Add
AT LEAST a Trillion to the
deficit ;

A proposed Senate budget blueprint
will add nearly $1 trillion to the deficit
over the next five years, Sen. Russ
Feingold (D-Wis.) said Friday.

The lone Democrat to vote against the
budget resolution proposed by Senate
Budget Committee Chairman Kent
Conrad (D-N.D.), Feingold said the
plan "simply does not go far enough
to put our fiscal house back in order."

The senator also said the budget plan
for fiscal 2011 weakens the Senate
pay-as-you-go rules because it will
allow new tax and entitlement spending
that could add nearly $2 trillion
to the budget deficits

Will Global Commie Corporate Unionists Make Puerto Rico the 51st of the United States ?

Next week
the House of Representatives will vote
on H.R. 2499, the Puerto Rico Democracy
Act, which gives the people of Puerto
Rico the opportunity to vote on their
political future including the possibility
of becoming America's 51st state.

Officially, the bill would create a
two-step voting process where the
people of Puerto Rico would vote to
either maintain the status quo or select
a different political status.

If a different political status is desired
by the majority of the electorate, Puerto
Ricans would have three options :
independence, free association with
the U.S., or full statehood.

The bottom line is
that there are many questions that
have not been answered, and there
are a great many implications that aren't
being considered or even discussed.

Congress owes it to the citizens of the
50 states and to the people of Puerto
Rico to have a full, open debate and
resolve these questions before voting
on this bill.

If this doesn't happen,
then Representatives should vote NO

Global Commie Corporate Unionist
Hell Care Costs Will Increase ;

Those vulnerable Democrats whose
votes for health care reform were
predicated on the conceit that it would
not add to the nation's bloated deficit
have today found themselves in a
precarious position, as a new report by
federal regulators indicated the health
care remake will add $311* billion to
the national deficit over the next ten years.

A report released Thursday by
economic experts at the Department
of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
found the new legislation would add
34 million uninsured Americans to the
coverage rolls, but at a significant cost
- one that neither the president nor
his party anticipated as they approach
the midterm elections.

"We estimate that overall national health
expenditures under the health reform act
would increase by a total of $311 billion
(0.9 percent) during the calendar years
2010-2019," the report, authored by the
chief actuary for the Centers for Medicare
and Medicaid Services, read. "Although
several provisions would help to reduce
health cares volting growth, their impact
would be more than offset through 2019
by the higher health expenditures resulting
from coverage expansions."

The memorandum also warned the
spending hike associated with the
legislation may be understated, since
the cuts in Medicare may be
untenable and impractical

Repeal :
The Global Commie
Corporate Unionist
Value Added Tax ;

Put simply, a VAT is a
European-style sales tax.

It's assessed on the profits generated
at every stage of production (raw
material, manufacturer, wholesaler,
retailer, etc.), so there is constant
reporting and payment.

As such, it's an extremely efficient
money machine for big government.

The VAT is embedded inside the
price of a good (as opposed to the
U.S., where sales tax is transparent
and on top of the price).

As such, people forget they pay it,
and European governments have found
it too easy to raise the tax repeatedly
over time.

Don't believe any claims that a VAT
will lower your income taxes or
otherwise decrease the money you
give to Uncle Sam.

Just look at the European example.

At the same time as the VAT grew
and grew in Europe, the tax burden
also grew.

According to Dan Mitchell of the
Cato Institute, the U.S. and Europe
each collected about 27 cents in taxes
for every $1.00 of economic output in
the 1960s.

The U.S. still does.

Europe, however, has seen its tax
burden jump from an average of 27%
then to an average of 40% today.

Other taxes grew, not shrank

Global Commie Corporate Unionist
Earmarks & Lobbying
Addressed ;

Senate Republicans have discussed
putting greater scrutiny on lobbying
activities focused on the Obama

The move would shift some attention
away from the question of freezing
congressional earmarks, an issue
that has divided the Senate GOP.

The subject came up during a
closed-door meeting of the Senate
Republican conference last month,
when lawmakers debated without
conclusion whether to adopt a
one-year moratorium on

"We've taken a lot of steps to clean
up the specific appropriations process
in the Congress; we need to take some
steps to ensure we do with the same
with executive branch appropriations
or earmarks," said Sen. Lamar
Alexander (R-Tenn.), chairman
of the Senate GOP conference.

"Lobbyists can go to agencies as well
as to members of Congress," Alexander
said. "It is right to break the connection
between lobbying and earmarks in

It would be just as right to break it if
it exists between lobbyists
and the executive branch."

Global Commie Corporate Unionist Value Added Tax ;

To fund his reordering of power
in the midst of a steep economic
downturn, Obama has signed into
law 25 tax increases totaling $670
billion over the next ten years,
according to a report issued by the
House Ways and Means Committee.

And Paul Volcker and Nancy Pelosi
-- reacting to the reality that increased
income taxes cannot save the country
from going broke -- are pushing a
Value Added Tax, the most pernicious
of levies that will empower the IRS to
enter places of business unannounced
to demand records and enforce

Accompanying the crescendo of taxes,
edicts, and thinly disguised manifestos
is an undertow of societal tectonics
that will rearrange the free-market
system beyond our ability to salvage it.

The steady advance of unionization in
the public sector under Obama -- and
the use of federal power to increase
organized labor in the private sector --
is leading the U.S. to the edge of
syndicalism, the takeover of capitalism
by unions for the purpose of political control

Global Commie Corporate
Unionist Earthday :

The Commie 'need'
to set a Commie framework
for a Commie green Commie
economy ;

The speech is perfectly
planned to kick off debate on
the Energy/Cap-and-Trade Bill in the
Senate .

The American Clean Energy and
Security Act passed by the House
proposes green economic schemes
that should frighten us greatly.

For example, buried on pages
1014-1016 of the bill is the
"Monthly Energy Refund."

According to this trick, for those with
a gross income that "does not exceed
150 percent of the poverty line ... a
direct deposit" of an undisclosed amount
of money will be sent "into the eligible
household's designated bank account[.]"

On pages 502-503 we find the
"Low Income Community Energy
Efficiency Program," whereby grants
will be issued "to increase the flow of
capital and benefits to low income
communities, minority-owned and
woman-owned businesses
and entrepreneurs[.]"

Further proving that this is actually a
welfare scheme, on page 973 we
discover that for workers who lose
their manufacturing jobs because the
caps on their companies are too
repressive and their employer either
has to shut down or move operations
to the third world to avoid regulation,
the "adversely affected worker" shall
receive 70 percent of his prior weekly
wage, "payable for a period not longer
than 156 weeks."

In addition, on pages 986-987 we read
that the unemployed worker can submit
up to $1,500 in job search reimbursements
and get another $1,500 to cover his
moving expenses

Arizona push's back against
the Commie Peril of Illegal
Aliens ;

You can dress your opposition to the
new Arizona immigration law up any
way you want to, but if you're so all
fired concerned about it, I suggest you
move to the border towns that are under
virtual siege by drug gangs and do your
protesting there.

The number of kidnappings and murders
related to illegal crossings of the border
have skyrocketed and the feds act
powerless to stop it.

It is a tough law for tough times, and
under 'ordinary' 'circumstances', would
be seen as "draconian."

But given the fact that it 'is' 'impossible' to
delineate where the US border ends and
where Mexico's begins in many places in
that state, the right of sovereignty
should rule.

Yet the law basically calls
for enforcement of existing statutes :

While police demands of documents
are common on subways, highways
and in public places in some countries,
including France, Arizona is the first state
to demand that immigrants meet federal
requirements to carry identity documents
legitimizing their presence on American soil

Global Commie Corporate Unionist
Voter Fraud In Wisconsin ;

An attempt to hijack the state's election
laws and open the door for voter fraud
failed at the last minute this week in
Wisconsin's legislature.

But threats to ballot integrity continue
in other states, and Congress may rush
to pass ill-conceived legislation this year
that would only sow confusion and increase
the potential for chaos on a national level.

Wisconsin's story shows
how high the stakes are.

Late in March, a 72-page bill was
suddenly introduced and rushed forward
with only abbreviated hearings.

The bill would have given
"nationally recognized" community
organizing groups access to the state
driver's license database to encourage
voter turnout.

After the infamous registration scandals
involving Acorn in 2008, this was clearly
a strange priority.

Requests for an absentee ballot in a
single election would also become
permanent (without requiring a
legitimate reason, such as infirmity),
and the ballots would be automatically
mailed out in future elections.

Coercion and chicanery are made much
easier by the excessive use
of absentee ballots.

Most of the elections thrown out
by courts-Miami, Florida's mayoral
election in 1998, the East Chicago,
Indiana's mayor's race in 2005-involved
fraudulent absentee votes

Global Commie Corporate Unionist Taxpayer Handout Bailout Commie Welfare Affirmative Action ;

They Seek To Plunder
Our Country, Land
& People :

Commie 'Obama'
is in high dudgeon
because his Commie
advisers claim derivatives
caused the 2008 financial crisis.

The problem is this Commie
claim is false, and the proposals
Commie 'Obama' offers would
make future crises in the derivatives
market more rather than less likely.

Commie 'Obama'
wants to play this as
Wall Street versus Main Street.

But whatever problems
may exist on Wall Street,
giving Commie bureaucrats
in Washington more Commie
power to meddle won't fix them.

We could just let bankers roast,
except that derivatives are useful
in holding down prices of everyday
items like food, clothing, and fuel
and in managing financial transactions
such as credit cards, consumer loans
and home mortgages.

Commie 'Obama'
is attacking Wall Street,
but it is consumers who
will be stuck with
the Commie bill

Conservatives say the Commie
Dodd Taxpayer Finance Commie
Handout 'Bill' means Wall Street
Commie Bailouts Forever.

Commie Progressives
say the Commie Dodd
Commie 'bill' "makes
bailouts impossible."
Who's right ?

A Commie
'bankruptcy-like' Commie
regime where equityholders
will be wiped out and the
assets will be sold

Believe it or not,
there is currently no
Commie death tax.

The 2001 and 2003 tax
cuts repealed it but because
of budgetary quirks the Commie
death tax remains dead only
through the end of this year.

And because 'Congress'
is itching for any Commie
revenue it can get its hands
on, most regretfully expect the
Commie death tax to come back
to life sometime soon.

That is unless Congress
can be persuaded to do the right
thing and abolish the Commie
death tax once and for all

By 51% to 40%,
a majority of Americans
say they want less Commie
government control.

And we
haven't even
mentioned the Commie
'President''s Commie
'health' 'care' 'plan' yet.

The Commie 'President''s
Commie 'health' 'care' plan
has only gotten less popular
since it 'became' 'law'

Under the Commie 'president''s
'law', the Commie congressionally
designed Commie exchanges are
a Commie tool imposed on the
states enabling the Commie federal
government to Commie standardize
and Commie micromanage health
insurance coverage, while
Commie administering a vast
and unaffordable new Commie
entitlement program.

This is a vehicle for Commie
federal control of state markets,
a usurpation of state authority
and the suppression of meaningful
patient choice.

This crushing of state
innovation is repugnant.

This Commie 'law'
constitutes a massive
alteration of the constitutional
balance of power between the
federal government and the states,
and strikes at the heart of
American federalism.

The American people
soundly reject the Commie
'President's push to turn
our country into a European
Commie social welfare state.

The Global Commie Corporate Unionist Taxpayer Handout Bailout 'Bill' ;

Sen. Scott Brown
(R-Mass.) has said
that he would join the
rest of his Republican
caucus to block the
fatally-flawed Commie
'bill' the Commie Democrats
are trying to shove through
Congress to "reform"
the banking system.

"There are a lot
of Commie things
in the Commie [Sen. Chris]
Dodd Commie 'bill' that
are just bad," Brown said.
"The Commie 'bill' is not
a good bill, period."

Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.),
the Senate's leading climate
skeptic, said Thursday that
upcoming Commie climate
change legislation has so little
political traction that it would
only garner 26 Senate votes.

"I know we can beat it,"
Inhofe said adding,
"I can assure you,
I don't think they
have more than 25
votes on the Commie
Democrats' side, and
if you throw Commie
RINO Lindsey Graham
[R] in there, that would
be 26 votes."

South Carolina's Commie
Graham - along with Commie
Sens. John Kerry (D-Mass.) and
Commie Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.)
- intend to roll out broad Commie
climate and energy legislation

Senate Commie Democrats
plan to forge ahead with a Commie
Wall Street Commie 'reform' 'bill'
this week, despite unified opposition
from Senate Republicans.

A Democratic aide
predicted that Commie
'lawmakers' could 'vote'
on a 'motion' to 'proceed'
to the Commie 'bill' as soon
as Wednesday and as late
as Friday.

Forty-one Republican
senators signed and released
a letter Friday announcing their
opposition to the Commie 'reform'
'bill' crafted by Commie Senate
Commie Banking Committee
Chairman Commie Chris Dodd

"We are united
in our opposition
to the Commie partisan
legislation reported by the
Commie Senate Banking
Committee," the lawmakers
wrote in the letter to Commie
Senate Majority Leader
Commie Harry Reid (D-Nev.).

Even so, Commie Dodd
is "very eager to have a
public debate on these
issues," said a Commie
Banking Committee

The Commie panel
filed its Commie 'bill'
on Thursday evening.

The 'most' controversial
element of the Commie 'bill'
is a $50 billion Commie fund
- that would be supplied by
Commie financial institutions
- to provide for the orderly
Commie liquidation of troubled
Commie banks posing systemic
risk to the Commie markets.

Senate Republican Leader
Mitch McConnell has argued
that such a fund could lead to
future taxpayer-supported
Commie bailouts because of
provisions empowering Commie
federal officials to keep an ailing
Commie bank on life support

Undermining access
to abundant conventional
energy sources has proved
to be a key component of
Commie 'Obama''s promised
"fundamental Commie transformation"
of America.

"Under my plan of a Commie
cap-and-trade system electricity
rates would necessarily skyrocket."

This interview
received limited
coverage despite
also revealing plans
to "bankrupt" politically
disfavored industry while
also raising "billions
of Commie dollars."

Now, as the Commie Senate
prepares to debate the latest
mislabeled "comprehensive
energy legislation," and amid
the unfolding revolt over the
realities of this fundamental
Commie transformation, such
Commie radical propositions
warrant revisiting

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Lovable Tea Parties Continue To Crash The Satanic Commie Global World Order ;

At a press conference in Washington,
the Tea Party Express named its favorite
lawmakers and candidates, as well as
those officeholders they most
want to see removed.

"It's a combination
of rewarding our friends
and punishing our enemies,"
said Sal Russo, chief strategist
for the Tea Party Express.

"We're only in races where
we think we can make a difference."

The Tea Party Express
endorsed a slate of Republican
Senate candidates, many of whom
have already established themselves
as conservative darlings.

Finally, the group endorsed
a slate of its favorite lawmakers,
including one Democrat.

"We have to be effective
and influential within both
political parties," Russo said.

"We have to reward
some Democrats that
have been willing to stand
with us on the tough issues"

Who Pays For Every Great
& Small Commie Thing That
Commie Government Does ?

The Taxpayer :

Repeal Commie FCC Policies ;

Is the Commie Federal
Communications Commission
building a case for Commie
government-subsidized news?

It's not hard to imagine
that will be the Commie outcome
of the Commie Commission's
"Future of Media" inquiry.

The digital age
has produced a "democratic shortfall,"
according to one source cited in the
Commie inquiry's public notice.

Another Commie scholar
working on the Commie project
for the Commie FCC has said that
today's media abundance calls for
Commie "public media entities" that
will serve "as both a Commie filter
to reduce information overload and
a Commie megaphone to give
Commie voice to the Commies

In other words,
a free marketplace of ideas
isn't good enough for some.

They want the Commie
government to pick winners
and losers-as long as the Commie
winners express views with which they
happen to agree.

Care to guess
which views those will be?

The 'justifications' for a Commie
government role in controlling content
are ever shifting.

Once, alleged Commie scarcity
was the reason that the Commie FCC
could impose the Commie 'fairness'
'doctrine' on radio without running
afoul of the First Amendment.

(See, for instance, the Supreme
Court's 1969 Red Lion decision.)

Now it's not scarcity but abundance
that Commie government is supposed
to fix by acting as a Commie filter.

Meanwhile, the Commie FCC
has no problem telling private industry
that filtering Commie content is a no-no.

Internet service providers from
discriminating among sources or kinds
of content is the intent of the Commission's
push for Commie net neutrality.

Repeal Commie Finance Bills ;

Commie Treasury Secretary
Commie Timothy Geithner stumps
for Commie Sen. Chris Dodd's (D-CT)
Commie 'finance' 'reform' 'bill' :

Excuse us
if we don't take the Commie Secretary
of Commie 'Wall Street' 'Bailouts''
word on this.

What the Commie Dodd 'bill'
actually does is create a new $50 billion
Commie fund to be used in Commie
"emergencies" for restructuring Commie
firms deemed too close to bankruptcy.

And who gets to decide
when there is an emergency
and which firms are too close
to bankruptcy?

You guessed it :
Commie Treasury Secretary Commie
Timothy Geithner.

The Commie Dodd 'bill'
is thus nothing less a permanent
extension of Commie Secretary
Commie Geithner's Commie TARP

A better solution
for the Commie "too big to fail"
problem are bankruptcy courts

Global Commies Are Not Too Big To Fail :

Repeal Commie Bailouts ;

A recent GAO report warns
that Commie GM and Commie
Chrysler may need even more
taxpayer money.

This comes after Commie GM
and Chrysler received the overwhelming
bulk of an $81 billion Commie auto bailout
under Commie TARP.

Should these Commie companies
continue to face losses, GAO estimates
that for years 2013 and 2014 Commie
pension liabilities could cost Commies
GM over $12 billion, and Chrysler over
$2 billion, to combine for "about $14.5
billion" picked up by taxpayer PBGC.

And that's only by year 2014.
It's likely taxpayer money will
be needed for future years.

In other words, another Commie
bailout is all but inevitable, the only
question is whether taxpayers will take
the hit through Commie TARP
or through the Commie PBGC.

Considering the Commie 'Obama'
administration's Commie big labor
ties, expect the PBGC to take the hit

Repeal Commie Labor Unions :

Commie Andy Stern's access
to Commie 'President' 'Obama'
has already paid huge Commie dividends
including : an $862 billion Commie stimulus
that prevented states from having to
cut-back Commie government union jobs
or wages ; $2.5 trillion in new Commie
government 'health' 'care' spending, much
of which will go to Commie unionized 'health'
'care' 'providers' ; and the Commie appointment
of Commie SEIU associate general counsel
Commie Craig Becker to the Commie
National Labor Relations Board.

The Commie SEIU under Commie
Stern's tenure is "the nation's most
politically active Commie union, with
1.9 million members."

The Commie
marriage of Commie politics
to Commie union organizing has been
great for Commie SEIU membership,
making it the fastest-growing Commie
union in America.

But what has been great for Commie SEIU's
Commie membership rolls has not been good
for the Commie SEIU's bottom line.

Growing Commie union membership
through Commie politics is expensive.

As recently as 2002, total Commie SEIU
liabilities were about $8 million.

But by 2008, the Commie union owed
more than $156 million, a 30% increase
over the $120 million it owed in 2007.

And make no mistake, Commies lobbying
government is where Commie Stern believes
the future of Commie SEIU is.

After Commie 'President' 'Obama's'
'election', Commie SEIU fired 75 national
Commie field staff and organizers so that
the Commie SEIU could "reallocate
Commie resources . to lobbying
and communications in Washington."

Taking a more critical look at Commie
SEIU's recent Commie growth, it is
reported that : "some of its biggest
Commie gains in recent years were
less the result of shoe-leather organizing
and more the result of Commie deals
with major Commie employers or Commie
politicians - including former Illinois Gov.
Commie Rod Blagojevich."

Specifically, Commie Blagojevich signed
a state Commie 'law' handing over 49,000
state child care workers to Commie SEIU
local 880, which is run by the notorious
Commie community organizing group
Commie ACORN.

The Commie deal nearly tripled Commie
SEIU 880's income from $7 million
in 2005 to $21 million in 2007.

This came after Commie SEIU's Illinois
Commie Political Action Committee gave
Commie Gov. Blagojevich $908,000,
making it the single largest Commie
campaign contributor for his Commie
re-election campaign.

It is no coincidence that under Commie
Stern's tenure the number of Commie
government union members surpassed
the number of private sector Commie
union members for the first
time in our nation's history

Rather than create
new entitlement programs
and expand old ones, Congress
would have done better to try to
fix the numerous problems in existing
programs and cut federal spending.

True reform
would have made systemic changes
to Medicare and Medicaid that would
make them financially viable.

Instead, the programs'
fiscal woes will only get far worse

Commie 'policies'
'put' 'in' 'place' to address
Commie climate change and
'reduce' 'carbon' 'dioxide' are
not only costly but difficult to repeal.

Commie Ethanol
has turned out to be a bust
(both economically and environmentally)
but is as yet nowhere close to being

Billions of dollars
have been spent by our Commie
federal government in the name of
fighting global warming.

This Commie Created
problem becomes much
more costly when you consider
the economic effects of Commie
cap and trade and Commie
Environmental Commie Protection
Agency regulations to 'cap' 'carbon'
'dioxide' 'emissions'.

Even if 'we' 'had'
'implemented' Commie
'policies' to 'cool' the planet
in the 1970s, we would 'most'
'likely' 'still' 'be' 'coping' 'with'
Commie 'warming' and 'cooling' 'policies'

More Global Commie Union Global Commie
United Nations Global Commie Garbage
In The Works ;

Commie United Nations
Commie Secretary-General
Commie Ban Ki-moon is never
afraid to make Commie headlines
when it comes to his Commie stance
on Commie climate change.

In 2007 he likened the Commie
war on Commie climate change
to actual war saying, ""The majority
of the Commie United Nations Commie
work still focuses on 'preventing' and
'ending' 'conflict'.

But the 'danger' 'posed' by 'war'
to all of Commie humanity and to
'our' planet is at least matched by
the Commie climate 'crisis' and
Commie 'global' 'warming'."

More recently,
in defense of his Commie position
after Climategate, he emphasized,
"Commie Climate change is happening
much, much faster than we realized and
'we' human beings are the primary cause."

Now Mr. Ban
is using natural resource depletion,
specifically water, as a Commie motive
to reach a Commie 'global' 'accord' to
cut Commie carbon dioxide emissions.

At a speech
to the Commie Organization
for Commie Security and Commie
Cooperation (OSCE) he said, We
Commies 'need' to work together,
with full Commie political engagement,
to bring the various Commie parties to
the Commie negotiating table, before
Commie 'tensions' 'grow' 'worse'."

Commie Ban also addressed
Commie disarmament and Commie
non-proliferation issues in the speech.

In some respects, Commie Ban's
simply throwing things at the wall
and hoping something sticks so he
can claim a scalp.

But the Commie remarks
are also clearly intended to
provide new Commie 'justification'
for why the Commie UN led Commie
climate negotiations should proceed
despite a series of embarrassing scandals
over the past few months that have led
many to challenge the Commie UN's
Commie leadership role in Commie
negotiations on Commie climate change.

Recent Attempts
by the Commie UN to agree
on a plan to reduce Commie
'greenhouse' 'gas' 'emissions'
and 'protect' 'developing' 'countries'
have failed ; in fact, most considered
Commie Copenhagen a downright

'Natural' 'resource' 'depletion'
should not be used as an excuse
for the Commie UN to try again.

As Ban attempts to build
Commie momentum for this year's
Commie climate summit in Cancun,
Mexico, it's important to remember
the Commie debacle that was

This is nothing more
than the Commie U.N.
& Commie Ban trying to stay relevant.

The price of oil
is just one of many variables
that can help or hurt the economy,
but the consensus is rising prices
will inflict economic pain.

Yet Commie Congress
and the Commie 'Obama'
administration have more interest
in raising energy prices than increasing
supply to lower them.

The Commie 'president's'
phantom offshore drilling
announcement in effect closes
more than opens opportunities
for oil and gas exploration.

Commie Carbon dioxide
regulations proposed by Commie
Members of Congress and the Commie
Environmental Protection Agency would
put upward pressure on oil prices.

A Harvard's Belfer Center
for Science and International Affairs
study found that gasoline prices would
need to hit seven dollars a gallon to meet
the Commie administration's Commie
carbon cuts in the transportation sector.

Higher gas prices
lower employment, income,
and spending, and Americans
will have to dip into their savings
to pay for higher gas prices.

If gasoline prices were to increase
by two dollars per gallon over the
course of a year, employment would
fall by 2.1 million jobs.

Whether you are bullish or bearish
on the prospects of an economic
recovery, one thing's for certain :
Commie action to curb CO2
Commie 'emissions' and thus
raise energy prices won't help

The Communist Hell Care Coups

The Commie Energy and Environment Coups

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds

Satanic Global Commies Attacking The 1st Amendment Again ;

For those who aspire
to tyranny, those who seek
to control and dictate to the
people, to undermine and limit
the people's freedoms, to expand
their own power at the expense of
the people's liberties -- in a word,
those whose ambitions and
machinations cannot stand the
light of day among a free people
-- an uncontrolled, free internet is
an intolerable obstacle and threat.

As surely a these ambitious
Commie people will work and
are working to deprive the people
of their firearms -- the people's
ultimate means to resist government
tyranny -- they will work, they must
work, to deprive them of the free
flow of information.

The free flow
of information
is essential to liberty.

The power to control
and limit the flow of
information is essential
to tyranny.

The Chinese government's
efforts to control their people's
access to information via the
internet are well-known.

Now the British Parliament,
under cloak of darkness, have
passed an internet censorship bill.

In the U.S.,
the Commie Cybersecurity
Act of 2009 is working its
way through Congress.

An Electronic Frontier Foundation
commentary on the bill makes the
following observation :

Essentially, the Commie Act
would federalize critical
infrastructure security.

Since many of our critical
infrastructure systems (banks,
telecommunications, energy) are
in the hands of the private sector,
the Commie 'bill' would create a
major shift of power away from
users and companies to the
Commie federal government.

This is a potentially
dangerous approach
that favors the dramatic
over the sober response.

Buried deep in the Commie
bowels of the Act is the
following provision :

The President ... may
declare a cybersecurity
emergency and order the
limitation or shutdown of
Internet traffic to and from
any compromised Federal
Government or United States
Critical infrastructure information
system or network [emphasis mine]

The Commie progressives
have been able to gradually
push their agenda forward
because they have controlled
the terms of the debate.

By "terms" I mean both
the rules and the language.

The most potent weapon
in their arsenal has been
propaganda in the form of
Commie political correctness.

They have wielded it
with deadly accuracy
for years, and it is even
more potent now that 'we'
have a Commie 'president'
who identifies himself as a
'racial minority'.

In reality,
political correctness is less
about race than it is about
controlling public perception

The enacting legislation
of Commie ObamaCare
creates a Commie Disney
World for Commie
micro-managers and
other assorted Commie scolds.

But in Title V of the Commie
'bill', we find the key to the
Commie Magic Kingdom,
or at least the Commie
kingdom's treasury.

Under the heading
of Commie "Health Care
Workforce," this section lays
out the Commie infrastructure
for a Commie single-payer system,
while plowing fertile ground for a
perpetual Commie left-wing voting

Across the country,
public employee unions
(think teacher, fire, and police)
have wrangled overly generous
contracts for their members, and
in some cases, even bankrupted
the municipalities they serve.

Sadly, it appears
that the new Commie paradigm
of the American dream involves
gaining hire with some Commie
agency of government, with
Commie mandatory membership
in a Commie government
employees union.

The Commie union
supports a sufficiently
invertebrate Commie
politician for election
and in return receives
ever more generous
Commie benefits.

It is this Commie cycle
that is stretched to mammoth
Commie proportions by the
Commie provisions of Title V

Do we want a nation of laws.

Or do we want a Commie
nation of entitlements and
special interests :

A Commie nanny state

Oppose Protest Resist Defy Defeat & Expose :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds

Tea Parties Rally Against The Satanic Global Commie World Order ;

One of the popular signs
spotted at Tea Party protests
across the country over the past
year goes like this :

"It doesn't matter
what this sign says.
You'll call it racism, anyway!"

It's a pithy,
perfect rejoinder to the fusillade
of attacks that limited-government
activists have weathered from their
Commie Democratic detractors and
a hostile Commie national media.

Committed Commie Alinsky-ites
never let reality get in the way
of a good Tea Party-bashing narrative

Staking out a tough stance
against Commie illegal immigration
and border security is practically
the price of admission in many of
the 2010 Republican primary races.

Interest in the issue
has benefited from
the surge of Tea Party
activists now infiltrating the
state and local Republican
Party structures.

The result
is a rash of GOP primary
dogfights in which staunch
border-security advocates
showcase their credentials,
while those with shakier records
scramble to establish their bona fides

Commie General Electric :

The Commie 'Obama'
administration has come
under scrutiny for its ties
to several large corporations,
including the auto industry giants
Commies General Motors
and Chrysler, whose Commie
'bailout' it engineered last spring.

But one corporate Commie
connection has not received
similar scrutiny.

Since 2008, Commie
General Electric has been
cozying up to the Commie
'Obama' administration.

The Commie relationship
is sure to result in Commie
financial gain for Commie GE,
while likely granting the Commie
company greater access and influence.

The Commie arrangements
set forth are legal, but the potential
impact the interconnections may have
- and the blatant kickbacks that have
been offered - should alarm Americans

Commie Shariah Finance

Protest Resist Defy Defeat Expose & Oppose :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds

Global Corporate Communisim :

Repeal : The Global Commie
Financial Taxpayer Handout Bill ;

The Global Commie 'Government'
Wants the Banks To Participate
In More Of Its Commie Welfare
Frauds at Taxpayer Expense :

Senate Republican Leader
Mitch McConnell (Ky.)
described Commie Democrats'
Commie liquidation fund as a
back door for taxpayer bailouts.

That earned him the ire
of Commie Senate Banking
Chairman Commie Chris Dodd
(D-Conn.), who railed on McConnell
during a Senate floor speech.

Commie 'President' 'Obama'
later slammed the Senate GOP
leader stressing he and other GOP
leaders were standing "against
common sense reforms
that we've proposed."

But McConnell fired back,
noting that even the Commie
'president's "own Treasury
secretary, who agrees with me"
hopes the Commie liquidation
fund is removed from
the Commie 'bill'

Sen. Scott Brown
(R-Mass.) defended
his party's opposition
to Commie 'financial'
'regulatory' 'reform'
and said he would
join in a filibuster
against the Commie
Democrats' current

"There are a lot of things
in the Commie Dodd 'bill'
that are just bad for small

"The present Commie 'bill'
is not a good bill, period."

He attributed the tension
over the proposed Commie
'reforms' to Commie 'President'
'Obama''s Commie "political arm"
taking over the debate.

Commie 'Obama'
accused Senate Minority Leader
Mitch McConnell (Ky.) of making
a "cynical and deceptive assertion"
about the Commie 'bill' after meeting
with Wall Street executives.

McConnell said
that the Commie 'bill'
"not only allows for
taxpayer-funded Commie
'bailouts' of Commie
Wall Street banks,
it institutionalizes them"

Repeal The Global Commie
Hell Care 'Bill' :

So, confronted
with this crescent tyranny,
what should Americans do?

The first step
must be to revive "the vigilant
and manly spirit which [in the past]
actuate[d] the people of America
-a spirit which nourishes freedom,
and in return is nourished by it".

With that spirit
rekindled, anything is possible.


The fact that the Commie
State Department had
issued a visa to the Nigerian
"underwear bomber" may indicate
how 'careless' our visa process is,
but to see how utterly 'oblivious' to
reality our Commie immigration policy
is, you need only to look at the numbers
of visas issued to Commie foreign
workers just last year.

We are in the greatest
Commie economic 'crisis'
since the Great Depression.

Over 15 million
Americans are out of work.

You would think
any sensible government
would put a moratorium on
all work visas until the crisis
was over.

But 'our' Commie government
thinks that Commie foreigners
have a right to come here
no matter what.

Why else would 'our' Commie
government issue over 450,000
visas to foreign workers in 2009?

Yes, over 450,000 Commie
foreigners were issued work
visas last year -- while over
15 million Americans were
looking for work.

Millions of Americans
are taking any job they can find
-- if they can find anything at all.

But 'our' Commie immigration
policy would rather appease
Commie foreign interests than
appeal to the needs of Americans

Resist Defy Defeat Expose Oppose & Protest :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds

Monday, April 12, 2010

Repeal All Global Commie Agendas ;

I want candidates
who will remain tough when a dozen
senior congressmen and the president
are all pressuring them to make just one
exception to those promises that got
them elected in the first place.

I want candidates who can reel off ten
or twenty federal spending programs to
be eliminated and who I trust will stand
tall against relentless lobbying and news
stories about heartless and devastating
cuts to 'crucial' government functions
like Commie National Public Radio.

I want executives who firmly promise
to veto Commie budgets that raise taxes
of all kinds, and I want legislators who
are implacable in saying no to new
Commie entitlements even as they
work to encourage private alternatives.

In 2008, America 'elected' a Commie
'president' who had never run anything
larger than his own mouth and whose
'biggest' 'responsibility' had been to show
up on time for the fawning TV interview.

In 2010, I will be looking for candidates
who understand how markets work and
how real wealth is created.

'Our' Commie 'president'
seems to accept no vision other than his
own and no voices other than the Commie
applause of carefully vetted Commie crowds
at Commie campaign appearances

Ronald Reagan warned
that a federalized medical system
would be the key to making America
a Commie socialist state.

He said,
"Freedom is never more
than one generation away from extinction."

Soon these remorseless, arrogant,
Commie socialist, dome-headed
apparatchiks will be tallying and
monitoring Americans lives in their
Commie journals, recording new orders
and Commie mandates, chronicling
oppressions and terminations.

Harshness will characterize
their Commie regime.

Liberty will be a whisper,
a faint and fading image.

Twenty-five years ago,
Ronald Reagan was president.

Are we lost to our home-grown
Commie socialist movement?

An ancient common law principle
has been hijacked by Commie
radical environmentalists.

Life is full of trade-offs
between the risks associated with
our daily activities and the benefits.

For environmental matters,
the Precautionary Principle is a widely
accepted idea that has now become a
tool for Commie environmental activists
to effect Commie social and economic

The Precautionary Principle
is now a Commie human health and
Commie environmental protection
'philosophy' that has been
internationally accepted.

It is most famously set forth
as Principle 15 of the Commie
United Nations' 1992 Rio Declaration.

As defined,
the Commie Precautionary Principle
states, "...where there are threats of
serious and irreversible damage, lack
of full scientific certainty shall not be
used as a reason for postponing
cost-effective Commie measures
to prevent environmental degradation."

The Commie environmental activists
would rather have us deal with a
subjectively applied Precautionary
Principle, cripple ourselves economically,
and diminish our ability to help others
and ourselves.

We should bear in mind
that Commie economic
and social manipulation,
not reasonable precautions,
is the Commie environmental activist's true principle.

The advocates of Commie
"social justice" masquerade
as partisans of civil rights, but
they are actually practitioners
of civil wrongs.

Some Commie people
in this country think that they have
a right to use government compulsion
to overcome the free will of their
fellow citizens.

In the name of Commie
"social justice," they claim to have
a "civil right" to health care, and they
assert that their fellow citizens have
a corresponding civil duty to finance
that civil right.

If their fellow citizens disagree,
the proponents of Commie "social justice"
have no qualms about using government
power to compel their fellow citizens
to submit to their Commie notion
of civil rights.

Today, we find ourselves
in a situation where the Commie
national government has engorged
itself on powers it does not justly
possess, and it is now in the process
of wielding those powers so oppressively
that government "by the consent of the
governed" has become a hollow mockery.

In the name of Commie
"social justice," the Commie
government seeks to impose new
Commie "civil rights" on the American
people without their consent, and it
even criminalizes the people's refusal
to finance those so-called rights

The Communist Hell Care Coups

The Commie Energy and Environment Coups

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise

Resist Defy Defeat Expose Oppose & Protest :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds