I want candidates
who will remain tough when a dozen
senior congressmen and the president
are all pressuring them to make just one
exception to those promises that got
them elected in the first place.
I want candidates who can reel off ten
or twenty federal spending programs to
be eliminated and who I trust will stand
tall against relentless lobbying and news
stories about heartless and devastating
cuts to 'crucial' government functions
like Commie National Public Radio.
I want executives who firmly promise
to veto Commie budgets that raise taxes
of all kinds, and I want legislators who
are implacable in saying no to new
Commie entitlements even as they
work to encourage private alternatives.
In 2008, America 'elected' a Commie
'president' who had never run anything
larger than his own mouth and whose
'biggest' 'responsibility' had been to show
up on time for the fawning TV interview.
In 2010, I will be looking for candidates
who understand how markets work and
how real wealth is created.
'Our' Commie 'president'
seems to accept no vision other than his
own and no voices other than the Commie
applause of carefully vetted Commie crowds
at Commie campaign appearances
Ronald Reagan warned
that a federalized medical system
would be the key to making America
a Commie socialist state.
He said,
"Freedom is never more
than one generation away from extinction."
Soon these remorseless, arrogant,
Commie socialist, dome-headed
apparatchiks will be tallying and
monitoring Americans lives in their
Commie journals, recording new orders
and Commie mandates, chronicling
oppressions and terminations.
Harshness will characterize
their Commie regime.
Liberty will be a whisper,
a faint and fading image.
Twenty-five years ago,
Ronald Reagan was president.
Are we lost to our home-grown
Commie socialist movement?
An ancient common law principle
has been hijacked by Commie
radical environmentalists.
Life is full of trade-offs
between the risks associated with
our daily activities and the benefits.
For environmental matters,
the Precautionary Principle is a widely
accepted idea that has now become a
tool for Commie environmental activists
to effect Commie social and economic
The Precautionary Principle
is now a Commie human health and
Commie environmental protection
'philosophy' that has been
internationally accepted.
It is most famously set forth
as Principle 15 of the Commie
United Nations' 1992 Rio Declaration.
As defined,
the Commie Precautionary Principle
states, "...where there are threats of
serious and irreversible damage, lack
of full scientific certainty shall not be
used as a reason for postponing
cost-effective Commie measures
to prevent environmental degradation."
The Commie environmental activists
would rather have us deal with a
subjectively applied Precautionary
Principle, cripple ourselves economically,
and diminish our ability to help others
and ourselves.
We should bear in mind
that Commie economic
and social manipulation,
not reasonable precautions,
is the Commie environmental activist's true principle.
The advocates of Commie
"social justice" masquerade
as partisans of civil rights, but
they are actually practitioners
of civil wrongs.
Some Commie people
in this country think that they have
a right to use government compulsion
to overcome the free will of their
fellow citizens.
In the name of Commie
"social justice," they claim to have
a "civil right" to health care, and they
assert that their fellow citizens have
a corresponding civil duty to finance
that civil right.
If their fellow citizens disagree,
the proponents of Commie "social justice"
have no qualms about using government
power to compel their fellow citizens
to submit to their Commie notion
of civil rights.
Today, we find ourselves
in a situation where the Commie
national government has engorged
itself on powers it does not justly
possess, and it is now in the process
of wielding those powers so oppressively
that government "by the consent of the
governed" has become a hollow mockery.
In the name of Commie
"social justice," the Commie
government seeks to impose new
Commie "civil rights" on the American
people without their consent, and it
even criminalizes the people's refusal
to finance those so-called rights
The Communist Hell Care Coups
The Commie Energy and Environment Coups
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise
Resist Defy Defeat Expose Oppose & Protest :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds