Sunday, April 18, 2010

Lovable Tea Parties Continue To Crash The Satanic Commie Global World Order ;

At a press conference in Washington,
the Tea Party Express named its favorite
lawmakers and candidates, as well as
those officeholders they most
want to see removed.

"It's a combination
of rewarding our friends
and punishing our enemies,"
said Sal Russo, chief strategist
for the Tea Party Express.

"We're only in races where
we think we can make a difference."

The Tea Party Express
endorsed a slate of Republican
Senate candidates, many of whom
have already established themselves
as conservative darlings.

Finally, the group endorsed
a slate of its favorite lawmakers,
including one Democrat.

"We have to be effective
and influential within both
political parties," Russo said.

"We have to reward
some Democrats that
have been willing to stand
with us on the tough issues"

Who Pays For Every Great
& Small Commie Thing That
Commie Government Does ?

The Taxpayer :

Repeal Commie FCC Policies ;

Is the Commie Federal
Communications Commission
building a case for Commie
government-subsidized news?

It's not hard to imagine
that will be the Commie outcome
of the Commie Commission's
"Future of Media" inquiry.

The digital age
has produced a "democratic shortfall,"
according to one source cited in the
Commie inquiry's public notice.

Another Commie scholar
working on the Commie project
for the Commie FCC has said that
today's media abundance calls for
Commie "public media entities" that
will serve "as both a Commie filter
to reduce information overload and
a Commie megaphone to give
Commie voice to the Commies

In other words,
a free marketplace of ideas
isn't good enough for some.

They want the Commie
government to pick winners
and losers-as long as the Commie
winners express views with which they
happen to agree.

Care to guess
which views those will be?

The 'justifications' for a Commie
government role in controlling content
are ever shifting.

Once, alleged Commie scarcity
was the reason that the Commie FCC
could impose the Commie 'fairness'
'doctrine' on radio without running
afoul of the First Amendment.

(See, for instance, the Supreme
Court's 1969 Red Lion decision.)

Now it's not scarcity but abundance
that Commie government is supposed
to fix by acting as a Commie filter.

Meanwhile, the Commie FCC
has no problem telling private industry
that filtering Commie content is a no-no.

Internet service providers from
discriminating among sources or kinds
of content is the intent of the Commission's
push for Commie net neutrality.

Repeal Commie Finance Bills ;

Commie Treasury Secretary
Commie Timothy Geithner stumps
for Commie Sen. Chris Dodd's (D-CT)
Commie 'finance' 'reform' 'bill' :

Excuse us
if we don't take the Commie Secretary
of Commie 'Wall Street' 'Bailouts''
word on this.

What the Commie Dodd 'bill'
actually does is create a new $50 billion
Commie fund to be used in Commie
"emergencies" for restructuring Commie
firms deemed too close to bankruptcy.

And who gets to decide
when there is an emergency
and which firms are too close
to bankruptcy?

You guessed it :
Commie Treasury Secretary Commie
Timothy Geithner.

The Commie Dodd 'bill'
is thus nothing less a permanent
extension of Commie Secretary
Commie Geithner's Commie TARP

A better solution
for the Commie "too big to fail"
problem are bankruptcy courts

Global Commies Are Not Too Big To Fail :

Repeal Commie Bailouts ;

A recent GAO report warns
that Commie GM and Commie
Chrysler may need even more
taxpayer money.

This comes after Commie GM
and Chrysler received the overwhelming
bulk of an $81 billion Commie auto bailout
under Commie TARP.

Should these Commie companies
continue to face losses, GAO estimates
that for years 2013 and 2014 Commie
pension liabilities could cost Commies
GM over $12 billion, and Chrysler over
$2 billion, to combine for "about $14.5
billion" picked up by taxpayer PBGC.

And that's only by year 2014.
It's likely taxpayer money will
be needed for future years.

In other words, another Commie
bailout is all but inevitable, the only
question is whether taxpayers will take
the hit through Commie TARP
or through the Commie PBGC.

Considering the Commie 'Obama'
administration's Commie big labor
ties, expect the PBGC to take the hit

Repeal Commie Labor Unions :

Commie Andy Stern's access
to Commie 'President' 'Obama'
has already paid huge Commie dividends
including : an $862 billion Commie stimulus
that prevented states from having to
cut-back Commie government union jobs
or wages ; $2.5 trillion in new Commie
government 'health' 'care' spending, much
of which will go to Commie unionized 'health'
'care' 'providers' ; and the Commie appointment
of Commie SEIU associate general counsel
Commie Craig Becker to the Commie
National Labor Relations Board.

The Commie SEIU under Commie
Stern's tenure is "the nation's most
politically active Commie union, with
1.9 million members."

The Commie
marriage of Commie politics
to Commie union organizing has been
great for Commie SEIU membership,
making it the fastest-growing Commie
union in America.

But what has been great for Commie SEIU's
Commie membership rolls has not been good
for the Commie SEIU's bottom line.

Growing Commie union membership
through Commie politics is expensive.

As recently as 2002, total Commie SEIU
liabilities were about $8 million.

But by 2008, the Commie union owed
more than $156 million, a 30% increase
over the $120 million it owed in 2007.

And make no mistake, Commies lobbying
government is where Commie Stern believes
the future of Commie SEIU is.

After Commie 'President' 'Obama's'
'election', Commie SEIU fired 75 national
Commie field staff and organizers so that
the Commie SEIU could "reallocate
Commie resources . to lobbying
and communications in Washington."

Taking a more critical look at Commie
SEIU's recent Commie growth, it is
reported that : "some of its biggest
Commie gains in recent years were
less the result of shoe-leather organizing
and more the result of Commie deals
with major Commie employers or Commie
politicians - including former Illinois Gov.
Commie Rod Blagojevich."

Specifically, Commie Blagojevich signed
a state Commie 'law' handing over 49,000
state child care workers to Commie SEIU
local 880, which is run by the notorious
Commie community organizing group
Commie ACORN.

The Commie deal nearly tripled Commie
SEIU 880's income from $7 million
in 2005 to $21 million in 2007.

This came after Commie SEIU's Illinois
Commie Political Action Committee gave
Commie Gov. Blagojevich $908,000,
making it the single largest Commie
campaign contributor for his Commie
re-election campaign.

It is no coincidence that under Commie
Stern's tenure the number of Commie
government union members surpassed
the number of private sector Commie
union members for the first
time in our nation's history

Rather than create
new entitlement programs
and expand old ones, Congress
would have done better to try to
fix the numerous problems in existing
programs and cut federal spending.

True reform
would have made systemic changes
to Medicare and Medicaid that would
make them financially viable.

Instead, the programs'
fiscal woes will only get far worse

Commie 'policies'
'put' 'in' 'place' to address
Commie climate change and
'reduce' 'carbon' 'dioxide' are
not only costly but difficult to repeal.

Commie Ethanol
has turned out to be a bust
(both economically and environmentally)
but is as yet nowhere close to being

Billions of dollars
have been spent by our Commie
federal government in the name of
fighting global warming.

This Commie Created
problem becomes much
more costly when you consider
the economic effects of Commie
cap and trade and Commie
Environmental Commie Protection
Agency regulations to 'cap' 'carbon'
'dioxide' 'emissions'.

Even if 'we' 'had'
'implemented' Commie
'policies' to 'cool' the planet
in the 1970s, we would 'most'
'likely' 'still' 'be' 'coping' 'with'
Commie 'warming' and 'cooling' 'policies'

More Global Commie Union Global Commie
United Nations Global Commie Garbage
In The Works ;

Commie United Nations
Commie Secretary-General
Commie Ban Ki-moon is never
afraid to make Commie headlines
when it comes to his Commie stance
on Commie climate change.

In 2007 he likened the Commie
war on Commie climate change
to actual war saying, ""The majority
of the Commie United Nations Commie
work still focuses on 'preventing' and
'ending' 'conflict'.

But the 'danger' 'posed' by 'war'
to all of Commie humanity and to
'our' planet is at least matched by
the Commie climate 'crisis' and
Commie 'global' 'warming'."

More recently,
in defense of his Commie position
after Climategate, he emphasized,
"Commie Climate change is happening
much, much faster than we realized and
'we' human beings are the primary cause."

Now Mr. Ban
is using natural resource depletion,
specifically water, as a Commie motive
to reach a Commie 'global' 'accord' to
cut Commie carbon dioxide emissions.

At a speech
to the Commie Organization
for Commie Security and Commie
Cooperation (OSCE) he said, We
Commies 'need' to work together,
with full Commie political engagement,
to bring the various Commie parties to
the Commie negotiating table, before
Commie 'tensions' 'grow' 'worse'."

Commie Ban also addressed
Commie disarmament and Commie
non-proliferation issues in the speech.

In some respects, Commie Ban's
simply throwing things at the wall
and hoping something sticks so he
can claim a scalp.

But the Commie remarks
are also clearly intended to
provide new Commie 'justification'
for why the Commie UN led Commie
climate negotiations should proceed
despite a series of embarrassing scandals
over the past few months that have led
many to challenge the Commie UN's
Commie leadership role in Commie
negotiations on Commie climate change.

Recent Attempts
by the Commie UN to agree
on a plan to reduce Commie
'greenhouse' 'gas' 'emissions'
and 'protect' 'developing' 'countries'
have failed ; in fact, most considered
Commie Copenhagen a downright

'Natural' 'resource' 'depletion'
should not be used as an excuse
for the Commie UN to try again.

As Ban attempts to build
Commie momentum for this year's
Commie climate summit in Cancun,
Mexico, it's important to remember
the Commie debacle that was

This is nothing more
than the Commie U.N.
& Commie Ban trying to stay relevant.

The price of oil
is just one of many variables
that can help or hurt the economy,
but the consensus is rising prices
will inflict economic pain.

Yet Commie Congress
and the Commie 'Obama'
administration have more interest
in raising energy prices than increasing
supply to lower them.

The Commie 'president's'
phantom offshore drilling
announcement in effect closes
more than opens opportunities
for oil and gas exploration.

Commie Carbon dioxide
regulations proposed by Commie
Members of Congress and the Commie
Environmental Protection Agency would
put upward pressure on oil prices.

A Harvard's Belfer Center
for Science and International Affairs
study found that gasoline prices would
need to hit seven dollars a gallon to meet
the Commie administration's Commie
carbon cuts in the transportation sector.

Higher gas prices
lower employment, income,
and spending, and Americans
will have to dip into their savings
to pay for higher gas prices.

If gasoline prices were to increase
by two dollars per gallon over the
course of a year, employment would
fall by 2.1 million jobs.

Whether you are bullish or bearish
on the prospects of an economic
recovery, one thing's for certain :
Commie action to curb CO2
Commie 'emissions' and thus
raise energy prices won't help

The Communist Hell Care Coups

The Commie Energy and Environment Coups

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds