Repeal : The Global Commie
Financial Taxpayer Handout Bill ;
The Global Commie 'Government'
Wants the Banks To Participate
In More Of Its Commie Welfare
Frauds at Taxpayer Expense :
Senate Republican Leader
Mitch McConnell (Ky.)
described Commie Democrats'
Commie liquidation fund as a
back door for taxpayer bailouts.
That earned him the ire
of Commie Senate Banking
Chairman Commie Chris Dodd
(D-Conn.), who railed on McConnell
during a Senate floor speech.
Commie 'President' 'Obama'
later slammed the Senate GOP
leader stressing he and other GOP
leaders were standing "against
common sense reforms
that we've proposed."
But McConnell fired back,
noting that even the Commie
'president's "own Treasury
secretary, who agrees with me"
hopes the Commie liquidation
fund is removed from
the Commie 'bill'
Sen. Scott Brown
(R-Mass.) defended
his party's opposition
to Commie 'financial'
'regulatory' 'reform'
and said he would
join in a filibuster
against the Commie
Democrats' current
"There are a lot of things
in the Commie Dodd 'bill'
that are just bad for small
"The present Commie 'bill'
is not a good bill, period."
He attributed the tension
over the proposed Commie
'reforms' to Commie 'President'
'Obama''s Commie "political arm"
taking over the debate.
Commie 'Obama'
accused Senate Minority Leader
Mitch McConnell (Ky.) of making
a "cynical and deceptive assertion"
about the Commie 'bill' after meeting
with Wall Street executives.
McConnell said
that the Commie 'bill'
"not only allows for
taxpayer-funded Commie
'bailouts' of Commie
Wall Street banks,
it institutionalizes them"
Repeal The Global Commie
Hell Care 'Bill' :
So, confronted
with this crescent tyranny,
what should Americans do?
The first step
must be to revive "the vigilant
and manly spirit which [in the past]
actuate[d] the people of America
-a spirit which nourishes freedom,
and in return is nourished by it".
With that spirit
rekindled, anything is possible.
The fact that the Commie
State Department had
issued a visa to the Nigerian
"underwear bomber" may indicate
how 'careless' our visa process is,
but to see how utterly 'oblivious' to
reality our Commie immigration policy
is, you need only to look at the numbers
of visas issued to Commie foreign
workers just last year.
We are in the greatest
Commie economic 'crisis'
since the Great Depression.
Over 15 million
Americans are out of work.
You would think
any sensible government
would put a moratorium on
all work visas until the crisis
was over.
But 'our' Commie government
thinks that Commie foreigners
have a right to come here
no matter what.
Why else would 'our' Commie
government issue over 450,000
visas to foreign workers in 2009?
Yes, over 450,000 Commie
foreigners were issued work
visas last year -- while over
15 million Americans were
looking for work.
Millions of Americans
are taking any job they can find
-- if they can find anything at all.
But 'our' Commie immigration
policy would rather appease
Commie foreign interests than
appeal to the needs of Americans
Resist Defy Defeat Expose Oppose & Protest :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds