Saturday, April 24, 2010

Global Commie Corporate Unionist Taxpayer Handout Bailout Commie Welfare Affirmative Action ;

They Seek To Plunder
Our Country, Land
& People :

Commie 'Obama'
is in high dudgeon
because his Commie
advisers claim derivatives
caused the 2008 financial crisis.

The problem is this Commie
claim is false, and the proposals
Commie 'Obama' offers would
make future crises in the derivatives
market more rather than less likely.

Commie 'Obama'
wants to play this as
Wall Street versus Main Street.

But whatever problems
may exist on Wall Street,
giving Commie bureaucrats
in Washington more Commie
power to meddle won't fix them.

We could just let bankers roast,
except that derivatives are useful
in holding down prices of everyday
items like food, clothing, and fuel
and in managing financial transactions
such as credit cards, consumer loans
and home mortgages.

Commie 'Obama'
is attacking Wall Street,
but it is consumers who
will be stuck with
the Commie bill

Conservatives say the Commie
Dodd Taxpayer Finance Commie
Handout 'Bill' means Wall Street
Commie Bailouts Forever.

Commie Progressives
say the Commie Dodd
Commie 'bill' "makes
bailouts impossible."
Who's right ?

A Commie
'bankruptcy-like' Commie
regime where equityholders
will be wiped out and the
assets will be sold

Believe it or not,
there is currently no
Commie death tax.

The 2001 and 2003 tax
cuts repealed it but because
of budgetary quirks the Commie
death tax remains dead only
through the end of this year.

And because 'Congress'
is itching for any Commie
revenue it can get its hands
on, most regretfully expect the
Commie death tax to come back
to life sometime soon.

That is unless Congress
can be persuaded to do the right
thing and abolish the Commie
death tax once and for all

By 51% to 40%,
a majority of Americans
say they want less Commie
government control.

And we
haven't even
mentioned the Commie
'President''s Commie
'health' 'care' 'plan' yet.

The Commie 'President''s
Commie 'health' 'care' plan
has only gotten less popular
since it 'became' 'law'

Under the Commie 'president''s
'law', the Commie congressionally
designed Commie exchanges are
a Commie tool imposed on the
states enabling the Commie federal
government to Commie standardize
and Commie micromanage health
insurance coverage, while
Commie administering a vast
and unaffordable new Commie
entitlement program.

This is a vehicle for Commie
federal control of state markets,
a usurpation of state authority
and the suppression of meaningful
patient choice.

This crushing of state
innovation is repugnant.

This Commie 'law'
constitutes a massive
alteration of the constitutional
balance of power between the
federal government and the states,
and strikes at the heart of
American federalism.

The American people
soundly reject the Commie
'President's push to turn
our country into a European
Commie social welfare state.