Sen. Scott Brown
(R-Mass.) has said
that he would join the
rest of his Republican
caucus to block the
fatally-flawed Commie
'bill' the Commie Democrats
are trying to shove through
Congress to "reform"
the banking system.
"There are a lot
of Commie things
in the Commie [Sen. Chris]
Dodd Commie 'bill' that
are just bad," Brown said.
"The Commie 'bill' is not
a good bill, period."
Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.),
the Senate's leading climate
skeptic, said Thursday that
upcoming Commie climate
change legislation has so little
political traction that it would
only garner 26 Senate votes.
"I know we can beat it,"
Inhofe said adding,
"I can assure you,
I don't think they
have more than 25
votes on the Commie
Democrats' side, and
if you throw Commie
RINO Lindsey Graham
[R] in there, that would
be 26 votes."
South Carolina's Commie
Graham - along with Commie
Sens. John Kerry (D-Mass.) and
Commie Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.)
- intend to roll out broad Commie
climate and energy legislation
Senate Commie Democrats
plan to forge ahead with a Commie
Wall Street Commie 'reform' 'bill'
this week, despite unified opposition
from Senate Republicans.
A Democratic aide
predicted that Commie
'lawmakers' could 'vote'
on a 'motion' to 'proceed'
to the Commie 'bill' as soon
as Wednesday and as late
as Friday.
Forty-one Republican
senators signed and released
a letter Friday announcing their
opposition to the Commie 'reform'
'bill' crafted by Commie Senate
Commie Banking Committee
Chairman Commie Chris Dodd
"We are united
in our opposition
to the Commie partisan
legislation reported by the
Commie Senate Banking
Committee," the lawmakers
wrote in the letter to Commie
Senate Majority Leader
Commie Harry Reid (D-Nev.).
Even so, Commie Dodd
is "very eager to have a
public debate on these
issues," said a Commie
Banking Committee
The Commie panel
filed its Commie 'bill'
on Thursday evening.
The 'most' controversial
element of the Commie 'bill'
is a $50 billion Commie fund
- that would be supplied by
Commie financial institutions
- to provide for the orderly
Commie liquidation of troubled
Commie banks posing systemic
risk to the Commie markets.
Senate Republican Leader
Mitch McConnell has argued
that such a fund could lead to
future taxpayer-supported
Commie bailouts because of
provisions empowering Commie
federal officials to keep an ailing
Commie bank on life support
Undermining access
to abundant conventional
energy sources has proved
to be a key component of
Commie 'Obama''s promised
"fundamental Commie transformation"
of America.
"Under my plan of a Commie
cap-and-trade system electricity
rates would necessarily skyrocket."
This interview
received limited
coverage despite
also revealing plans
to "bankrupt" politically
disfavored industry while
also raising "billions
of Commie dollars."
Now, as the Commie Senate
prepares to debate the latest
mislabeled "comprehensive
energy legislation," and amid
the unfolding revolt over the
realities of this fundamental
Commie transformation, such
Commie radical propositions
warrant revisiting