Wednesday, April 7, 2010

We The People vs. Commie Obamacare ;

The state of Nevada is expected to join
15 other states that have filed suit to
challenge the constitutionality of
Commie Obamacare.

Attorneys General from Alabama,
Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Indiana,
Louisiana, Michigan, Nebraska,
Pennsylvania, South Carolina,
South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Virginia,
and Washington have already sued the
Commie federal government independently
or have joined the State of Florida in their

Attorney General is the sole Democrat

The FCC's Deem and Pass plan
to reclassify Internet services into a
different category, if and when they lose
the Comcast case and the judge tells them
they have no authority to regulate the Internet.

The ISPs
aren't ready to lay down and die
and according to Susan Crawford,
formerly of the 'Obama' White House,
they're ready to fight "World War III" over it

Having lost decisively
at the DC Circuit Court of Appeals
seems to set a dangerous precedent
for the FCC's future ability to regulate

That is why the FCC has a plan :
reclassify (or deem) ISPs to be
something different under the law
(make them a Title II service under
the Communications Act, which former
Chairman Michael Powell says they
never, ever have been), and then reassert
(or pass) this authority regardless of what
the court said.

We've got to raise the
alarm and pressure the FCC
against this deem and pass tactic

The ardently Commie leftist
'law school professor' nominated by
Commie 'President' 'Obama' to become
a Commie federal appellate court judge
suspiciously concealed more than 100
of his most controversial speeches,
publications and other background
materials from the U.S. Senate
committee that screens judicial

Commie 'Obama's' pick to fill a
vacancy on the 9th Circuit Court
of Appeals, Commie Professor
Goodwin Liu, conveniently omitted
a mountain of contentious Commie
material that could hurt his confirmation

The records shed light on Liu's Commie
leftist positions in areas such as Commie
"constitutional welfare rights," Commie
affirmative action, Commie judicial activism
and Commie immigration.

The 39-year-old Commie scholar,
who has practiced Commie 'law' for
only three years, hid questionable
Commie speeches on Commie
affirmative action, his participation at
Commie events sponsored by the
notoriously Commie leftwing Center
for Social Justice and the influential
Commie Latino advocacy group
National Council of La Raza, among
others, from the Senate Judiciary

This week the committee's ranking
member, Alabama Republican Jeff
Sessions, said Liu's nomination is in
jeopardy after the "extraordinary
omission of 117 Items from record."

At best, this nominee's extraordinary
disregard for the committee's constitutional
role demonstrates incompetence; at worst,
it creates the impression that he knowingly
attempted to hide his most controversial
work from the committee, Session says

The Communist Hell Care Coups

The Commie Energy and Environment Coups

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise

Protest Resist Defy Defeat Expose & Oppose :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds