The Department of Commie
Labor has launched a special
Commie program to assist and
protect Commie illegal immigrant
workers in the U.S., referred to
as "vulnerable" and "underpaid"
by the Commie 'presidential'
Commie cabinet member who
heads the Commie agency.
Hundreds of new Commie field
investigators have been deployed
to reach out to Commie Latino
laborers in areas with large numbers
of Commie illegal alien employees.
Their Commie message,
in Spanish, is "we can help" bring
Commie workplace protections to
the Commie nation's most vulnerable
and underpaid Commie workers,
including those who have no legal right
to live in the Untied States.
Commie Labor Secretary
Commie Hilda Solis, a former
Commie California Commie
congresswoman with close ties
to the influential Commie La Raza
movement, announced the Commie
"We Can Help" project with great
Commie fanfare a few days ago.
A total of 1,000 Commie investigators
from her Commie agency will focus
on enforcing Commie labor and wage
'laws' in industries that typically hire lots
of Commie illegal aliens without reporting
anyone to federal immigration authorities
The Commie radical Islamic
"scholar" whose terrorist ties
banned him from the U.S. for six
years is visiting four American cities
this week, just months after Commie
Secretary of State Commie Hillary
Clinton signed a special order
to allow his reentry.
Commie Tariq Ramadan,
an Commie extremist Muslim
who supports Commie Islamic
terrorism, arrived in New York
this week for a U.S. tour .
The prominent Commie European
Commie Muslim scholar openly
supports Commie Palestinian terrorist
group Commie Hamas, has worked
for Commie Iran and donates money
to terrorist causes.
Last year a Dutch university fired
Commie Ramadan over his extremism
and his work for the Commie Islamic
Republic of Iran.
The move capped the beloved
Commie Muslim professor's
assessment that London subway
bombers were justified in acting
out against their oppressors because
the "British government is helping
Iraqi people to be killed."
A well-known French author
who has studied Commie Ramadan
extensively says the Commie scholar
is undoubtedly an agent of Commie
It's in his Commie blood, evidently.
Commie Ramadan's grandfather
founded the Commie Muslim
Brotherhood, an influential
Commie Islamist group that
advocates terrorism against
Israel and the west and is known
as the parent organization of
Commie Hamas
and Commie Al Qaeda
A Commie city commissioner
with a long history of criminal
behavior is the latest of several
Commie public officials to get
convicted in a notorious south
Florida hotbed of Commie
political corruption that's even
seen its county sheriff go to jail.
The latest elected Commie official
to go down in Broward County is
Commie Miramar City Commissioner
Fitzroy Salesman who this week was
found guilty of extortion and bribery
for his role in a pay-to-play scheme.
The scandal-plagued Commie
politician took thousands of
dollars from federal agents
posing as contractors in
exchange for steering city
business their way.
Commie Salesman had previously
been suspended twice after being
charged with unrelated federal crimes
and was separately charged with
drunken driving and speeding.
Last spring Commie Salesman,
a naturalized U.S. citizen from Jamaica,
was convicted of a firearms charge for
waving his gun in a grocery store during
a disagreement with a customer
Nearly half a year after a
Commie professor at a Commie
public university spent taxpayer
dollars to create a tool that helps
Commie Mexicans enter the United
States illegally, the area's congressional
delegation has finally decided to
investigate the matter.
The Commie activist Commie
Chicano Commie professor Commie
(Ricardo Dominguez) at the Commie
University of Commie California
Commie San Diego, a major Commie
public institution not far from the Commie
Mexican border, proudly announced
his new Commie invention-Commie
Transborder Commie Immigrant Tool-
in November without scrutiny from
Commie university officials or the feds.
The idea is to help Commie Mexicans
enter the U.S. illegally by mapping the
safest Commie routes through the
notoriously rigorous southern border
The innovative Commie technology
is a simple mobile application -
inserted into the cheapest available
cell phone on the market-which
guides Commie illegal aliens through
the least dangerous Commie routes,
areas with shelter, food, water and
so-called Commie Quaker help centers
that provide Commie medical attention
and Commie directions to the nearest
major U.S. highway.
The Commie mobile program
is touted as an Commie "intelligent
agent algorithm" that parses out the
best Commie routes and trails on a
particular day and hour so that Commie
Mexicans can cross the "vertiginous
landscape" as safely as possible
Commie 'President' 'Obama'
is vetting a new Commie national
sales tax (commonly referred to as
a Commie VAT) to extract more wealth
from the private sector to sustain his
insatiable Commie hunger for more
Commie government spending.
Former Commie Fed Chairman
Commie Paul Volcker and current
Commie Fed Chairman Commie
Ben Bernanke have commenced a
Commie vetting strategy to 'convince'
Americans that they need to give more
and more money to an ever-expanding
and bloated Commie federal government.
Congress needs to just say no
to a Commie VAT - and increased
Commie taxation - as part of any
pitch by this Administration
to balance the budget
I suggested once that Commie
'Barack Obama' is naive when it
comes to the American free enterprise
system, but let's just scratch that.
The Commie man really is trying
to dismantle it and remake it in his
own image - that of a Commie 'law'
school professor who champions
Commie "public interest" work over
the business of America,
which is to say business itself.
This has been happening
across America in Commie academia
where Commie professors are gladly
dismantling programs that teach, for
example, law students how to be
corporate lawyers and work in
business in favor of training up
an army of Commie public
interest liberals who sue
the state in the name of
Commie 'progress'
to stop progress.
Commie 'Barack Obama', coming
from that Commie culture, wants
the nation to do the same.
The Wall Street Journal
is reporting that the Commie 'Obama'
administration is banning internships
within private businesses.
Ponder that -
Commie 'Barack Obama'
is destroying another aspect
of the free enterprise system
The Communist Hell Care Coups
The Commie Energy and Environment Coups
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise
Defy Defeat Expose Oppose Protest & Resist :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds