Saturday, April 3, 2010

Commie Secular 'Militias' ;

Mainstream media has recently reported
the story of the alleged "Militia" group in
Michigan which supposedly had plans of
killing police officers as a sort of
"freedom task"--
in the name of Jesus Christ no less.

In reality,
"This is a group that [is] neither
a militia [n]or a Christian group."

This is not the first highlight of news
where the media has misused the concept
of a "militia" as a representation
of everything evil and insane.

Virtually every mainstream reference
of "militia" today implicates terrorism,
anti-American and wacko-extremists
--right along with those Al Qaeda
terrorists who are attempting
to destroy America just because
"we are free"

It is clear that secular government
has a militia and that they are
determined to do all they can
to squash the Christians.

The war has already been declared.
They aren't fighting it with guns
but with lies and intimidation

To distinguish themselves from
fundamentalist Christians,
liberals coined the term
"Progressive Christian."

As I pointed out, political
progressives are intent on seeing
more government intrusion into
our lives.

The pending legislation
on health care is a good example.

With this recommended program
you have socialism creeping into
government masked by a myriad
of doublespeak.

In similar fashion Progressive
Christians attempt to hide their
agenda by using similar tactics.

For example,
two of their most often used
terms, "social reform" and
"social justice" are doublespeak
for socialism in the Church

Any politician who refuses to work to
secure our borders and create an
immigration system that has integrity
is either corrupt or too dumb to keep
his (her) job.

Any politician, irrespective of party
affiliation who favors Comprehensive
Immigration Reform and the outrageous
betrayal that this would represent given
the national security implications that this
program would have, should be shown
the door at the next election!

Later this year, each and every member
of the House of Representatives is up for

Later this year more than one third of the
members of the United States Senate will
have to face their constituents.

They need to be reminded
that they work for us, We the People!

Resist Defy Defeat Expose Oppose & Protest :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds