Sunday, April 18, 2010

Satanic Global Commies Attacking The 1st Amendment Again ;

For those who aspire
to tyranny, those who seek
to control and dictate to the
people, to undermine and limit
the people's freedoms, to expand
their own power at the expense of
the people's liberties -- in a word,
those whose ambitions and
machinations cannot stand the
light of day among a free people
-- an uncontrolled, free internet is
an intolerable obstacle and threat.

As surely a these ambitious
Commie people will work and
are working to deprive the people
of their firearms -- the people's
ultimate means to resist government
tyranny -- they will work, they must
work, to deprive them of the free
flow of information.

The free flow
of information
is essential to liberty.

The power to control
and limit the flow of
information is essential
to tyranny.

The Chinese government's
efforts to control their people's
access to information via the
internet are well-known.

Now the British Parliament,
under cloak of darkness, have
passed an internet censorship bill.

In the U.S.,
the Commie Cybersecurity
Act of 2009 is working its
way through Congress.

An Electronic Frontier Foundation
commentary on the bill makes the
following observation :

Essentially, the Commie Act
would federalize critical
infrastructure security.

Since many of our critical
infrastructure systems (banks,
telecommunications, energy) are
in the hands of the private sector,
the Commie 'bill' would create a
major shift of power away from
users and companies to the
Commie federal government.

This is a potentially
dangerous approach
that favors the dramatic
over the sober response.

Buried deep in the Commie
bowels of the Act is the
following provision :

The President ... may
declare a cybersecurity
emergency and order the
limitation or shutdown of
Internet traffic to and from
any compromised Federal
Government or United States
Critical infrastructure information
system or network [emphasis mine]

The Commie progressives
have been able to gradually
push their agenda forward
because they have controlled
the terms of the debate.

By "terms" I mean both
the rules and the language.

The most potent weapon
in their arsenal has been
propaganda in the form of
Commie political correctness.

They have wielded it
with deadly accuracy
for years, and it is even
more potent now that 'we'
have a Commie 'president'
who identifies himself as a
'racial minority'.

In reality,
political correctness is less
about race than it is about
controlling public perception

The enacting legislation
of Commie ObamaCare
creates a Commie Disney
World for Commie
micro-managers and
other assorted Commie scolds.

But in Title V of the Commie
'bill', we find the key to the
Commie Magic Kingdom,
or at least the Commie
kingdom's treasury.

Under the heading
of Commie "Health Care
Workforce," this section lays
out the Commie infrastructure
for a Commie single-payer system,
while plowing fertile ground for a
perpetual Commie left-wing voting

Across the country,
public employee unions
(think teacher, fire, and police)
have wrangled overly generous
contracts for their members, and
in some cases, even bankrupted
the municipalities they serve.

Sadly, it appears
that the new Commie paradigm
of the American dream involves
gaining hire with some Commie
agency of government, with
Commie mandatory membership
in a Commie government
employees union.

The Commie union
supports a sufficiently
invertebrate Commie
politician for election
and in return receives
ever more generous
Commie benefits.

It is this Commie cycle
that is stretched to mammoth
Commie proportions by the
Commie provisions of Title V

Do we want a nation of laws.

Or do we want a Commie
nation of entitlements and
special interests :

A Commie nanny state

Oppose Protest Resist Defy Defeat & Expose :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds