Monday, April 12, 2010

It Is The Jesuits Which Are Behind All This Global Commie Sorrow ;

The Commie 'health' 'care'
'bill' 'passed' 'into' 'law' on
March 21 violates the First
and Fifth Amendments to the
United States Constitution.

The 'bill' 'mandates'
that almost all Americans acquire
health insurance, thus divesting millions
of Americans of money against their will
and providing it as an enormous Commie
government mandated windfall
to the nation's insurance companies.

Thirty-eight states
attorneys general are preparing
to file suit against the Commie
federal government to challenge
the new Commie 'law'.

This is the first time
in American history that the federal
government has compelled the citizens
of this country to buy a specific product,
health insurance.

That mandate violates
our basic right to liberty which includes
not only the freedom to purchase goods
and services lawfully available in the
market, but also the freedom not to
purchase those goods and services,
and the right to associate and not
associate with institutions of our choice

(Again, after occult Freemason
Hitler declared war on America
four days after Masonic FDR's
Democratic Congress had declared
war on Japan-Hitler's fascist ally-,
why would not Tojo, Masonic Hirohito's
prime minister and military dictator,
declare war on the USSR-
the Communist ally of the US-
immediately after Hitler's declaration
of war on America, December 11, 1941?

Remember, at this time
Hitler's armies having invaded the
USSR ("Operation Barbarossa")
outfitted with only summer clothing
were beginning to freeze with the
onset of winter.

Japan could have come
to the relief of Germany, executed
a pincer movement with the relieved
and reinforced Germans-thereby
easily taking Moscow!

American and British forces
were completely out of range to
have allied with Russian forces.

That German/Japanese
joint attack would have been a
cake walk and turkey shoot!

Again, why did not Japan
scrap its Neutrality Agreement with
the USSR-notoriously detrimental
and treasonous to its German ally-
and declare war on the USSR?

Because all the dictators-
including FDR-were Masonic Jesuit
Temporal Coadjutors taking orders
from their Jesuit advisers, orders not
to harm the government in Moscow!)

Auschwitz became the byword
for rape, torture, murder and genocide
for the Jews of Europe, remembering
the camp's first victims were
Czechoslovakian White Protestants!

(During the Crusade Pius XII's
death camp was occupied by the
Commie Jesuit Order's SS ; after the
bloodbath it was manned by the Jesuit
Order's NKVD-called
"the headhunters.")

It stands as a warning today
of what both Jesuit Nazi
Socialist-Fascism and Jesuit
Bolshevik Socialist-Communism
can accomplish together-
directed by the Jesuits in Rome.

This is the same Jesuit dialectic
being played off against the ignorant
and docile, socialist-communist, White
American people, many of which will meet
their deaths in "the Auschwitz of North
America"-a one million-acre
concentration camp located in
southeast Alaska

Men of a common race, language
and national origin, when working
together or fighting a common foe,
accomplish infinitely more than if
they were amalgamated into one
indigent mass of unidentifiable
human beings.

Indeed, "Diversity is perversity"

Boycott, Cast Out,
Defeat, Deport,
Embargo, Expose,
Impeach, Object,
Oppose, Protest
and Resist ;


AND ALL Evil,Unholy,
Of The Satanic World Order ;

Protest Resist Defy Defeat Expose & Oppose :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds