Three major business trade groups
warned against Internet regulations
Monday, urging the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC)
to think twice before continuing its
pursuit of Commie net Commie
The FCC delayed the deadline
for Commie net neutrality reply
comments in light of the D.C.
Circuit's ruling that the FCC does
not have the authority to impose
broadband regulations.
The FCC will likely try to reclassify
broadband as a Title II service to
better fit the net Commie neutrality
"We support an open Internet
that benefits e-commerce,"
"But there's no market failure here"
to justify government intervention.
The Chamber also opposes any moves
to reclassify broadband under Tite II.
Fannie and Freddie
pose a political minefield
for Democrats who have
systematically blocked scrutiny
of lower lending standards at
the heart of the sub-prime
mortgage crisis.
The Dodd bill
up for cloture vote
today ignores Fannie and Freddie
reform completely, giving Republicans
a big wedge in the issue.
The two government-sponsored
enterprises (GSEs) have directly
cost taxpayers over $125 billion,
placing hundreds of billions
more tax dollars at risk.
"Together [Fannie and Freddie]
represent the two largest, most
influence-exerting, regulation-avoiding,
bailed-out institutions in America,"
Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas),
top Republican on the House
Financial Services Subcommittee
on Financial Institutions and
Consumer Credit, said in a
letter Friday to Senate
"The American people
are tired of paying for the
failures of others, and real
regulatory reform means that
there should be no more
government get out of jail
free cards for bad corporate
financial bets."
"The Democrats want
us to trust them on this one,"
said Senate Republican Leader
Mitch McConnell (D-Ky.) in a
speech from the Senate floor
"With all respect,
Americans aren't in a trusting mood at this point"
Global Commie Corporate
Unionists Criminals Spend
& Tax Agendas ;
Like most Obama initiatives,
the unionization agenda is counter
to reality.
Unions have been losing ground
in the private sector for forty years,
with membership today at only 7%
of workers in the private sector.
Obviously, unions are not popular
in the rank and file of workers.
Today, there is a rising percentage
of public-sector union workers
compared to a decline in
private-sector ones.
Obama is close to Andy Stern
of the Service Employees International
Union, who is charging ahead to force
union membership on every government
employee, especially health care workers
-- a goal the White House is pushing as
part of the "overhaul" of health care.
And state employees in non-union
states are seeking affiliation with the
SEIU, waiting for the big day when
they can contravene local statutes and
organize openly with full union recognition.
That day is here.
The Public Safety-Employer-Employee
Cooperation Act of 2009 passed the
House in 2009 but did not make it to
the Senate vote for various extraneous
But it's back,
and it will pass the House
and Senate in this session of
Congress, lifted by a Democrat
majority anxious to move on the
bill before November, when it appears
that the composition of both Houses
will change significantly.
The bill is alarming.
According to the National
League of Cities, the Act violates
the National Labor Relations Act
of 1934 that recognized the separation
of federal authority over collective
bargaining within the states.
The seventeen states
that prohibit unionization
of public-sector workers
will be invaded and held
hostage to a federal law
that tosses aside what's left
of the sanctity of states' rights
and allow policemen, firefighters,
parole and judicial officers, prison
guards, and medical technicians to
join a labor union.
Obviously, other local government
workers will demand the same right.
Before you can say Jimmy Hoffa,
unions will have penetrated the very
marrow of government services
everywhere -- with potentially
catastrophic results
Global Commie Corporate
Unionists Criminals Oppose
Anti Illegal Alien Law ;
The ink is barely dry
on Arizona's new immigration
control law and President Obama
has already threatened to take legal
action against the measure even though
it was adopted from the federal statute
that's rarely enforced.
Amid huge protests
and cries of racism from
the open-borders movement,
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer
signed the law (SB1070) that bans
"sanctuary city" policies and makes
it a state crime to be in the U.S.
without proper documentation.
Obama, who tried pressuring
Brewer into vetoing the law,
assures that it threatens civil rights
and undermines basic notions of
fairness and trust between police
and their communities.
The commander-in-chief
has ordered the Department
of Justice to challenge its legality
and vows to "closely monitor the
situation" and examine the legislation's
civil rights implications.
The law marks
an unprecedented effort by a state
to take immigration matters into its
own hands since immigration offenses
are currently violations of federal law
But lawmakers in Arizona are fed up
with the enormous toll that hundreds
of thousands of illegal aliens are having
on their state as the feds sit idly by and
fail to secure the southern border
In a disgraceful waste
of tax dollars, a community
group that assists illegal immigrants
in the U.S. and helps them evade arrest
has received $100,000 from a county
that ironically has increased immigration
enforcement in the last year.
The public funds
went to Progreso Hispano,
a nonprofit in Fairfax Virginia
that proudly helps illegal aliens
and aims to empower them and
improve the quality of their lives
and communities.
The charity also counsels
illegal immigrants who get
arrested and offers a handy
guide for "undocumented"
residents dealing with federal
Progreso Hispano openly advices
the area's illegal aliens to refrain
from providing government officials
with information about their immigration
status, not to carry papers from another
country, not to open the door if authorities
come to their home, not to run and to
sway co-workers to collectively remain
silent and ask for an attorney in the event
of an immigration raid
In a flagrant example
of pay-to-play politics,
the president of a company
that helped House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi and her banker
husband make millions of dollars
has been awarded a prestigious
foreign ambassadorship.
Foreign ambassadors are appointed
by the president and it's quite common
that the coveted positions go to big
donors and fundraisers.
Barack Obama has stuck to the script
of most presidents-both Democrat
and Republican-by appointing more
than two dozen major fundraisers from
his 2008 campaign to ambassadorships.
The new U.S. ambassador to Hungary
(Eleni Tsakopoulos-Kounalakis) sticks
out because she's not an Obama fundraiser
but rather a renowned Hillary Clinton
"bundler" who raised more than $1 million
for the former New York senator's various
political campaigns.
She was even crowned a "Hillraiser"
because she gathered at least $100,000
for Clinton's failed presidential run.
also has very strong ties to Pelosi
and her wealthy banker hubby, a
connection that may have bought her
the ambassadorship, according to
information published in a news report
this week.
Paul Pelosi and the new ambassador's
father (Angelo Tsakopoulos) have been
tight for two decades and their business
deals have netted hefty sums for the Pelosis
who are worth more than $31 million
Global Commie Corporate
Unionists Criminals Having Their Way
With We The People ;
The Second Plank
of the Communist Manifesto,
written by Karl Marx and Frederick
Engels, calls for "A heavy progressive
or graduated income tax."
It seems the farther we move away
from the enlightened guidance of our
founders, the closer we get to a new
world order where the masses are
controlled by the elite few