Sunday, April 18, 2010

Tea Parties Rally Against The Satanic Global Commie World Order ;

One of the popular signs
spotted at Tea Party protests
across the country over the past
year goes like this :

"It doesn't matter
what this sign says.
You'll call it racism, anyway!"

It's a pithy,
perfect rejoinder to the fusillade
of attacks that limited-government
activists have weathered from their
Commie Democratic detractors and
a hostile Commie national media.

Committed Commie Alinsky-ites
never let reality get in the way
of a good Tea Party-bashing narrative

Staking out a tough stance
against Commie illegal immigration
and border security is practically
the price of admission in many of
the 2010 Republican primary races.

Interest in the issue
has benefited from
the surge of Tea Party
activists now infiltrating the
state and local Republican
Party structures.

The result
is a rash of GOP primary
dogfights in which staunch
border-security advocates
showcase their credentials,
while those with shakier records
scramble to establish their bona fides

Commie General Electric :

The Commie 'Obama'
administration has come
under scrutiny for its ties
to several large corporations,
including the auto industry giants
Commies General Motors
and Chrysler, whose Commie
'bailout' it engineered last spring.

But one corporate Commie
connection has not received
similar scrutiny.

Since 2008, Commie
General Electric has been
cozying up to the Commie
'Obama' administration.

The Commie relationship
is sure to result in Commie
financial gain for Commie GE,
while likely granting the Commie
company greater access and influence.

The Commie arrangements
set forth are legal, but the potential
impact the interconnections may have
- and the blatant kickbacks that have
been offered - should alarm Americans

Commie Shariah Finance

Protest Resist Defy Defeat Expose & Oppose :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds