New Commie Environmental
Commie Protection Agency (EPA)
regulations covering vehicle efficiency
and water quality standards near mines.
They are the inevitable outcome
when government puts Commie
environmental radicals in charge
of writing regulations.
These unelected Commie bureaucrats,
headed by Commie EPA Administrator
Commie Lisa Jackson, have no regard
for or understanding of property rights,
free markets, or our economy.
It's all about worshiping at the Commie
altar of Commie "climate change" and
offering Commie penance for America's
high standard of living by attacking
industry in the name of Commie "justice"
After a year of lying
to taxpayers about the true costs
of Commie Obamacare, Commie
Democrats have moved on to bullying
private sector companies into lying to
their investors about the heavy burden
of the new Commie 'law'.
CEOs carrying out their legal duty
to report to shareholders the reduced
value of their companies due to Commie
Obamacare's punishing Commie taxes
are being scolded by the Commie
White House for 'playing partisan
political games' and trying to
"embarrass the president."
The CEOs will even be hauled before
Commie Congress later this month
to defend their grim assessments.
Which makes me wonder :
How many more of Commie
Obamacare's inconvenient truth-sayers
will be forced to defend themselves
before Commie Obamacare's
Commie Inqusition
While the Commie 'Obama'
'Administration' and its Commie
"progressive" supporters in Congress
insist they want a federal Commie
'health' 'care' 'bill' to 'protect' people
from deadly diseases, Commie liberal
senators led by Commie John Kerry
(D-Mass.) and Commie Al Franken
(D-Minn.) have pressured the federal
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
into considering lifting the ban on male
homosexuals donating blood.
It's a Commie decision
that could mean disease and death
for many Americans, and billions of
dollars in additional health care costs
Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor 'President'
Barry Davis Obama-directed by his
White Roman Catholic master, Jesuit
Coadjutor Vice President Joe Biden-
continues the Black Pope's
anti-heterosexual/pro-homosexual agenda.
His appointment of lesbian Jewess
Dr. Chai Feldblum (above) to the federal,
five-member, Commie Equal Opportunity
Employment Commission is another nail
in the nation's coffin.
Feldblum, a law professor at Commie
Jesuit Georgetown University, is an
outspoken promoter of homosexual/sodomite
legal rights (deceptively dubbed "gay rights"
by the politically incorrect, academic
hijackers of that pure and lovely adjective,
"gay") and vows to bring pro-sodomite
laws into the workplace forbidding
any business to refuse employment
to sodomite, lesbian, homosexual,
"gay" sex perverts
The Communist Hell Care Coups
The Commie Energy and Environment Coups
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise
Protest Resist Defy Defeat Expose & Oppose :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds