Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Commie ' Smart Grid ' ;

Commie Smart Meters Are
'Smart' If Your A Profit Seeking
Global Commie Technocrat.

Privacy groups have filed comments
with the California Public Utilities
Commission to protect the privacy
and security of customers'
energy-usage information.

This information will likely be
repurposed by interested
Commie parties.

The Commie 'federal government'
has been promoting the Commie
smart grid as part of its Commie
economic stimulus package

There are questions of reliability,
as PG&E faces criticism from California
customers who have seen bills skyrocket
after the installation of the new Commie
"smart meters."

Unsurprisingly, California legislators
are questioning the rapid rollout.

Texas energy
customers are also complaining

"Why" did the Satanic Jesuits finance,
promote and force into law the Civil Rights
and Voting Rights Acts?

IBM has been given the contract
to conduct the 2010 U.S. census.

IBM also owns Verchip Corporation
that has manufactured an informational
implant intended for every man, woman
and child on the planet.

With "Verchip" approved
by the "Holy Office" of the FDA,
the census will provide all necessary
information for the manufacture
of a chip for every American
that we may be implanted and
tracked in everything we do

Let us view the beauty of the races,
races created by the LORD God
for the deliberate separation of a
fallen humanity that vehemently
hates the one true God and
would do all to unite against
Him under a world dictator
if not for the restraint
of the Holy Spirit

With the ensigns of peace
and good will blazoned before them
and the songs of freedom on their lips,
these hosts go forth into all lands, to
trample on the throne of kings, to
foment insubordination among subects,
to bind the conscience in fetters, and
stifle the first breath of rational liberty

Has The Satanic 'Society of Jesus'
successfully avoided DIRECT
annihilation by the Risen Son of God

The Communist Hell Care Coups

The Energy and Environment Coups

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise

Boycott, Cast Out,
Defeat, Deport,
Embargo, Expose,
Impeach, Object,
Oppose, Protest
and Resist ;


AND ALL Evil,Unholy,
Of The Satanic World Order ;

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds ;

Monday, March 29, 2010

Simply Put, Socialism Is Just Incremental Communism ;

We need to look at the original Commie
effort to nationalize the American economy,
the one attempted by Commie 'Obama's'
model, Commie Franklin D. Roosevelt,
by means of the Commie New Deal.

Commie FDR was never quite clear
about what he wanted to do.

He was clear about the Commie goal,
but not about how to get there.

Not unlike Commie 'Obama',
he left that problem to various Commie
retainers, in this case the Commie members
of the Commie Brain Trust.

The two key Commie Brain Trusters
were Commie Adolf Berle and Commie
Rexford G. Tugwell.

Both men were professors at Columbia,
and both were of one Commie mind
concerning the Commie solutions
to America's economic problems :
Commie collectivism, Commie
centralization, and Commie
state control.

Berle was the author
(with 'economist' Gardner Means)
of The Modern Corporation
and Private Property, an influential
economics text still read today.

'According' to Berle,
the American corporation had gone
out of control and could only be tamed
through Commie government intervention.

Tugwell had traveled to the Commie USSR
and Commie fascist Italy and liked what he saw.

Of Mussolini's Italy, he said,
"It's the cleanest... most efficiently operating
piece of social machinery I've ever seen.
It makes me envious"

A Commie secretive foreign network
of Commie Islamic radicals now operates
dozens of charter schools -- which receive
government money -- on U.S. soil.

The inspirer of this Commie conspiratorial
effort is Fethullah Gülen, who directs a Commie
major Islamist movement in Turkey and the Commie
Turkish Diaspora but lives in the United States.

He is number thirteen among the Commie
world's "50 most influential Muslims,"

In startling news for Americans, the Commie
Gülen movement operates more than 85 primary
and secondary schools on our soil.

A roster of the Commie Gülen schools
and of the numerous Commie foundations
that support them has been released to the
public by the patriotic group Act! for America.

The Commie Gülen schools are often designated
as "science academies" and are concentrated in
Texas, Ohio, and California -- with others
scattered across the rest of the country

Simply Put,
Socialism Is Just Incremental Communism ;

On September 12, 1905,
a group of Commie community
organizers assembled in New York City.

They named their Commie group
the Intercollegiate Socialist Society (I.S.S.).

At about the same time the Commie
Intercollegiate Socialist Society was organized,
the Commie Rand School of Social Science
opened for business in New York City.

The school was funded primarily
by Comme the British Fabians.

Various Commie Intercollegiate
Socialist Society officers were also
on the board of the Commie Rand School,
whose purpose aligned with that of the I.S.S.

As they were expanding their reach
through college campuses and the Commie
Rand School, I.S.S. members were also
busy building other Commie organizations
to advance their cause.

The Commie Industrial Workers
of the World, the Commie National
Association for the Advancement
of Colored People, the Commie American
Civil Liberties Union, the Commie New
Republic magazine, and multiple Commie
teachers' unions were all founded by Commie
Society members.

And in 1919, this tireless Commie
group launched yet another weapon
against our economic system :

The New Commie
School for Social Research

Commie Curriculum,
Commie Public Schools,
Commie Community Colleges,
Commie Universities,
Commie Teachers Unions,
Commie Loans
& Tuition Funding Programs :

Does Anyone See A Commie
Pattern Here ;

By dangling dollars,
the Commie federal government
controls the operation, enrollment,
budget, facilities, and curriculum
of our 'esteemed' Commie institutions
of higher Commie education to a greater
degree than most would acknowledge.

The new Commie monopolistic role
of the Commie feds in Commie student
loan programs, the Commie federal
regulations that govern the physical
environment of our schools, and the
Commie earmarks that support some
of the most arcane Commie education
projects are all examples.

But the Commie coup de grace
is the following startling fact :
We have reached the point
where for many institutions
of higher education, the amount
of revenue that they derive from
either of their two traditional
sources -- tuition and either state
funds (public institutions) or
endowments (private institutions) --
is eclipsed by the funds secured from
the feds through Commie government
grants and Commie research contracts

The Communist Hell Care Coups

The Energy and Environment Coups

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise

Oppose Protest Resist Defy Defeat & Expose :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds ;

Commies Hide Behind Political Correctness, Social Justice, Diversity, Multiculturalism, Amnesty, Entitlements, Etc ;

For years now,
I have been consistently and adamantly
opposed to any sweeping amnesty program
for millions of illegal aliens, whose presence
in our country represents a violation of what
should be our nation's sovereign borders and laws.

My opposition is based on my many concerns
that I have acquired in the nearly 40 years
I have been involved with the many facets
of the immigration issue

If we can stop
the Commie open border crowd
again this year we may have won
the battle for many years to come.

Then America can focus on enforcing
the laws and securing our border and
getting Americans back to work!

We have the support
of the American people--now we need
to get the right people elected in November
--men and women committed only to do
what is right for the country and who have
the courage to stand up to the Commie forces
who would destroy this great nation only to
promote their own personal Commie agenda,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=80&cntnt01detailtemplate=default-news-detail&cntnt01returnid=15

With the Commie Hell Care
taste of victory in their mouth,
Commies will move again.

This time their Commie target
is what some call "Commie comprehensive
immigration reform"--but what we know
as Commie amnesty for '15-20' million
Commie illegal aliens.

And Commies won't stop there.
They will include a massive Commie
guest worker program with it, which will
bring millions more Commie foreign workers
into the country--Commie workers who will
turn into Commie illegal aliens waiting for their
Commie amnesty.

All this at a time when 25 million
Americans are unemployed or underemployed--
but Commie Democrats aren't about
creating jobs.

They are focused on creating a
Commie socialist state--at any expense,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=79&cntnt01detailtemplate=default-news-detail&cntnt01returnid=15

Commie RINO* Dick Armey ;

The Republican establishment
has spent the last several months
trying to capture the Tea Party movement.

Their front man, former Commie RINO
congressman Dick Armey, has been selling
himself as the group's lead organizer.

What a joke! COMMIE RINO
Dick Armey is no more Tea Party material
than my poodle!

Commie Rino Dick is nothing more
than a "when in Rome" kind of guy--
a go-to, COMMIE RINO establishment
'republican' when he was in Commie
Washington, a Commie big time corporate
lobbyist when he left, and now a 'leader'
of the Tea Party regulars? Right!

In an interview with Commie Charlie Rose,
Commie RINO Armey said :

"I tell you, I was for example
not really happy to see Tom Tancredo
calling himself a tea party guy."

Why? Because of "his harsh
and uncharitable and mean-spirited
attitude on the immigration issue."

But Tom is a genuine hero
of the Tea Party--he received three
standing ovations when he spoke
at their convention--the first one
when he walked on stage.

Why? Because, unlike
Tom spent 10 years fighting
for American workers and families
when he was in Congress--and against
Commie RINO Armey and his Commie
RINO buddies.

In a speech at the National Press Club,
Commie RINO Armey actually condemned
today's Republicans for their stand against
Commie illegal immigration,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=78&cntnt01detailtemplate=default-news-detail&cntnt01returnid=15

*RINO Republican In Name Only**

** I Presume That Republicans
Can Still Claim To Be Conservative

It's Time For A Long Term Moratorium
On All Future Immigration Whatsoever .

No More Importation Of Any More
Immigrants At All .

No More Commie Foreign Exchange
Programs, No More Adoption Of
Foreign Children, No More Anchor
Babies, Chain Migration, Legal Or
Illegal Immigration .

We Have Enough Commie Loving Aliens
& Foreigners In This Country Already.

Our Alien Foreigner Commie 'Obama'
and other such Alien Foreigner Commies
'Holding Public Office' Should Be
Additional Evidence If More Is
Required .

If Commies Want To
'Spice Up Their Lives'
With Aliens & Foreigners
They Need To Pack Their
Own Luggage And Move
To The Commie Alien Foreign
Country Of Their Choice
& Stay There Permanently .

Protest Resist Defy Defeat Expose & Oppose :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds ;

Saturday, March 27, 2010

I DEEM The Commie Administration In Washington D.C. To Be A Direct Threat Against We The People, Our Country & Our Sovereignty ;

Oppose Protest Resist Defy Defeat & Expose :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds ;

I've been talking about the dangers
of Commie Net Neutrality and the
Commie neo-Marxist FCC
for some time .

However events are picking up speed
& It's time I laid everything back out
from the beginning.

There are two major Commie plans
that the Commie Obama Commie FCC,
headed by Commie Chairman Julius
Genachowski, has in store for us.

Commie Net Neutrality and a Commie
National Broadband Plan.

Commie Net Neutrality is the more
misleading issue, though, and has the greater
Commie external push behind it, so the
majority of the talk on the Internet is about that.

They're both dangerous, though. Here's why

Some 'Republicans' continue to fumble
the clearest, most concise, easiest-to-sell
message in recent memory - the simple
notion that the recently enacted Commie
'Healthcare' 'law', already having negative
effects on our lives, is unacceptable and
must be fully repealed.

That's not hard, is it?

Some Senators get it. Senator DeMint
has 15 Senate co-sponsors and growing
for his full-repeal bill.

And then there's the almost always reliable
Congressman Mike Pence, who 'said' today
in the WSJ : "The American people don't want
a Commie government takeover of health care
and House Republicans will work every day
to repeal this Commie 'law'


But, apparently for some 'Republicans'
- from all across the spectrum - this simple
message is lost on them. To wit :

The Commie Democrats' constant cries
of racism whenever they encounter
dissenting opinion, the claim to have
'received' threats of violence and
"Death Threats", to be quickly and
unskeptically repeated by friendly Commie
operatives in the nation's Commie media outlets
is fast becoming a standard part of the Commie
Democrat M.O. to 'change' the subject
and get out of trouble.

Let's be honest.
9 or more times out of 10, like the "incident"
when a swastika was painted by 'supposed'
Right-Wingers on Commie David Scott's
(D-GA) office sign last year, or when Commie
Rahm Emanuel started to claim that he had
'received' "Death Threats" when it became
clear that he was far more involved in Commie
Blago's selling of Commie 'Barack Obama's'
Commie Senate seat than he'd let on, or the
'attack' on the Colorado Commie Democratic
Headquarters in Denver in August, these 'attacks'
on Commie Democrat offices and "Death Threat"
calls happen at all-too-convenient times and
practically no one ever gets caught - the rare
exception that did get caught in Denver last
year turned out to be a Commie Democrat
hiree and activist engaged in what was
obviously a false flag operation with
evidence pointing to at least one local
Commie Democrat party official having
some foreknowledge of the "attack"

I would point out that it was the Commie
Democrats who just 'took over' 1/6th
of the American economy despite
upwards of 56% of the American
public being opposed.

And they expect
We The People to do what . . . clap?

As I said earlier today,
violence is unacceptable, but none of us
should be surprised - especially the
Commie left, which feeds off Commie
riots, Commie protest, and Commie
molotov cocktail parties every time
they strongly oppose something.

The Commie Weather Underground
was not a Republican insurgency
at the Weather Channel.

We're not the ones stirring the Commie pot
of socialism taking over the private sector.

The Commie Democrats are.

We've just been pointing out the Commie
facts that Commie Marshall and the Commie
Democrats find so inconvenient including,
yes, the so called Commie "death panels"

The Communist Hell Care Coups

The Energy and Environment Coups

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise

Constitutional Currency ;

If you take the money that
you want to spend on a mortgage
today and instead put it into gold
and silver, there's a good chance
that in just a few years, the money
you saved by being mortgage-free
now might grow enough to later pay
for your new house outright

You can't fake gold or silver,
you can't dilute them, nor can you create
more of them - thus making precious metals
the perfect currency.

In addition, since silver is relatively
inexpensive compared to gold or platinum,
it is easier to make change and conduct
other functions of ordinary business

On March 23, 2010,
GATA Director Adrian Douglas
was contacted by a whistleblower
by the name of Andrew Maguire.

Maguire is a metals trader in London.
He has been told first-hand by traders
working for JPMorganChase that
JPMorganChase manipulates the
precious metals markets, and they
have bragged to how they
make money doing so.

In November 2009 Maguire contacted
the CFTC enforcement division to report
this criminal activity.

He described in detail the way JPMorgan
Chase signals to the market its intention
to take down the precious metals.

Traders recognize these signals and make
money shorting the metals alongside JPM.

Maguire explained how there are routine
market manipulations at the time of option
expiry, non-farm payroll data releases, and
COMEX contract rollover,
as well as ad-hoc events

The U.S. should be on the "fast track"
to expand regulation because "excessive
speculation" by hedge funds and other
large traders are "contorting" the market,
Bart Chilton, one of five members of the
U.S. Commodity Futures Trading
Commission, said today during a
public meeting in Washington.

The agency, which oversees more than
$5 trillion in daily trading, in January
proposed adding limits to the energy
markets as part of a government
campaign to prevent individuals or
companies from gaining too much
control of a commodity market.

Investors including Michael Pento
at Delta Global Advisors have said
increased regulation will sap liquidity

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Continue To Resist Defy Defeat Expose Oppose & Protest :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds ;

Since 'taking office'
in January 2009, Commie 'President'
'Barack Obama' has done his utmost to expand
the Commie federal government to an
unprecedented size.

He has bailed out 'banks' and 'automakers',
absorbed Commie student loans, and most
recently taken on the role of 'providing'
Commie 'health' 'insurance' for every
'American' in this country.

Because there is no such thing as
Commie "Obama money," lucid citizens
know that all these Commie actions either
were or will be funded by taxpayer dollars.

This means that regardless of what we think
about bailing out 'car manufacturers' that were
driven into the ground by Commie union thugs
or 'insuring' Americans who may not want to be
insured in the first place, portions of our paychecks
will be confiscated to pay for these Commie ventures.

Commie Senate Democrats
rejected an amendment last night offered by
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) that would
have required the Commie 'President',
Commie 'Vice President', Commie cabinet
members, top Commie White House staff,
and the Commie congressional leadership
and Commie committee staff who drafted
the proposal to purchase their Commie 'health'
'insurance' through the Commie government
exchanges like everyone else.

"As a result, Commie 'President' 'Obama'
will not have to live under the Commie 'Obama'
'healthcare' 'reforms', and neither will the Commie
congressional staff who helped to write the Commie
overhaul," Grassley said.

"The Commie message to the people
at the grassroots is that it's good enough for you,
but not for us Commies"

The Commie 'Obama'-backed Association
of Commie Community Organizations for
Reform Now (ACORN) has conveniently
changed its name to shed its criminal history,
but the scandal-plagued Commie leftist group
is still alive and quite active.

Commie ACORN, which annually rakes in
millions of U.S. tax dollars, is hardly folding
as the Commie charity's sympathy-seeking
Commie leaders claim.

Instead the Commie group
is simply branching out under aliases

A high-ranking Commie Homeland Security
director 'responsible' for preventing illegal
immigrants from entering the U.S. has been
convicted of inducing her Brazilian housekeeper
to flout federal immigration laws by remaining in
the country illegally.

The former port director for the New England
area, Commie Lorraine Henderson, had been
federally indicted last spring for hiring illegal
immigrants and encouraging them to stay in
the U.S. .

Before getting indicted Commie Henderson
was the Massachusetts regional director of
Commie Customs and Border Protection,
'responsible' for the inspection and admission
of Commie foreign nationals who sought entry
into the U.S. and for 'preventing' the entry of
Commie illegal aliens through the Massachusetts,
Connecticut and Rhode Island ports of entry
as well as Boston's Logan Airport

The Communist Hell Care Coups

The Energy and Environment Coups

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise

Continue To Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds ;

The Commie
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will see its
largest expansion since withholding taxes were
first enacted during WWII to enforce the glut
of new Comme tax mandates and Commie
penalties included in the Commie Democrats'
latest Commie 'health' 'care' plan, according
to Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX).

A personal representative of the Commie
Bishops explained during a conference call
in favor of Commie 'health' 'care' 'legislation'
and Commie "comprehensive immigration reform"
that it was all about money.

Commie Kevin Appleby, director of the Commie
Bishops' Office of Commie Migration Policy
and Commie Public Affairs, said the Commie
Bishops wanted a national Commie 'health' 'care'
plan funded by taxpayers to pick up the costs
associated with covering the Commie illegal aliens
coming to the Commie Catholic hospitals.

Commie Catholic Church lobbyists were working
hand-in-glove with Commie Stupak from the start

The failure to enforce immigration laws
at worksites has led to job losses
for American workers.

"The United States is suffering its highest
unemployment rate in decades, yet Commie
'President' 'Obama' has cut jobsite enforcement
of immigration laws by 60 percent.

Over 8 million jobs are held
by foreign workers who are in this country

Are there any industries that Commie
'Barack Obama' won't consider nationalizing?

The Commie Federal government
under the design of Commie takeover artists
in the Commie 'Obama' administration is engaged
in an until-now little-noticed Commie power
grab of the student loan business

The agenda of Commie Soros
and other Commie short sellers is clear.

Their purpose is "to loot America
and any foreign country which invested
in America.

Greece was one of them.
Iceland was ravaged and annihilated."

The Commie term "short selling"
in this context refers to investors, speculators
and currency manipulators who bet on the decline
or collapse of a stock or currency
through complex financial instruments handled
mostly through secret off-shore accounts.

For the hedge fund short sellers
to make money, prices have to go down

Monday, March 22, 2010

Oppose Protest Resist Defy Defeat & Expose :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds ;

The Commie Democratic Party has in the
course of the nine-month 'health care' 'debate'
revealed itself to be an Commie anti-democratic
Party and an Commie anti-liberty party.

It is a Commie party that has demonstrated its
contempt for the Constitutional framework, for
the democratic process, and for the expressed will
of the American people.

Its brazen Commie contempt for the compact
that holds the diverse factions of this country
together has initiated a political war at home
that will extend not only into the next elections
but into the next generations that will be
encumbered with the trillions in debt and
oppressive Commie government controls
that the Commie socialist majority in
Congress has demonstrated that it is
intent on inflicting on this country.

But The people of this nation
are still sovereign, and their voice
will be heard.

Last night's vote was lost
but it is not the end of the battle.

It is the beginning

Sunday's legislative Commie "victory"
was achieved despite the flaws of the Commie
House 'health care' 'bill', which are by now

Of these the most notable is the staggering
ten-year price tag for the Commie legislation:
$940 billion, complete with Commie tax
increases totaling $400 billion.

Even in its enormity, that figure does not factor
in the expensive new Commie federal bureaucracy
that the 'bill' would create.

For instance, some 16,500 new Commie IRS
workers will be needed to collect, examine and
audit the new Commie tax information that families
and small businesses will have to provide to comply
with the Commie 'bill's 'provisions'.

Nor does it include the Commie penalties -
up to $700 in some cases - that Americans will
be forced to pay lest they fail to 'purchase'
Commie insurance

The shady Commie
Iranian fundraiser who for years donated
lucrative sums to top Commie Democrats-
including the Commie 'president', 'vice president'
and 'secretary of state'-has pleaded guilty
to a major bank-fraud scheme that could
land him in jail for nearly two decades.

Disgraced Commie Democratic money man
Hassan Nemazee admitted this week that he
defrauded three financial institutions out of
nearly $300 million in loan proceeds by
falsifying documents and signatures to
show he had hundreds of millions of
dollars worth of collateral.

The Ivy League-educated Commie crook
then used the proceeds to donate big bucks
to the campaigns of Commie federal, state
and local candidates.

Among them are some of the nation's best known
and most powerful Commie Democrats, including
Commie Secretary of State and former New York
Senator Hillary Clinton, Commie 'President'
'Barack Obama' and 'Vice President'
Joe Biden.

Commie Nemazee was actually the national
finance chairman of Commie Clinton's failed
2008 presidential campaign as well as
Commie John Kerry's in 2004

Commie Henry Kissinger said,
"Conflicts across the globe and an international
respect for Barack Obama have created the
perfect setting for establishment
of 'a New World Order."

'Allegedly', the upper echelon of Freemasonry
were 'infiltrated' long ago by the Satanic Illuminati
whose objective is world dominance through
one-world governance.

There are claims that Barack Obama
is a 32nd degree Prince Hall Freemason.

Prince Hall Freemasons, Jesse Jackson
and Charles Rangel, supported his presidency.

Whether he is a Freemason or not,
he might indeed be the chosen vessel
of the New World Order proponents
unless the citizens call a halt to the scheme

The Communist Hell Care Coups

The Energy and Environment Coups

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise

Protest Resist Defy Defeat Expose & Oppose :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds ;

The passage of this phony Commie 'healthcare'
"reform" is a tremendous blow to the cause of
fiscal restraint, limited government,
Constitutional principles,
and free enterprise.

In short,
it strikes directly at America's core principles.

This is shameful moment in the history of our
country - and especially the 'Democratic'
Party, which has apparently come unmoored
from whatever remaining attachment it 'had'
to the ideals of our Founders.

In place of a dedication to "life, liberty,
and the pursuit of happiness," there is only
a rapacious impulse to ever-expanded state
control, and an avaricious imperative to seize
ever-more of your rightful possessions

As soon as Obama's signature
is on the dotted line, attorneys general
are slated to file lawsuits to challenge
the constitutionality of the bill.

Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum,
a former member of the House and current
Republican candidate for governor,
is one immediately filing suit.

"As soon as this bill is signed into law,
with the form that it's in now, the State of Florida
will file a lawsuit against the federal government,
against a number of agencies and the President,
to have the U.S. Supreme Court ultimately declare
this bill unconstitutional,"
McCollum told Fox News'
Neil Cavuto on Sunday afternoon.

"There are two grounds for it."

"One of those is the individual mandate
that you've talked so much about and heard about
where you are taxed or penalized just for living,
basically," McCollum continued.

"You are required to buy a health insurance plan,
and if you don't buy it, you're going to have this

There's no connection to commerce,
there's no basis under the Constitution that
any of our experts can see for the Congress
to be able to impose that on an individual."

"And then there's a question of the manipulation
of our states and our resources by the federal
government in unprecedented ways --
ways that violate the sovereignty in our Constitution --
the sovereignty amendment, the 10th Amendment,"
McCollum said.

"So we will sue, I think we will win this suit ultimately
because I think it's very wrong, it's unconstitutional
and we have a lot of states' attorney generals
who agree with me on this"

As the Commie 'health care' 'debate'
reached critical mass, many states
began looking at what their options
are if Commie Obamacare passes.

There is a host of issues that they will have,
ranging from the budget-busting unfunded
Commie federal mandate on Medicaid
to the constitutional issue of the Commie
individual mandate.

The so-called Commie "individual mandate"
is perhaps the simplest issue.

Commie 'Obama's' Commie 'health care' 'bill'
is a budgetary house of cards that depends on
forcing every American to buy Commie
'health insurance'.

It sets up another Commie Social Security-like
Commie Ponzi scheme in which younger, healthy
people 'buy' 'insurance' to make 'affordable' the
'insurance' bought by older, less healthy people.

The Commie 'president' has admitted that his
Commie scheme doesn't 'work' unless everyone
is forced into the system

As the Commie 'Obama' 'administration'
prepares to 'finance' a 2010 Commie budget
deficit expected to top $1.5 trillion, the American
public is largely unaware that the true negative net
worth of the Commie federal government reached
$70.7 trillion last year.

That's more than $70,000,000,000,000.

The figure is five times last year's U.S. GDP
and exceeds the world GDP by about $10 trillion

A new battle over illegal Commie immigration
is rapidly shaping up in the nation's capital.

Commie Supporters of comprehensive
Commie immigration 'reform' are demanding
immediate legislative Commie action from the
Commie 'Obama' 'administration'

Friday, March 19, 2010

Expose Oppose Protest Resist Defy & Defeat :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds ;

President Obama owes his success and his
hold on power more to three Marxist groups
than he does to the Democrats.

The three organizations,
Communist Party USA,
Committees of Correspondence for Democracy
and Socialism and Democratic Socialists of America,
all worked with Barack Obama for years
and helped get him elected.

Now they want payback.

All three organizations have campaigned hard
for "socialized" or "Single Payer" health care.

They want Obama to pass a bill, any bill,
so that they can then ratchet up the pressure
until the government has complete control
of the health sector.

Because these people figure that if government
controls health care, it will lock socially conservative
American workers into supporting their
Democratic Party allies indefinitely

Are there any industries that Barack Obama
won't consider nationalizing?

Don't look now,
but the Federal government under the design
of takeover artists in the Obama administration
is engaged in an until-now little-noticed
power grab of the student loan business.

It would be accomplished in one fell swoop,
away from public view, by linking student loan-giving
to health insurance "reform," via a backdoor effort
called "reconciliation."

Slick, eh?
What will Big Government fans think of next?

Student loans taken over by Big Government,
with a new bureaucracy, is the object, under
the guise, we suppose, of that old trite joke,

"we're from the government
and we're here to help you."

But this is no joke.
Big Brother lives and breathes in this
control-freak administration.

They covet the student loan business, too

Amid a budget crisis that's negatively impacted
public education across the country, the number
of illegal immigrants benefitting from discounted
tuition at colleges and universities in Texas continues
rising, costing taxpayers tens of millions of dollars
in the last few years.

With the blessing of Republican Governor Rick Perry,
The Lone Star State offers illegal aliens who graduate
from Texas high schools heavily discounted tuition
at any of the state's public universities or two-year
community colleges.

The costly perk is supposed to be reserved
for U.S. citizens or legal residents
who live in the state

Instead, thousands of illegal aliens annually receive
the benefit as well as other taxpayer-funded financial
aid and the exorbitant tab keeps growing.

Texas has awarded nearly $34 million in state
and institutional financial aid to illegal immigrants
in the last four years alone, according to a Dallas
newspaper report that quotes figures from
the state's Higher Education Coordinating Board.

Texas education officials continue the practice
even though the Attorney General ruled last year
that giving illegal immigrants discounted public
college tuition is not legal.

In an opinion published last June,
Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott stated
that allowing illegal immigrants to pay in-state
tuition rates breaks federal law

The overwhelmed federal agency that provides
Congress with crucial economic data on pending
legislation appealed for much-needed new staff
this week and instead got a crazed minority quota
mandate from the Democrat who controls its funding.

Overworked evaluating health care reform plans,
the Congressional Budge Office (CBO), which has
the task of writing official cost estimates for bills,
desperately needs more manpower.

Its stressed-out staff is working inhumane 100-hour
workweeks and demands are only increasing with
President Obama's packed agenda, according to
a Washington D.C. newspaper report.

After all, the nonpartisan agency provides figures
and estimates required in the Congressional
budget process.

During a pitch to a House Appropriations
subcommittee this week to add new staff, CBO
Director Douglas Elmendorf was ordered to hire
more women and minorities by the
congresswoman who allocates its funding.

Florida Democrat Debbie Wasserman Schultz
instructed Elmendorf, who is appointed by the
Speaker of the House and the President
pro tempore of the Senate, to essentially
create a quota system at the CBO.

The Communist Hell Care Coups

The Energy and Environment Coups

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise

Defy Defeat Expose Oppose Protest & Resist :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds ;

The STATES in the union
must choose to live in freedom by resisting
the federal government's unnatural and unlawful
actions or choose to live in submission to slavery
by giving up their rightful powers and jurisdictions
and by allowing the federal government to run
rough-shod over the supposed
constitutionally-secured liberties and freedom
of the people within their borders.

The cap and trade legislation (H. R. 2454)
in the U.S. House of Representatives was based
entirely on the results from all the research done
using CRU data.

This even includes the computer climate models.

The same is true for the pending Senate
cap and trade bill; S. 1733.

Years of negotiating for the Copenhagen
Agreement were also based on this data.

The entire house of cards supporting
man-caused global warming is collapsing.

Yet, this did not stop the scaremongering coming
out the December Copenhagen Climate Meeting.

Other than some peripheral skirmishes, the agenda
ground on as if these revelations never occurred.

This meeting and the parallel U.S. cap and trade
legislation are too critical to the creation
of world government for it to fail

John D. "Jay" Rockefeller IV,
appearing on Bottom Line
with George Stephanopoulos,
insists that health care without
the "public option" is useless

With Obama pursuing a decidedly Marxist
revolution in the U.S., why would Trilateral
members be so supportive of his policies?

Because they have espoused a Marxist
philosophy for the last 35 years

NAFTA called for the operation of Mexican trucks
in the United States, and the operation of U.S. trucks
in Mexico.

U.S. trucks generally refuse to enter Mexico
because of the extreme danger to life and property.

Now, Obama is dealing with Mexican president
Calderon and promises to reinvigorate
the Mexican truck program

It was Keynes himself who admitted
that by "a continuous process of inflation,
governments can confiscate, secretly
and unobserved, an important part
of the wealth of their citizens.

By this method, they not only confiscate,
but confiscate arbitrarily: and while the process
impoverishes many, it actually enriches some
[e.g., Al Gore].

The process engages all of the hidden forces
of economic law on the side of destruction,
and does it in a manner that not one man
in a million can diagnose."

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

World's governments are largely populated by hustlers, con-artists, gangsters and racketeers promoting the common fraud of fiat currency ;

Over the past two years, the size and number
of national governments unable to pay their debts
has begun to grow.

In fact, Iceland's minuscule problem has seemingly
spread in a kind of debt contagion among western

This growing problem of governmental defaults has
been named the "sovereign debt crisis".

I object to the term "sovereign" since I deny that
most modern governments are truly "sovereign".

The world's governments are largely populated by
hustlers, con-artists, gangsters and racketeers
promoting the common fraud of fiat currency; their
governmental organizations are no more legitimately
"sovereign" than a 1920's protection racket headed
by Al Capone.

In truth, the world's "sovereign debt crisis" is
primarily a "government debt crisis".

Conjecture concerning the absence of a court's
inherent jurisdiction is consistent with the theory that
most modern state courts operate in some private
capacity rather than as true judicial courts under the
judicial department created by the State constitution.

Under this theory, modern state courts function
something like private arbitration services whose
decisions can be binding-but only if both parties
initially consent to be bound by the arbitration

If either party refuses to consent to a private
arbitration process, the process cannot proceed

President Obama promises that America is about
to the enjoy an "economy recovery," but America
really needs a "spiritual recovery" of the fundamental
principles that 1) All men are equally endowed by
their Creator with certain unalienable Rights; and 2)
government's primary duty is to "secure" those
God-given, unalienable rights and each man's
standing as a sovereign.

This need will not be quickly met.

The extended time required to re-educate the
People to recognize, value, demand and even
fight for their unalienable Rights, will cause this
country to suffer a long-term decline
(at least five years and probably more)
that may be catastrophic

Sovereign Debt = Sub-Prime Debt

Smoke, Mirrors, Special Drawing Rights and Gold :
Why Central Banks Cannot Tell the Truth

The Gold Anti-Trust
Action Committee Daily Dispatches

Gold & Silver News

Resist & Oppose Unconstitutional Globalist Whores : Satanic Commie Progressive Zombie Traitors ;

Commie Timothy Geithner is a rising star within
the membership of the Trilateral Commission :

He is highly educated, has extensive regulatory
experience, and is wiling to bend, break or
obscure the rules to favor his
global elite bosses.

In November 2008 when Geithner was President
of the NY Federal Reserve, just before becoming
'Obama's' Secretary of the Treasury, recently
discovered e-mails reveal that Geithner and the
NY Fed pressured the bailed-out AIG into
keeping it's mouth shut about which banks were
receiving taxpayer funds in exchange for toxic assets
known as "credit swaps."

(This story was made possible by copies of e-mails
between Fed and AIG officials that were recently
secured by California Representative Darrell Issa

Furthermore, the NY FED and AIG then conspired
to officially hide the event when AIG was required to
make a regulatory filing to the SEC on December 24,
2008 :

The Fed crossed out the reference on its records
and AIG excluded the facts on their filing

If you are having negative sentiment against
Commie Trilateral-style globalization, you are not alone.

A 2007 Financial Times/Harris poll revealed that
less than 20 percent of people in six industrialized
countries (including the U.S.) believe that globalization
is good for their country while over 50 percent are
outright negative towards it.

While citizens around the world are feeling the pain
of globalization, few understand why it is happening
and hence, they have no effective strategy
to counter it.

The American public has never, ever conceived
that such forces would align themselves so successfully
against freedom and liberty.

Yet, the evidence is clear : Steerage of America has
long since fallen into the hands of an actively hostile
enemy that intends to remove all vestiges of the
very things that made us the greatest nation in the
history of mankind

The Obama presidency is a disingenuous fraud.

He was elected by promising to bring change,
yet from the start change was never envisioned.

He was carefully groomed and financed by the
Trilateral Commission and their friends.

In short, Obama is merely the continuation of
disastrous, non-American policies that have brought
economic ruin upon us and the rest of the world.

The Obama experience rivals that of Jimmy Carter,
whose campaign slogan was "I will never lie to you."

When the Democrat base
finally realizes that it has been conned again
(Bill Clinton and Al Gore were members), perhaps
it will unleash a real political revolution that will oust
Trilateral politicians, operatives and policies from
the shores of our country

The stampede to globalism is conducted by a small
group of individuals with aspirations for
global dominance.

It should be noted again that there are members of
the global "core" who are not members of the
Trilateral Commission.

In general,
they are driven by lust for money and power.

They have clearly made an end-run around the
American people in order to achieve personal goals
that, in many cases, are diametrically opposed
to U.S. interests.

If the American people fully understood the
magnitude of the deception and power-grab, they
would immediately and totally repudiate these
individuals and their self-serving global schemes

The Communist Hell Care Coups

The Energy and Environment Coups

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Opposing Evil, Unconstitutional & Treasonous Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores ;

Shortly before midnight on Sunday, Commie
Democrats released a 2,309 page Commie
'health care bill' that will start the process
of reconciliation - but don't let that fool you,
it's not the actual Commie reconciliation bill
with all the changes you've been reading about.

Instead, as Rep. Paul Ryan, the ranking
Republican member on the Budget Committee,
explained to me last week, this is just the "shell"
bill - the vehicle that Commie Democrats need
to get moving on Commie health care.

Once the bill gets approved (likely Monday),
Commie Democrats will send this phantom 'bill'
over to the Rules Committee, where it will be
stripped, and then they'll insert in all of the actual
Commie changes that they've negotiated.

Why all of the theatrics?
Well, under the reconciliation rules in last year's
budget, any reconciliation bill would have to have
been submitted to the Budget Committee by
October 15, 2009

Slaughter Rule Unconstitutional

It may be clever, but it is not constitutional.

To become law-hence eligible for amendment
via reconciliation-the Senate health-care bill must
actually be signed into law.

The Constitution speaks directly
to how that is done.

According to Article I,
Section 7, in order for a "Bill" to
"become a Law," it "shall have passed the House
of Representatives and the Senate" and be
"presented to the President of the United States"
for signature or veto.

Unless a bill actually has "passed" both Houses,
it cannot be presented to the president
and cannot become a law.

Wavering Congressmen have to weigh
whether it's worth losing re-election to enact
in an unconstitutional manner a law that may
very well be declared null in the end

Paul Ryan - Prophet of disaster

At the Commie health care summit,
he was a man among boys, firing broadsides
at the Commie 'health care reform' bill that hit
their target with devastating accuracy.

Commie 'Obama' didn't even bother
to try and counter the points Ryan made.

In 11 minutes, he destroyed the Commie
Democrats' talking points - and they knew it

Commie ObamaCare isn't really about making
health care more available or affordable to those
who need it and can't afford it.

It isn't about
lowering insurance costs or reducing
the federal deficit.

What has been
proposed achieves none of these objectives.

Commie ObamaCare is simply a leviathan of
a lie, whose only practical impact for generations
to come will be increased welfare-state
dependency on government, greater Commie
government intrusion and control over people's
personal lives and privacy, reduced availability
of health care providers as more of them are
driven from their professions -- all of which
translates to higher and higher costs, which only
accelerates the country's financial death spiral

The Communist Hell Care Coups

The Energy and Environment Coups

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise

Resisting Evil, Unconstitutional & Treasonous Satanic Commie Whores ;

Do Republicans have any chance
of winning back the Senate in November?

The answer to that question,
strange as it sounds, may lie
in the battle for control of the House.

Not since 1930 has control of the House
flipped without the Senate flipping also.

On the other hand, control of the Senate has
changed hands a couple of times since
World War II without the House flipping -
think, most recently, of 1980
(or, with an asterisk, of 2000).

Given his personal history, it is no surprise
that Commie George Soros calls for the
establishment of a European Treasury.

Such an institution would buttress
and perpetuate the kind of system
he knows how to play so well.

Commie George Soros is at his most profitable
when speculating in fiat currencies whose interest
and exchange rates are ultimately managed by
monetary and/or political authorities.

For this both central banks
and Treasuries are required.

The creation of a European Treasury
would thus enable Commie Soros to continue
expanding his fortune on an ever larger scale
while the European people would supply
the cash necessary to keep the system afloat.

Not a bad deal at all, if you are George Soros

Public employee compensation
is breaking the bank.

Two or three decades ago, it was commonly
understood that public employees were underpaid;
everyone knew that when they took a government

The lower pay was balanced by job security, ext
ra days off, and a generous benefit package, so
government employers were able to attract
qualified applicants in spite of the lower salaries.

Then, state by state, city by city,
public employees were allowed to unionize,
which - in hindsight - was perhaps the biggest
fiscal mistake governments could have made.

Predictably, public employee unions (PEUs)
began to involve themselves in politic campaigns
and amass enormous campaign war chests and
eventually began electing the very people with
whom they were negotiating their contracts.

If unions attempted this in the private sector, it
would be a felony and people would go to prison
.but almost no efforts have been undertaken to
prevent this form of "bribery" in the public sector
and today public employee unions routinely
control both sides of the bargaining table

The growing migrations of Muslims into Europe
and the US, bring not only potential terrorists but
also a religion which simply does not in any way
square with our predominant cultures.

Some authors could dismiss the raw Muslim
numbers as low, compared to the killings
committed by drug lords both here and in Mexico.

However, just the sheer immensity of overall
immigration numbers of people of all races and
creeds both legal and illegal into the USA
represents a major source of true concern.

"Bottom line :
We need an immediate moratorium on all
immigration until real immigration reform can be
enacted, certainly not another amnesty for illegal
aliens now here like the Gutierrez or Schumer bill."

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Oppose The Satanic Zombieland On The Potomac ;

Globalist Commie Maoists Manchurians Liberal
Progressive Stateist Unionist Obamunist
Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars & Frauds :

Though Bush 41 and Bush 43
often disagreed, one issue did unite them
both with Bill Clinton : protectionism.

Globalists all,
they rejected any federal measure to protect
America's industrial base, economic independence
or the wages of U.S. workers.

Together they rammed through NAFTA,
brought America under the World Trade
Organization, abolished tariffs and granted
Chinese-made goods unrestricted access
to the immense U.S. market.

From 2000 to 2009, industrial production
declined here for the first time since the 1930s.

Gross domestic product also fell,
and we actually lost jobs.

In traded goods alone,
we ran up $6.2 trillion in deficits --
$3.8 trillion of that in manufactured goods.

Things that we once made in America --
indeed, we made everything -- we now buy from
abroad with money that we borrow from abroad.

Over this Lost Decade,
5.8 million manufacturing jobs, one of every three
we had in Y2K, disappeared.

That unprecedented job loss
was partly made up by adding 1.9 million
government workers.

The last decade was the first in history where
government employed more workers than
manufacturing, a stunning development to those
of us who remember an America where nearly
one-third of the U.S. labor force was producing
almost all of our goods and much of the world's,
as well

Commie 'President' 'Obama'
promised Commie Latino activists
a new illegal alien amnesty bill--last year.

Mired in the Commie health care "reform"
debacle, neither the 'President' nor his
Commie party wanted another partisan
stand off.

Commie Senator Chuck Schumer
had promised an immigration "reform" bill
by last Thanksgiving but had produced nothing.

Commie Lindsey Graham to the rescue.
Graham and Schumer have been meeting
on a "new" bipartisan immigration bill.

The President beamed his approval,
and the new Gang of Two had a press
conference to announce the Commie

The "new" Commie immigration bill
includes a "path to citizenship" for illegals,
border 'security', and biometric I.D. cards
for every American to insure that
only those here legally can get jobs.

Since 1986,
Americans have been promised some variation
of the three legged stool--amnesty, border
protection, employer sanctions.

Every time a bill passes,
the illegals get the amnesty,
the border remains open,
and millions more illegally enter the country

Commie 'Obama' and his Commie
'administration' want to know
and control everything, namely us.

If given the chance, Obama and his crew
will morph into place a national ID Card for
Workers under the guise of repairing and
responding to the Immigration problem.

Now, the push is on to quickly create a biometric
card, which would have embedded information,
personal information and fingerprints.

Who cares about that old fossil..privacy rights.

This special and intrusive card
would be forced on and used
by ALL workers in America.

The recent Wall Street Journal article
exposed this very thing.

It isn't just Democrats
who have lost their minds on this.

Senator's Chuck Schumer (D)
and Lindsey Graham (R) are boldly
leading this effort and want a bill signed soon.

In fact they are planning to meet with Obama
next week to update him on their work

The Barofsky report documents
that credit default swaps worth 40 cents
on the dollar were bought at 100 cents
on the dollar under the Federal bailout
terms, funneling "tens of billions of
dollars of government money...
inexorably and directly to AIG's
--including Goldman Sachs.

According to Bloomberg news this week,
Geithner arranged for Goldman Sachs
to receive full payment on credit default
swaps they had purchased rather than
40 cents on the dollar AIG proposed.

A Fed-run entity called Maiden Lane III
was used to sell these CDSs, which cost
American tax payers at least $13 billion
dollars at the time.

It is currently estimated that due
to a continuing decline in value,
this bank favoritism case could
cost the American tax payer $35.6 billion

The Communist Hell Care Coups

The Energy and Environment Coups

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise

Who Wants To Live Under Shariah Law & Be Ruled By Illegal Aliens ;

Oppose The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
& Anti Capitalistic :

Satanic Zombieland On The Potomac ;
Globalist Commie Maoists Manchurians Liberal
Progressive Stateist Unionist Obamunist
Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars & Frauds :

The Commie White House has announced
a "summit on entrepreneurship" to build
economic ties with the Islamic world,
part of Commie 'President'
'Barack Obama's'
outreach to Muslims.

He said that the meeting would
"identify how we can deepen ties between
business leaders, foundations and social
entrepreneurs in the United States
and Muslim communities around the world."

The government's
fraudulent takeover of AIG

The federal lawsuit alleges
that the U.S. government's takeover
and financial bailout of AIG was in violation
of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.

Specifically, at the time of the government bailout
(September - December 2008), AIG was (and still is)
the world leader in promoting Shariah-compliant
insurance products.

Shariah is Islamic law, and it is the identical legal
doctrine that demands capital punishment for apostasy
and blasphemy and provides the legal and political
mandates for global jihad followed religiously
by the world's Muslim terrorists.

By propping up AIG with tax payer funds,
the U.S. government is directly and indirectly
promoting Islam and, more troubling, Shariah Law

Another phenomenon that followed
the great oil rush of the post-9/11 era
was the promotion and aggressive exportation
of the Muslim Brotherhood doctrine of SCF,
Shariah Compliant Finance .

The concept of SCF was articulated by men
like Sayyid Qutb of Egypt and Abul Ala Maududi
of Pakistan in the mid-20th century, both of whom
argued for a Jihad against Westernization, and the
creation of Islamic polities that would ultimately
join in a hegemonic worldwide caliphate.

The goal was that of establishing Shariah
not merely as the supreme law of the land,
but as the supreme law of the world.

In the post-9/11 era, Western imams and their
infidel advisers in business suits speaking the
queen's English have understood that given the
global Jihad's reliance on the dictates of Shariah
to murder apostates and to terrorize the infidels
into submission, SCF must be attired in a kind of
progressive Western garb to attract the attention
of the financial centers in London, Hong Kong
and New York

"The U.S. taxpayer now owns
most of AIG and Citigroup, two companies
massively engaged in Shariah-compliant
transactions (SCF), at odds with our
constitutional separation of church and state,"
wrote Frank Gaffney last March,
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense
during the Reagan administration, and founder
of the Center for Security Policy.

"Promoters of this (SCF) industry,
like 'Shariah advisor' and al-Jazeera host
Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, have described
SCF as 'financial jihad' and al Qaeda has
publicly embraced its practice. . .
(and British Prime Minister) Brown has
declared he wants Britain to be the world
capital of Shariah finance.

The British government has refused
to take punitive action against British-based
Islamic 'charities' that provide money
to terrorist organizations.

The latest is Interpal,
a Palestinian organization that even the BBC
was able to figure out provides support to Hamas "

Muslim Mafia

Exposing the Risks of Shariah Finance

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Resist Obamunism & Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars & Frauds ;

If the Fed rescinded the "mark-to-market" rule,
the financial crisis would have ceased to exist.

Except, of course, the financial crisis at
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac which chose to
guarantee some $800 billion in bad ACORN
arranged loans, many of them to home buyers
who were buying home with generational welfare
checks (and you thought that all went away in 1995).

Many ACORN-arranged loans went to people
without any real earnings and should never have
even been considered for a loan,
let alone granted one.

On Feb. 24,
the Securities & Exchange Commission
voted on new rules they claimed would
limit short selling.

The new rule curbs short selling
once the value of the stock of any
company under attack by short sellers
falls 10%.

When the 10% threshold is reached,
traders can only execute short sales for
the stock at a price above the market's
best bid.

That ends short selling for the moment,
and offers a modem of protection for the
stocks that are currently being devastated
at will.

Needless to say,
the big financial conglomerates like AIG, Citibank,
Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley
and others who own hedge funds like Goldman Sachs
Group, Inc., Citadel Investment Group, LLC, and D.E.
Shaw are not happy that SEC Director Mary Schapiro
has decided to mess with their favorite pudding jar-
short selling, since that's how they generate
fast revenue.

They rob your 401K.
Short selling is the legalized theft of the retirement
investment portfolios of the working class by selling
the value out from under the stock

If Americans come to an understanding of the
threat and face the challenges squarely, the
deceptive Commie fraud of
Sustainable Development will
be exposed to the light.

America will rise to restore liberty through an
orderly transition directed by reason and respect
for the dignity of individual determination.

We; you and me, are charged with protecting the
ideals of liberty and its corollary; private property


The current attempt by today's Commie
White House Administration to impose more big
government on the American People by way of
the "single payer option" for healthcare is as
unconstitutional as gun confiscation or the
elimination of free speech.

Commie Obamacare will be funded with a
'health care' surcharge on the today's income tax,
which constitutes an unapportioned direct tax on
the wages and salaries of the American People,
not allowed by our Constitution


The Communist Hell Care Coups

The Energy and Environment Coups

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise

Resist The Globalist Maoists Manchurians On The Potomac & Commie Obamunist Zombieland ;

Local governments in massive revolt against rules
ordered by Washington

Utah has become the third state to adopt a law
exempting guns and ammunition made, sold and
used in the state from massive federal regulations
under the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms
and Explosives, and supporters say about 30 more
states have some sort of plan for their own
exemptions in the works.

Officials in Utah say they expect a lawsuit over
their direct challenge to Washington if the federal
government succeeds in its current case against
Montana's law

A new battle over illegal immigration is rapidly
shaping up in the nation's capital.

Commie Supporters of comprehensive immigration
reform are demanding immediate legislative action
from the 'Obama' administration

Meanwhile, Commie Sens. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.,
and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., have been meeting with
the Commie White House to reintroduce
immigration legislation.

The bipartisan effort is reminiscent of twice-failed
attempts by Commie Sens. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass.,
and John McCain, R-Ariz., during the administration
of President George W. Bush

At least 36 state legislatures are considering
legislation that would allow citizens to opt out of
a key component of Commie 'President' 'Obama's'
health-care "reform" - an "individual mandate"
requiring that all Americans have health insurance

The Commie 'Obama' 'administration' is quietly
exploring strategies that would require hundreds
of billions of dollars in programs such as 401(k)s
and Individual Retirement Accounts to be invested
in U.S. Treasury bonds

The Commie administration is doing so under
the guise of making workplace retirement
savings accounts available to all Americans
and ensuring that existing retirement savings
accounts pay lifetime income.

The Commie 'Obama' administration needs to sell
$1.5 trillion in new U.S. Treasury debt in 2010
just to keep the government operating under the
federal budget deficit projected for this year

Monday, March 8, 2010

Exposing Obamunism & Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars & Frauds ;

The Managed Funds Association, the lobbying arm
of the hedge fund short sellers, is crafty and deceitful.

"When they tell you that short selling contributes
liquidity to the market, that is a lie,"

"Short selling destroys capital and takes away
liquidity from the market.

When they tell you that they are taking steps
to remove manipulation from the stock market,
that is a lie.

They are taking steps to introduce manipulation
to the stock market, and prime the stock market
for manipulation and looting.

When they tell you that the uptick rule is
outdated, because of decimalization, that is a lie.

They lie to deceive, to bring forth a big pay day
from short selling, hence the looting of America
and America's wealthiest corporations and their
shareholders, sanctioned by their
Washington D.C. lap dogs."

"The most influential members
of Managed Funds Association, the hedge fund
short sellers, have an anti-capitalism agenda,
an anti-industrialized nation agenda, and a
far left liberal, Marxist radical agenda,"

"Hedge Fund short sellers are not capitalist.

They are anti-capitalist and they are not investors;
they are anti-investors."

They "loot" companies and countries

Over 20 million Commie illegal aliens reside,
work and leach off our country and its taxpayers.

We pay out $346 billion annually
to illegal aliens and their kids-all of that money
voted on in Congress to support criminal aliens
across 15 different agencies.

With 15 to 20 million unemployed Americans
and only 95,000 new jobs being created each
month according to Katie Couric at CBS-
our Congress imports 100,000 new legal
immigrants every 30 days.

This year, as last year, our Congress will import
another 450,000 immigrant workers with green

We cannot possible employ our own citizens
let alone the 100,000 new immigrants monthly
plus the 450,000 green card holders

When ICE
(Immigration and Customs Enforcement)
personnel arrest a relative handful of illegal
aliens whose presence in our country represents
a violation of law, the open borders advocates
yell at the top of their lungs that our government
is creating a "Climate of Fear!"

This amazing statement is one that is often used
by Nancy Pelosi along with her assertions that
it is Un-American to arrest illegal aliens!

This betrayal of her oath of office and what
should be her dedication to the citizens of our
nation leaves me outraged!

Its important to understand how the Commie
"financial crisis" came about.

The socialist far left and the far left GOP
members who felt comfortable being bankrolled
by globalists, would like you to think that when
the subprime mortgage industry collapsed, it
triggered a national banking crisis that caused
the problem.

Second, its important to understand that the
US banking crisis was fabricated by the
Commie Federal Reserve with one regulation
designed to make it appear that about a third
of the US banks were on the verge of collapse
when none of them were.

The subprime mortgage industry collapse was
triggered by that same regulation.

It's called "mark to market"

The Communist Hell Care Coups

The Energy and Environment Coups

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Globalist Maoists Manchurians On The Potomac & Commie Obamunist Zombieland ;

On March 4th,
yet another environmental organization, this one
called Natural Capitalism Solutions, held a
teleconference, the purpose of which is to
demonstrate "how utilities can benefit financially
by shifting power generation from existing
coal-burning plants to a combination of efficiency
and renewable energy technologies."

Let's put this in context.
Currently, coal-burning plants provide just over
half of all the electricity generated in the nation.
Coal is abundant and cheap.

Wind and solar energy is neither.
These Are expensive by most comparisons
and, worse, are unreliable

The shill, a public figure or legislator, presents
the scam using the authority and prestige of public
office and the media picks it up and promotes the
entire disinformation as progress, reform,
and solution.

Take the recent, and mercifully derailed, health
reform plan.

The data on the number of Americans without
insurance and their lack of access to medical care
was "massaged" to call it a "crisis."

The "uninsured" became the victims and the shills
took over and negotiated a behemoth bill hiding
provisions for limited access and nullification of
choice of care and doctors for everyone else.

The trillion dollar package was defended with
what George Bush Sr. once (incorrectly describing
Ronald Reagan's very cogent tax policies) called
"voodoo economics."

What was the ultimate agenda?
Government takeover of health
socialized medicine.

All the clear eyed skeptics were called right wing
extremists and Astroturf trash unconcerned with
the plight of the sick and needy and uninsured.

But the grassroots American public, so much
smarter than the Congressional shills, rebelled in
tea parties and town hall meetings and has, thus far,
thwarted a potential domestic policy disaster

The New York Times once again is Al Gore's
"enabler", publishing a February 28 opinion
editorial, "We Can't Wish Away Climate Change",
despite the mounting evidence that global warming
was and is a complete fabrication.

In November 2009, the Telegraph, a British
newspaper, carried a story, "Al Gore could
become world's first carbon billionaire", so
let us disabuse ourselves of the notion that
Gore just wants to save the world.

Heavily invested in the "carbon credits" scam
and technologies whose success depend on people
believing fairy tales about "clean energy" alternatives
such as wind and solar energy, Gore has enriched
himself by trumpeting the biggest hoax
of the modern era

As the massive global warming fraud implodes,
the one aspect of it that has not been explored
in depth is the equally massive waste of billions
of dollars spent by the United States and nations
around the world, we were told,
to avoid global warming.

Whole industries, such as automobile
manufacturing, had demands and limits
put on them.

Some states required utilities to buy
"carbon credits" to offset their use of
"fossil fuels."

The list of things attributed to global warming
expanded to the point of total absurdity.

The codification of the fraud into law began
with the Kyoto Protocol, an element of the
United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change whose purpose was to fight
a global warming that we now know
was not happening