Friday, March 5, 2010

Washington D.C. : Home Of Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars & Frauds ;

It looks like Obamacare is now on a fast-track
that bypasses reconciliation.

New Hampshire Senator Judd Gregg has said
that the messy business of reconciliation may not
be necessary.

"...If they can pass the Senate bill in the house--
and the way they do it that is going around to their
liberal constituencies and buying their votes by
saying they're going to reconciliation in the Senate
and change it.

But, once they pass that big bill in the house, that
2007 page bill--games over. It's done.
The President signs it.

Judd refused to speculate if the democrats have
the votes in the house to pass the bill, but he
feared that they may. Or,
that they could be purchased

There is a stealth legislative initiative flying below
the media radar that will help enable the feds to
drive private health care insurers out of business.

On February 24, the House passed an amendment,
HR 4626, to a 1945 piece of legislation called the
McCarran-Ferguson Act.

This amendment seeks to restore federal power
over insurance regulation.

The McCarran-Ferguson Act was a congressional
response to a 1944 Supreme Court ruling on the case
United States v. South-Eastern Underwriters Association.

The Court decided that Congress does have the
power to regulate insurance under the Commerce
Clause of the U.S. Constitution.

A year later, The McCarran-Ferguson Act was
passed to quell fears of federal infringement on
states' rights.

The act declares that the "business of insurance"
is the prerogative of individual states unless
federal law explicitly declares otherwise,
such as in antitrust legislation

I previously reported on secret meetings between
employees of the Department of Energy and a
wind power industry group that led to a rebuttal
of a study critical of green jobs programs.

A Spanish study showed that such programs
lead to a net loss of jobs by diverting money
from effective private programs to inefficient
government ones.

This study was confirmed by other studies from
Denmark and Germany.

People who pull strings wanted to pull these stories
down and out because they threatened the viability
of many billions of dollars being spent by Democrats
in ways that benefit their donors.

Al Gore and George Soros, who have vast
clean energy investments, have fingerprints
on this brewing scandal.

Now comes news that Representative
James Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) is on the case

The dramatic fluctuation of the recent business
cycle, with its unsustainable expansion of residential
and commercial mortgage borrowing and sudden
collapse of values, can be attributed in large part
to misguided policies on the part of Congress and
the Federal Reserve.

At the urging of Washington, mortgages were
offered at will to millions of borrowers who should
never have received them.

An extended period of zero interest rates fueled
expansion of commercial real estate as well

The bottom line is that tax policy has far-reaching
effects, and for decades, liberals have refused to
acknowledge them.

The dire consequences of higher tax burdens in
times of economic weakness were made most
clear when FDR raised taxes in 1937, causing a
double-dip in GDP that prolonged the
Great Depression.

If the Bush tax cuts are allowed to expire,
recovery from the current crisis will likely be
prolonged, and we will have no one to blame
but ourselves for not observing the lessons of history

The Communist Hell Care Coups

The Energy and Environment Coups

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise