Oppose Protest Resist Defy Defeat & Expose :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds ;
I've been talking about the dangers
of Commie Net Neutrality and the
Commie neo-Marxist FCC
for some time .
However events are picking up speed
& It's time I laid everything back out
from the beginning.
There are two major Commie plans
that the Commie Obama Commie FCC,
headed by Commie Chairman Julius
Genachowski, has in store for us.
Commie Net Neutrality and a Commie
National Broadband Plan.
Commie Net Neutrality is the more
misleading issue, though, and has the greater
Commie external push behind it, so the
majority of the talk on the Internet is about that.
They're both dangerous, though. Here's why
Some 'Republicans' continue to fumble
the clearest, most concise, easiest-to-sell
message in recent memory - the simple
notion that the recently enacted Commie
'Healthcare' 'law', already having negative
effects on our lives, is unacceptable and
must be fully repealed.
That's not hard, is it?
Some Senators get it. Senator DeMint
has 15 Senate co-sponsors and growing
for his full-repeal bill.
And then there's the almost always reliable
Congressman Mike Pence, who 'said' today
in the WSJ : "The American people don't want
a Commie government takeover of health care
and House Republicans will work every day
to repeal this Commie 'law'
But, apparently for some 'Republicans'
- from all across the spectrum - this simple
message is lost on them. To wit :
The Commie Democrats' constant cries
of racism whenever they encounter
dissenting opinion, the claim to have
'received' threats of violence and
"Death Threats", to be quickly and
unskeptically repeated by friendly Commie
operatives in the nation's Commie media outlets
is fast becoming a standard part of the Commie
Democrat M.O. to 'change' the subject
and get out of trouble.
Let's be honest.
9 or more times out of 10, like the "incident"
when a swastika was painted by 'supposed'
Right-Wingers on Commie David Scott's
(D-GA) office sign last year, or when Commie
Rahm Emanuel started to claim that he had
'received' "Death Threats" when it became
clear that he was far more involved in Commie
Blago's selling of Commie 'Barack Obama's'
Commie Senate seat than he'd let on, or the
'attack' on the Colorado Commie Democratic
Headquarters in Denver in August, these 'attacks'
on Commie Democrat offices and "Death Threat"
calls happen at all-too-convenient times and
practically no one ever gets caught - the rare
exception that did get caught in Denver last
year turned out to be a Commie Democrat
hiree and activist engaged in what was
obviously a false flag operation with
evidence pointing to at least one local
Commie Democrat party official having
some foreknowledge of the "attack"
I would point out that it was the Commie
Democrats who just 'took over' 1/6th
of the American economy despite
upwards of 56% of the American
public being opposed.
And they expect
We The People to do what . . . clap?
As I said earlier today,
violence is unacceptable, but none of us
should be surprised - especially the
Commie left, which feeds off Commie
riots, Commie protest, and Commie
molotov cocktail parties every time
they strongly oppose something.
The Commie Weather Underground
was not a Republican insurgency
at the Weather Channel.
We're not the ones stirring the Commie pot
of socialism taking over the private sector.
The Commie Democrats are.
We've just been pointing out the Commie
facts that Commie Marshall and the Commie
Democrats find so inconvenient including,
yes, the so called Commie "death panels"
The Communist Hell Care Coups
The Energy and Environment Coups
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise