Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Commie Ponzi Schemes ;

Everything you need to know
about President Obama's commitment to fiscal
responsibility and cost containment can be
summed up in two words : Andy Stern.

The profligate, corruption-coddling head of the
powerful Service Employees International Union
was named to the White House debt commission
last week.

If Obama thinks Stern holds the cure for our
government spending woes, you can be certain
his latest health care prescription
will be fiscal hemlock

The arcane Commie reconciliation rules
Commie Democrats are plotting to use in a last
ditch bid to ram their unpopular health care bill
through the Senate are an obstacle course
unsuited to complex policymaking.

While Democratic leaders, eager to use whatever
means are necessary to break the GOP's blockade,
have peddled the end-run process as a fast-track
maneuver to muscle the Commie 'president's'
massive $1 trillion bill into law,
it is anything but that.

Instead, it will be a long, disjointed brawl over a
Rube Goldberg-style Commie government-run
health care contraption that would wreak havoc
with an industry that accounts for 16 percent of a
$15 trillion economy

Commie & Former vice president Al Gore
made his first public remarks since the
Climategate scandal broke in a very lengthy
New York Times op-ed published on Saturday.

Gore, a Commie green technology hawker
and, as a result, the first reported Commie
green technology billionaire, appeared
completely out of touch with the reality
of the magnitude of the worldwide
climate hoax scandals.

I caught up with Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.),
top Republican on the Senate Environment
& Public Works Committee yesterday for an
exclusive chat about Gore's new diatribe
and the EPA endangerment finding

The U.S. Supreme Court is hearing
oral arguments in McDonald v. City of Chicago,
a landmark Second Amendment case whose
outcome will have important consequences for
the constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

The case is an important follow-up to 2008's
decision in Heller v. District of Columbia, which
struck down Washington, D.C.'s ban on handgun

That case marked the first time the highest court
in the land recognized and affirmed the individual
constitutional right to gun ownership.

However, its reach was limited to the federal
government and federal areas like Washington,
leaving open the question of its applicability to
state and local laws.

For this reason, McDonald is constitutionally
significant for the rest of the nation.

The case challenges current anti-Second
Amendment laws in Chicago and Oak Park,
Illinois, which don't allow citizens to own or
possess handguns, effectively denying them
the right to armed self-defense

Commie Barack Obama is working
to push the nation's most liberal - and most
overturned - court even further outside
the mainstream of American jurisprudence

The Communist Hell Care Coups

The Energy and Environment Coups

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise