Saturday, March 13, 2010

Who Wants To Live Under Shariah Law & Be Ruled By Illegal Aliens ;

Oppose The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
& Anti Capitalistic :

Satanic Zombieland On The Potomac ;
Globalist Commie Maoists Manchurians Liberal
Progressive Stateist Unionist Obamunist
Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars & Frauds :

The Commie White House has announced
a "summit on entrepreneurship" to build
economic ties with the Islamic world,
part of Commie 'President'
'Barack Obama's'
outreach to Muslims.

He said that the meeting would
"identify how we can deepen ties between
business leaders, foundations and social
entrepreneurs in the United States
and Muslim communities around the world."

The government's
fraudulent takeover of AIG

The federal lawsuit alleges
that the U.S. government's takeover
and financial bailout of AIG was in violation
of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.

Specifically, at the time of the government bailout
(September - December 2008), AIG was (and still is)
the world leader in promoting Shariah-compliant
insurance products.

Shariah is Islamic law, and it is the identical legal
doctrine that demands capital punishment for apostasy
and blasphemy and provides the legal and political
mandates for global jihad followed religiously
by the world's Muslim terrorists.

By propping up AIG with tax payer funds,
the U.S. government is directly and indirectly
promoting Islam and, more troubling, Shariah Law

Another phenomenon that followed
the great oil rush of the post-9/11 era
was the promotion and aggressive exportation
of the Muslim Brotherhood doctrine of SCF,
Shariah Compliant Finance .

The concept of SCF was articulated by men
like Sayyid Qutb of Egypt and Abul Ala Maududi
of Pakistan in the mid-20th century, both of whom
argued for a Jihad against Westernization, and the
creation of Islamic polities that would ultimately
join in a hegemonic worldwide caliphate.

The goal was that of establishing Shariah
not merely as the supreme law of the land,
but as the supreme law of the world.

In the post-9/11 era, Western imams and their
infidel advisers in business suits speaking the
queen's English have understood that given the
global Jihad's reliance on the dictates of Shariah
to murder apostates and to terrorize the infidels
into submission, SCF must be attired in a kind of
progressive Western garb to attract the attention
of the financial centers in London, Hong Kong
and New York

"The U.S. taxpayer now owns
most of AIG and Citigroup, two companies
massively engaged in Shariah-compliant
transactions (SCF), at odds with our
constitutional separation of church and state,"
wrote Frank Gaffney last March,
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense
during the Reagan administration, and founder
of the Center for Security Policy.

"Promoters of this (SCF) industry,
like 'Shariah advisor' and al-Jazeera host
Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, have described
SCF as 'financial jihad' and al Qaeda has
publicly embraced its practice. . .
(and British Prime Minister) Brown has
declared he wants Britain to be the world
capital of Shariah finance.

The British government has refused
to take punitive action against British-based
Islamic 'charities' that provide money
to terrorist organizations.

The latest is Interpal,
a Palestinian organization that even the BBC
was able to figure out provides support to Hamas "

Muslim Mafia

Exposing the Risks of Shariah Finance