We need to look at the original Commie
effort to nationalize the American economy,
the one attempted by Commie 'Obama's'
model, Commie Franklin D. Roosevelt,
by means of the Commie New Deal.
Commie FDR was never quite clear
about what he wanted to do.
He was clear about the Commie goal,
but not about how to get there.
Not unlike Commie 'Obama',
he left that problem to various Commie
retainers, in this case the Commie members
of the Commie Brain Trust.
The two key Commie Brain Trusters
were Commie Adolf Berle and Commie
Rexford G. Tugwell.
Both men were professors at Columbia,
and both were of one Commie mind
concerning the Commie solutions
to America's economic problems :
Commie collectivism, Commie
centralization, and Commie
state control.
Berle was the author
(with 'economist' Gardner Means)
of The Modern Corporation
and Private Property, an influential
economics text still read today.
'According' to Berle,
the American corporation had gone
out of control and could only be tamed
through Commie government intervention.
Tugwell had traveled to the Commie USSR
and Commie fascist Italy and liked what he saw.
Of Mussolini's Italy, he said,
"It's the cleanest... most efficiently operating
piece of social machinery I've ever seen.
It makes me envious"
A Commie secretive foreign network
of Commie Islamic radicals now operates
dozens of charter schools -- which receive
government money -- on U.S. soil.
The inspirer of this Commie conspiratorial
effort is Fethullah Gülen, who directs a Commie
major Islamist movement in Turkey and the Commie
Turkish Diaspora but lives in the United States.
He is number thirteen among the Commie
world's "50 most influential Muslims,"
In startling news for Americans, the Commie
Gülen movement operates more than 85 primary
and secondary schools on our soil.
A roster of the Commie Gülen schools
and of the numerous Commie foundations
that support them has been released to the
public by the patriotic group Act! for America.
The Commie Gülen schools are often designated
as "science academies" and are concentrated in
Texas, Ohio, and California -- with others
scattered across the rest of the country
Simply Put,
Socialism Is Just Incremental Communism ;
On September 12, 1905,
a group of Commie community
organizers assembled in New York City.
They named their Commie group
the Intercollegiate Socialist Society (I.S.S.).
At about the same time the Commie
Intercollegiate Socialist Society was organized,
the Commie Rand School of Social Science
opened for business in New York City.
The school was funded primarily
by Comme the British Fabians.
Various Commie Intercollegiate
Socialist Society officers were also
on the board of the Commie Rand School,
whose purpose aligned with that of the I.S.S.
As they were expanding their reach
through college campuses and the Commie
Rand School, I.S.S. members were also
busy building other Commie organizations
to advance their cause.
The Commie Industrial Workers
of the World, the Commie National
Association for the Advancement
of Colored People, the Commie American
Civil Liberties Union, the Commie New
Republic magazine, and multiple Commie
teachers' unions were all founded by Commie
Society members.
And in 1919, this tireless Commie
group launched yet another weapon
against our economic system :
The New Commie
School for Social Research
Commie Curriculum,
Commie Public Schools,
Commie Community Colleges,
Commie Universities,
Commie Teachers Unions,
Commie Loans
& Tuition Funding Programs :
Does Anyone See A Commie
Pattern Here ;
By dangling dollars,
the Commie federal government
controls the operation, enrollment,
budget, facilities, and curriculum
of our 'esteemed' Commie institutions
of higher Commie education to a greater
degree than most would acknowledge.
The new Commie monopolistic role
of the Commie feds in Commie student
loan programs, the Commie federal
regulations that govern the physical
environment of our schools, and the
Commie earmarks that support some
of the most arcane Commie education
projects are all examples.
But the Commie coup de grace
is the following startling fact :
We have reached the point
where for many institutions
of higher education, the amount
of revenue that they derive from
either of their two traditional
sources -- tuition and either state
funds (public institutions) or
endowments (private institutions) --
is eclipsed by the funds secured from
the feds through Commie government
grants and Commie research contracts
The Communist Hell Care Coups
The Energy and Environment Coups
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise
Oppose Protest Resist Defy Defeat & Expose :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds ;