Wednesday, March 17, 2010

World's governments are largely populated by hustlers, con-artists, gangsters and racketeers promoting the common fraud of fiat currency ;

Over the past two years, the size and number
of national governments unable to pay their debts
has begun to grow.

In fact, Iceland's minuscule problem has seemingly
spread in a kind of debt contagion among western

This growing problem of governmental defaults has
been named the "sovereign debt crisis".

I object to the term "sovereign" since I deny that
most modern governments are truly "sovereign".

The world's governments are largely populated by
hustlers, con-artists, gangsters and racketeers
promoting the common fraud of fiat currency; their
governmental organizations are no more legitimately
"sovereign" than a 1920's protection racket headed
by Al Capone.

In truth, the world's "sovereign debt crisis" is
primarily a "government debt crisis".

Conjecture concerning the absence of a court's
inherent jurisdiction is consistent with the theory that
most modern state courts operate in some private
capacity rather than as true judicial courts under the
judicial department created by the State constitution.

Under this theory, modern state courts function
something like private arbitration services whose
decisions can be binding-but only if both parties
initially consent to be bound by the arbitration

If either party refuses to consent to a private
arbitration process, the process cannot proceed

President Obama promises that America is about
to the enjoy an "economy recovery," but America
really needs a "spiritual recovery" of the fundamental
principles that 1) All men are equally endowed by
their Creator with certain unalienable Rights; and 2)
government's primary duty is to "secure" those
God-given, unalienable rights and each man's
standing as a sovereign.

This need will not be quickly met.

The extended time required to re-educate the
People to recognize, value, demand and even
fight for their unalienable Rights, will cause this
country to suffer a long-term decline
(at least five years and probably more)
that may be catastrophic

Sovereign Debt = Sub-Prime Debt

Smoke, Mirrors, Special Drawing Rights and Gold :
Why Central Banks Cannot Tell the Truth

The Gold Anti-Trust
Action Committee Daily Dispatches

Gold & Silver News