Monday, March 22, 2010

Oppose Protest Resist Defy Defeat & Expose :

The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds ;

The Commie Democratic Party has in the
course of the nine-month 'health care' 'debate'
revealed itself to be an Commie anti-democratic
Party and an Commie anti-liberty party.

It is a Commie party that has demonstrated its
contempt for the Constitutional framework, for
the democratic process, and for the expressed will
of the American people.

Its brazen Commie contempt for the compact
that holds the diverse factions of this country
together has initiated a political war at home
that will extend not only into the next elections
but into the next generations that will be
encumbered with the trillions in debt and
oppressive Commie government controls
that the Commie socialist majority in
Congress has demonstrated that it is
intent on inflicting on this country.

But The people of this nation
are still sovereign, and their voice
will be heard.

Last night's vote was lost
but it is not the end of the battle.

It is the beginning

Sunday's legislative Commie "victory"
was achieved despite the flaws of the Commie
House 'health care' 'bill', which are by now

Of these the most notable is the staggering
ten-year price tag for the Commie legislation:
$940 billion, complete with Commie tax
increases totaling $400 billion.

Even in its enormity, that figure does not factor
in the expensive new Commie federal bureaucracy
that the 'bill' would create.

For instance, some 16,500 new Commie IRS
workers will be needed to collect, examine and
audit the new Commie tax information that families
and small businesses will have to provide to comply
with the Commie 'bill's 'provisions'.

Nor does it include the Commie penalties -
up to $700 in some cases - that Americans will
be forced to pay lest they fail to 'purchase'
Commie insurance

The shady Commie
Iranian fundraiser who for years donated
lucrative sums to top Commie Democrats-
including the Commie 'president', 'vice president'
and 'secretary of state'-has pleaded guilty
to a major bank-fraud scheme that could
land him in jail for nearly two decades.

Disgraced Commie Democratic money man
Hassan Nemazee admitted this week that he
defrauded three financial institutions out of
nearly $300 million in loan proceeds by
falsifying documents and signatures to
show he had hundreds of millions of
dollars worth of collateral.

The Ivy League-educated Commie crook
then used the proceeds to donate big bucks
to the campaigns of Commie federal, state
and local candidates.

Among them are some of the nation's best known
and most powerful Commie Democrats, including
Commie Secretary of State and former New York
Senator Hillary Clinton, Commie 'President'
'Barack Obama' and 'Vice President'
Joe Biden.

Commie Nemazee was actually the national
finance chairman of Commie Clinton's failed
2008 presidential campaign as well as
Commie John Kerry's in 2004

Commie Henry Kissinger said,
"Conflicts across the globe and an international
respect for Barack Obama have created the
perfect setting for establishment
of 'a New World Order."

'Allegedly', the upper echelon of Freemasonry
were 'infiltrated' long ago by the Satanic Illuminati
whose objective is world dominance through
one-world governance.

There are claims that Barack Obama
is a 32nd degree Prince Hall Freemason.

Prince Hall Freemasons, Jesse Jackson
and Charles Rangel, supported his presidency.

Whether he is a Freemason or not,
he might indeed be the chosen vessel
of the New World Order proponents
unless the citizens call a halt to the scheme

The Communist Hell Care Coups

The Energy and Environment Coups

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise