For years now,
I have been consistently and adamantly
opposed to any sweeping amnesty program
for millions of illegal aliens, whose presence
in our country represents a violation of what
should be our nation's sovereign borders and laws.
My opposition is based on my many concerns
that I have acquired in the nearly 40 years
I have been involved with the many facets
of the immigration issue
If we can stop
the Commie open border crowd
again this year we may have won
the battle for many years to come.
Then America can focus on enforcing
the laws and securing our border and
getting Americans back to work!
We have the support
of the American people--now we need
to get the right people elected in November
--men and women committed only to do
what is right for the country and who have
the courage to stand up to the Commie forces
who would destroy this great nation only to
promote their own personal Commie agenda,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=80&cntnt01detailtemplate=default-news-detail&cntnt01returnid=15
With the Commie Hell Care
taste of victory in their mouth,
Commies will move again.
This time their Commie target
is what some call "Commie comprehensive
immigration reform"--but what we know
as Commie amnesty for '15-20' million
Commie illegal aliens.
And Commies won't stop there.
They will include a massive Commie
guest worker program with it, which will
bring millions more Commie foreign workers
into the country--Commie workers who will
turn into Commie illegal aliens waiting for their
Commie amnesty.
All this at a time when 25 million
Americans are unemployed or underemployed--
but Commie Democrats aren't about
creating jobs.
They are focused on creating a
Commie socialist state--at any expense,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=79&cntnt01detailtemplate=default-news-detail&cntnt01returnid=15
Commie RINO* Dick Armey ;
The Republican establishment
has spent the last several months
trying to capture the Tea Party movement.
Their front man, former Commie RINO
congressman Dick Armey, has been selling
himself as the group's lead organizer.
What a joke! COMMIE RINO
Dick Armey is no more Tea Party material
than my poodle!
Commie Rino Dick is nothing more
than a "when in Rome" kind of guy--
a go-to, COMMIE RINO establishment
'republican' when he was in Commie
Washington, a Commie big time corporate
lobbyist when he left, and now a 'leader'
of the Tea Party regulars? Right!
In an interview with Commie Charlie Rose,
Commie RINO Armey said :
"I tell you, I was for example
not really happy to see Tom Tancredo
calling himself a tea party guy."
Why? Because of "his harsh
and uncharitable and mean-spirited
attitude on the immigration issue."
But Tom is a genuine hero
of the Tea Party--he received three
standing ovations when he spoke
at their convention--the first one
when he walked on stage.
Why? Because, unlike
Tom spent 10 years fighting
for American workers and families
when he was in Congress--and against
Commie RINO Armey and his Commie
RINO buddies.
In a speech at the National Press Club,
Commie RINO Armey actually condemned
today's Republicans for their stand against
Commie illegal immigration,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=78&cntnt01detailtemplate=default-news-detail&cntnt01returnid=15
*RINO Republican In Name Only**
** I Presume That Republicans
Can Still Claim To Be Conservative
It's Time For A Long Term Moratorium
On All Future Immigration Whatsoever .
No More Importation Of Any More
Immigrants At All .
No More Commie Foreign Exchange
Programs, No More Adoption Of
Foreign Children, No More Anchor
Babies, Chain Migration, Legal Or
Illegal Immigration .
We Have Enough Commie Loving Aliens
& Foreigners In This Country Already.
Our Alien Foreigner Commie 'Obama'
and other such Alien Foreigner Commies
'Holding Public Office' Should Be
Additional Evidence If More Is
Required .
If Commies Want To
'Spice Up Their Lives'
With Aliens & Foreigners
They Need To Pack Their
Own Luggage And Move
To The Commie Alien Foreign
Country Of Their Choice
& Stay There Permanently .
Protest Resist Defy Defeat Expose & Oppose :
The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds ;