Monday, March 8, 2010

Exposing Obamunism & Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars & Frauds ;

The Managed Funds Association, the lobbying arm
of the hedge fund short sellers, is crafty and deceitful.

"When they tell you that short selling contributes
liquidity to the market, that is a lie,"

"Short selling destroys capital and takes away
liquidity from the market.

When they tell you that they are taking steps
to remove manipulation from the stock market,
that is a lie.

They are taking steps to introduce manipulation
to the stock market, and prime the stock market
for manipulation and looting.

When they tell you that the uptick rule is
outdated, because of decimalization, that is a lie.

They lie to deceive, to bring forth a big pay day
from short selling, hence the looting of America
and America's wealthiest corporations and their
shareholders, sanctioned by their
Washington D.C. lap dogs."

"The most influential members
of Managed Funds Association, the hedge fund
short sellers, have an anti-capitalism agenda,
an anti-industrialized nation agenda, and a
far left liberal, Marxist radical agenda,"

"Hedge Fund short sellers are not capitalist.

They are anti-capitalist and they are not investors;
they are anti-investors."

They "loot" companies and countries

Over 20 million Commie illegal aliens reside,
work and leach off our country and its taxpayers.

We pay out $346 billion annually
to illegal aliens and their kids-all of that money
voted on in Congress to support criminal aliens
across 15 different agencies.

With 15 to 20 million unemployed Americans
and only 95,000 new jobs being created each
month according to Katie Couric at CBS-
our Congress imports 100,000 new legal
immigrants every 30 days.

This year, as last year, our Congress will import
another 450,000 immigrant workers with green

We cannot possible employ our own citizens
let alone the 100,000 new immigrants monthly
plus the 450,000 green card holders

When ICE
(Immigration and Customs Enforcement)
personnel arrest a relative handful of illegal
aliens whose presence in our country represents
a violation of law, the open borders advocates
yell at the top of their lungs that our government
is creating a "Climate of Fear!"

This amazing statement is one that is often used
by Nancy Pelosi along with her assertions that
it is Un-American to arrest illegal aliens!

This betrayal of her oath of office and what
should be her dedication to the citizens of our
nation leaves me outraged!

Its important to understand how the Commie
"financial crisis" came about.

The socialist far left and the far left GOP
members who felt comfortable being bankrolled
by globalists, would like you to think that when
the subprime mortgage industry collapsed, it
triggered a national banking crisis that caused
the problem.

Second, its important to understand that the
US banking crisis was fabricated by the
Commie Federal Reserve with one regulation
designed to make it appear that about a third
of the US banks were on the verge of collapse
when none of them were.

The subprime mortgage industry collapse was
triggered by that same regulation.

It's called "mark to market"

The Communist Hell Care Coups

The Energy and Environment Coups

The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise

Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise