Do Republicans have any chance
of winning back the Senate in November?
The answer to that question,
strange as it sounds, may lie
in the battle for control of the House.
Not since 1930 has control of the House
flipped without the Senate flipping also.
On the other hand, control of the Senate has
changed hands a couple of times since
World War II without the House flipping -
think, most recently, of 1980
(or, with an asterisk, of 2000).
Given his personal history, it is no surprise
that Commie George Soros calls for the
establishment of a European Treasury.
Such an institution would buttress
and perpetuate the kind of system
he knows how to play so well.
Commie George Soros is at his most profitable
when speculating in fiat currencies whose interest
and exchange rates are ultimately managed by
monetary and/or political authorities.
For this both central banks
and Treasuries are required.
The creation of a European Treasury
would thus enable Commie Soros to continue
expanding his fortune on an ever larger scale
while the European people would supply
the cash necessary to keep the system afloat.
Not a bad deal at all, if you are George Soros
Public employee compensation
is breaking the bank.
Two or three decades ago, it was commonly
understood that public employees were underpaid;
everyone knew that when they took a government
The lower pay was balanced by job security, ext
ra days off, and a generous benefit package, so
government employers were able to attract
qualified applicants in spite of the lower salaries.
Then, state by state, city by city,
public employees were allowed to unionize,
which - in hindsight - was perhaps the biggest
fiscal mistake governments could have made.
Predictably, public employee unions (PEUs)
began to involve themselves in politic campaigns
and amass enormous campaign war chests and
eventually began electing the very people with
whom they were negotiating their contracts.
If unions attempted this in the private sector, it
would be a felony and people would go to prison
.but almost no efforts have been undertaken to
prevent this form of "bribery" in the public sector
and today public employee unions routinely
control both sides of the bargaining table
The growing migrations of Muslims into Europe
and the US, bring not only potential terrorists but
also a religion which simply does not in any way
square with our predominant cultures.
Some authors could dismiss the raw Muslim
numbers as low, compared to the killings
committed by drug lords both here and in Mexico.
However, just the sheer immensity of overall
immigration numbers of people of all races and
creeds both legal and illegal into the USA
represents a major source of true concern.
"Bottom line :
We need an immediate moratorium on all
immigration until real immigration reform can be
enacted, certainly not another amnesty for illegal
aliens now here like the Gutierrez or Schumer bill."