The Anti Constitutional Anti Republic
Anti Capitalistic Unconstitutional Treasonous
Criminal Satanic Commie Hell Care Whores
& Satanic Globalist Commie Liberal Progressive
Stateist Unionist Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars
& Frauds ;
The passage of this phony Commie 'healthcare'
"reform" is a tremendous blow to the cause of
fiscal restraint, limited government,
Constitutional principles,
and free enterprise.
In short,
it strikes directly at America's core principles.
This is shameful moment in the history of our
country - and especially the 'Democratic'
Party, which has apparently come unmoored
from whatever remaining attachment it 'had'
to the ideals of our Founders.
In place of a dedication to "life, liberty,
and the pursuit of happiness," there is only
a rapacious impulse to ever-expanded state
control, and an avaricious imperative to seize
ever-more of your rightful possessions
As soon as Obama's signature
is on the dotted line, attorneys general
are slated to file lawsuits to challenge
the constitutionality of the bill.
Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum,
a former member of the House and current
Republican candidate for governor,
is one immediately filing suit.
"As soon as this bill is signed into law,
with the form that it's in now, the State of Florida
will file a lawsuit against the federal government,
against a number of agencies and the President,
to have the U.S. Supreme Court ultimately declare
this bill unconstitutional,"
McCollum told Fox News'
Neil Cavuto on Sunday afternoon.
"There are two grounds for it."
"One of those is the individual mandate
that you've talked so much about and heard about
where you are taxed or penalized just for living,
basically," McCollum continued.
"You are required to buy a health insurance plan,
and if you don't buy it, you're going to have this
There's no connection to commerce,
there's no basis under the Constitution that
any of our experts can see for the Congress
to be able to impose that on an individual."
"And then there's a question of the manipulation
of our states and our resources by the federal
government in unprecedented ways --
ways that violate the sovereignty in our Constitution --
the sovereignty amendment, the 10th Amendment,"
McCollum said.
"So we will sue, I think we will win this suit ultimately
because I think it's very wrong, it's unconstitutional
and we have a lot of states' attorney generals
who agree with me on this"
As the Commie 'health care' 'debate'
reached critical mass, many states
began looking at what their options
are if Commie Obamacare passes.
There is a host of issues that they will have,
ranging from the budget-busting unfunded
Commie federal mandate on Medicaid
to the constitutional issue of the Commie
individual mandate.
The so-called Commie "individual mandate"
is perhaps the simplest issue.
Commie 'Obama's' Commie 'health care' 'bill'
is a budgetary house of cards that depends on
forcing every American to buy Commie
'health insurance'.
It sets up another Commie Social Security-like
Commie Ponzi scheme in which younger, healthy
people 'buy' 'insurance' to make 'affordable' the
'insurance' bought by older, less healthy people.
The Commie 'president' has admitted that his
Commie scheme doesn't 'work' unless everyone
is forced into the system
As the Commie 'Obama' 'administration'
prepares to 'finance' a 2010 Commie budget
deficit expected to top $1.5 trillion, the American
public is largely unaware that the true negative net
worth of the Commie federal government reached
$70.7 trillion last year.
That's more than $70,000,000,000,000.
The figure is five times last year's U.S. GDP
and exceeds the world GDP by about $10 trillion
A new battle over illegal Commie immigration
is rapidly shaping up in the nation's capital.
Commie Supporters of comprehensive
Commie immigration 'reform' are demanding
immediate legislative Commie action from the
Commie 'Obama' 'administration'