Monday, March 8, 2010

Exposing The Globalist Maoists Manchurians On The Potomac & Commie Obamunist Zombieland ;

On March 4th,
yet another environmental organization, this one
called Natural Capitalism Solutions, held a
teleconference, the purpose of which is to
demonstrate "how utilities can benefit financially
by shifting power generation from existing
coal-burning plants to a combination of efficiency
and renewable energy technologies."

Let's put this in context.
Currently, coal-burning plants provide just over
half of all the electricity generated in the nation.
Coal is abundant and cheap.

Wind and solar energy is neither.
These Are expensive by most comparisons
and, worse, are unreliable

The shill, a public figure or legislator, presents
the scam using the authority and prestige of public
office and the media picks it up and promotes the
entire disinformation as progress, reform,
and solution.

Take the recent, and mercifully derailed, health
reform plan.

The data on the number of Americans without
insurance and their lack of access to medical care
was "massaged" to call it a "crisis."

The "uninsured" became the victims and the shills
took over and negotiated a behemoth bill hiding
provisions for limited access and nullification of
choice of care and doctors for everyone else.

The trillion dollar package was defended with
what George Bush Sr. once (incorrectly describing
Ronald Reagan's very cogent tax policies) called
"voodoo economics."

What was the ultimate agenda?
Government takeover of health
socialized medicine.

All the clear eyed skeptics were called right wing
extremists and Astroturf trash unconcerned with
the plight of the sick and needy and uninsured.

But the grassroots American public, so much
smarter than the Congressional shills, rebelled in
tea parties and town hall meetings and has, thus far,
thwarted a potential domestic policy disaster

The New York Times once again is Al Gore's
"enabler", publishing a February 28 opinion
editorial, "We Can't Wish Away Climate Change",
despite the mounting evidence that global warming
was and is a complete fabrication.

In November 2009, the Telegraph, a British
newspaper, carried a story, "Al Gore could
become world's first carbon billionaire", so
let us disabuse ourselves of the notion that
Gore just wants to save the world.

Heavily invested in the "carbon credits" scam
and technologies whose success depend on people
believing fairy tales about "clean energy" alternatives
such as wind and solar energy, Gore has enriched
himself by trumpeting the biggest hoax
of the modern era

As the massive global warming fraud implodes,
the one aspect of it that has not been explored
in depth is the equally massive waste of billions
of dollars spent by the United States and nations
around the world, we were told,
to avoid global warming.

Whole industries, such as automobile
manufacturing, had demands and limits
put on them.

Some states required utilities to buy
"carbon credits" to offset their use of
"fossil fuels."

The list of things attributed to global warming
expanded to the point of total absurdity.

The codification of the fraud into law began
with the Kyoto Protocol, an element of the
United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change whose purpose was to fight
a global warming that we now know
was not happening