From the moment of his 'inauguration',
Commie 'Obama' has pursued a consistent agenda ;
His "stimulus" package failed to bring down
unemployment while spending almost $1 trillion.
Nationalization of GM and Chrysler isn't saving
either company, though the only privately-owned
American automaker -- Ford -- is reporting profits.
The financial sector remains largely under
government control and Obama wants to increase
the intervention in the financial markets by imposing
more government controls on banks
Commie Hell Care Summit ;
In another of the best moments of the day
Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.), top Republican
on the House Budget Committee, "unpacked"
the Congressional Budget Office score pointing
out budgeting tricks in the Democrat bills that
manipulate the scoring process.
"First a little bit about CBO: I work with them
every single day; very good people; great
professionals," Ryan said.
"They do their jobs well. But their job is to
score what is placed in front of them. And what
has been placed in front of them is a bill that is full
of gimmicks and smoke and mirrors."
"The bill has ten years of tax increases and ten years
of Medicare cuts to pay for six years of spending,"
Ryan said. "The true ten year cost when subsidies
kick-in? $2.3 trillion."
The United States and China are involved in a
trade war, the outcome of which will determine
who gets America's remaining manufacturing
industries and research and development centers.
The Chinese government fired a huge broadside in
December when it issued new rules requiring that
American corporations doing business in China move
their research and development centers and patents
to China as a condition for selling goods and services
to the Chinese government
Commie 'Barack Obama' has baited another
trap for the GOP.
The president announced that as a part of his
clean energy initiative, he favored building two
nuclear reactors at an existing nuclear power facility
in Georgia and would commit $8 billion in loan
guarantees to do so.
If Senate Republicans in particular take the bait,
they'll have been duped into backing the Mr. Obama's
latest scheme to grow the national government into
a leviathan -- the leviathan that the left
and Mr. Obama hanker for
Commie Team 'Obama' seems intent on selecting
the weakest players to represent the American
economy in global markets.
The administration's tax and regulatory policies
handicap our finest industries while trying to
promote others that are dependent on
government subsidies.
Five million manufacturing jobs have been lost
in the last decade as one industry after another has
shifted production abroad
The Communist Hell Care Coups
The Energy and Environment Coups
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise