Commie Hell Care : Irreconciliation ;
Sen. Kent Conrad (D-N.D.), Chairman of the
Senate Budget Committee, made it clear on CBS
that budget reconciliation gimmickry could not be
used to pass the full pie Pelosi is baking.
"Reconciliation cannot be used to pass
comprehensive health care reform," Conrad said.
"The major package would not be done through
When told he was contradicting White House
claims made earlier in the day he said,
"I am the chairman of the committee in the Senate,
and I think I understand how reconciliation works
and can't work," Conrad said.
"The only possible role I can see for reconciliation
would be to make 'modest' changes in the major
The "major package" being the Senate-passed
bill -- that includes government funding of abortion
and a $2.5 trillion price tag over 10 years when
fully implemented
Conservatives warned that the massive stimulus
package represented a permanent expansion
of government.
The Congressional Budget Office, at the request
of Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WI), found that
a permanent expansion of the most popular
programs would cost $3.27 trillion over 10 years.
That's a 414 percent increase in spending
compared to the original stimulus
In the new health care proposal
Commie 'Obama' has outlined, he suggested a
series of unprecedented tax increases that would
extend the greedy hands of government into the
life savings of hard-working Americans.
These new taxes would essentially construct a
new fiscal pipeline capable of carrying money out
of the savings of private citizens and dumping it into
government coffers specifically for subsidizing
Medicare under the new health care system
Obama envisions.
The White House summary of Obama's proposal
presents this would-be pipeline as a facilitator of
economic justice
Private industry and governments around the world
have spent trillions of dollars in the name of saving
our planet from manmade global warming.
Academic institutions, think tanks and schools have
altered their curricula and agenda to accommodate
what was seen as the global warming "consensus."
But Given all the false claims and evidence pointing
to scientific fraud, I don't think it wise to continue
spending billions of dollars and enacting economically
crippling regulations in the name of fighting global
We should stop
the Environmental Protection Agency
from going on with their plans to regulate
carbon emissions.
Companies should resign from the United States
Climate Action Partnership (USCAP), a lobbying
group of businesses and radical environmentalists.
Dr. Tom Borelli, who is director of the
National Center for Public Policy Research's
Free Enterprise Project, says that BP, Caterpillar,
Conoco Phillips, Marsh, Inc. and Xerox had the
common sense to do so already
Knowing as we do how the Papacy Created
Islam & The Koran & that The Jesuits of The
Papacy Created The Nazis & Mein Kampf,
we do find the following artical
Most Interesting ;
What started as a trial against Geert Wilders for
alleged Islamophobia has nearly turned into its
opposite : a historical case about the message of
the Quran.
The Amsterdam court trying the controversial
Dutch politician is now preoccupied with the
question of whether this book, sacred to more
than a billion believers, can be compared to one
of the most vile publications in the history of
Western civilization-Hitler's "Mein Kampf."
What could possibly go wrong?
In his writing and speeches, Mr. Wilders has
found these two works to be similar in terms of
their anti-Semitism and incitement to hatred, and
has thus called for a publishing ban on the Quran
similar to the one in place for "Mein Kampf."
This is what triggered Mr. Wilders's prosecution
for discriminatory and insulting remarks against
Muslims and Islam.
The Dutch politician, though, denies having
insulted Muslims.
He insists his focus is on radical Islam and the
Quran, which he considers to be not only a
religious text but also a political pamphlet
encouraging Muslims to discriminate against and,
if necessary, kill Jews, Christians, apostates and
other unbelievers.
That's why Mr. Wilders claims the right to
criticize and condemn Islam