Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Commie Hell Care Coup ;

The Commie liberals failed to pass ObamaCare
through the regular order when they had huge
majorities, therefore they need to change the rules
of the game to pass ObamaCare.

Also, the Commie leadership in Congress is
attempting to use a reconciliation measure to
amend a bill that has yet to be signed into law.

The Commie plan is for the House to pass the
Senate passed version of ObamaCare, then to
pass the reconciliation measure to avoid a
filibuster in the Senate.

Finally, the bill is unpopular, yet the majority party
needs to restrict the rights of the minority party to
make sure the minority party does not use
procedural rights to uphold the will of a majority
of Americans who hate ObamaCare

The future of health care, indeed the future of
our country, will be decided in the next few weeks.

Don't let a day go by
without making your voice heard

"The Commie 'Obama' administration apparently
believes that when it comes to doling out TARP
funds, it's none of the American people's business,"
said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

"The TARP disbursement process is apparently
rife with corruption, cronyism and mismanagement.

With trillions of taxpayer dollars on the line, it's time
for the Obama administration to open the books to
public scrutiny.

Treasury's secrecy about the bailouts is an absolute
scandal that is undermining our country."

"Unrestrained Commie mass immigration-with
one million 'legal' Commie immigrants and at least
three times as many illegal immigrants entering the
nation each year-and the elevated birth rates
among those immigrants has, in just a quarter of a
century, set the stage to remake the ethnic, cultural
and political dynamic of the United States,"

"A study conducted by the Center for Immigration
Studies in 2005 determined that immigrant women's
birthrates actually increase in the United States over
the fertility rates in their home countries

This right, power, and duty of a State to prevent
oppression of her citizens by rogue agents of the
General Government is called the doctrine
of "interposition".

It must be distinguished from the doctrine of

"Interposition" presumes that a purported "statute"
of the General Government is unconstitutional, and
therefore unenforceable-and that, as a result of
this situation, the State herself should not enforce,
or allow anyone else to attempt to enforce, that void
"statute" within her territory.

The State herself does not declare the "statute"
unconstitutional-the Constitution does.

The State merely recognizes the existence
of this state of affairs

Great progress has been made in getting rid of
electronic ballot machines, but they will be used in
dozens of states in the upcoming primaries
and elections.

Some states have gone to just optical scanners,
which have already been proven to be easily rigged.

Remember this :
He who counts the votes, controls the elections

The Commie term "sustainable development"
was born in the pages of "Our Common Future,"
the official report of the 1987 United Nations
World Commission on Environment and Development,
authored by Gro Harlem Brundtland, Vice President
of the World Socialist Party.

For the first time the environment
was tied to the tried and true Socialist goals
of international redistribution of wealth

The great weight of this movement toward relying
on federal law to resolve every problem, to advance
every interest, and to satisfy every demand is to bring
under the monopoly control of the state the myriad of
things that used to function privately.

To say that this is a constitutional dereliction of duty
is to put it mildly.

This is a rejection of a limited federal republic
in favor of a government of unlimited powers.

Because those powers are vested principally in the
unelected federal bureaucracy, it is a rejection of a
limited federal republic in favor of an unlimited
bureaucratic oligarchy

The American people are furious that, on a strict
partyline vote, Democrats with a super majority
in both the House and Senate, spent what turned
out be $3.6 trillion in bailout bucks that was
supposed to rescue the housing industry, save the
car industry, and most of all, save the rest of us by
bailing out the banking industry.

It is important that you remember this now,
because in less than nine months voters have
the ability under the Constitution of the United States
to throw the thieves out of Congress