Globalist Commie Maoists Manchurians Liberal
Progressive Stateist Unionist Obamunist
Ponzi Schemes, Lies, Liars & Frauds :
Though Bush 41 and Bush 43
often disagreed, one issue did unite them
both with Bill Clinton : protectionism.
Globalists all,
they rejected any federal measure to protect
America's industrial base, economic independence
or the wages of U.S. workers.
Together they rammed through NAFTA,
brought America under the World Trade
Organization, abolished tariffs and granted
Chinese-made goods unrestricted access
to the immense U.S. market.
From 2000 to 2009, industrial production
declined here for the first time since the 1930s.
Gross domestic product also fell,
and we actually lost jobs.
In traded goods alone,
we ran up $6.2 trillion in deficits --
$3.8 trillion of that in manufactured goods.
Things that we once made in America --
indeed, we made everything -- we now buy from
abroad with money that we borrow from abroad.
Over this Lost Decade,
5.8 million manufacturing jobs, one of every three
we had in Y2K, disappeared.
That unprecedented job loss
was partly made up by adding 1.9 million
government workers.
The last decade was the first in history where
government employed more workers than
manufacturing, a stunning development to those
of us who remember an America where nearly
one-third of the U.S. labor force was producing
almost all of our goods and much of the world's,
as well
Commie 'President' 'Obama'
promised Commie Latino activists
a new illegal alien amnesty bill--last year.
Mired in the Commie health care "reform"
debacle, neither the 'President' nor his
Commie party wanted another partisan
stand off.
Commie Senator Chuck Schumer
had promised an immigration "reform" bill
by last Thanksgiving but had produced nothing.
Commie Lindsey Graham to the rescue.
Graham and Schumer have been meeting
on a "new" bipartisan immigration bill.
The President beamed his approval,
and the new Gang of Two had a press
conference to announce the Commie
The "new" Commie immigration bill
includes a "path to citizenship" for illegals,
border 'security', and biometric I.D. cards
for every American to insure that
only those here legally can get jobs.
Since 1986,
Americans have been promised some variation
of the three legged stool--amnesty, border
protection, employer sanctions.
Every time a bill passes,
the illegals get the amnesty,
the border remains open,
and millions more illegally enter the country
Commie 'Obama' and his Commie
'administration' want to know
and control everything, namely us.
If given the chance, Obama and his crew
will morph into place a national ID Card for
Workers under the guise of repairing and
responding to the Immigration problem.
Now, the push is on to quickly create a biometric
card, which would have embedded information,
personal information and fingerprints.
Who cares about that old fossil..privacy rights.
This special and intrusive card
would be forced on and used
by ALL workers in America.
The recent Wall Street Journal article
exposed this very thing.
It isn't just Democrats
who have lost their minds on this.
Senator's Chuck Schumer (D)
and Lindsey Graham (R) are boldly
leading this effort and want a bill signed soon.
In fact they are planning to meet with Obama
next week to update him on their work
The Barofsky report documents
that credit default swaps worth 40 cents
on the dollar were bought at 100 cents
on the dollar under the Federal bailout
terms, funneling "tens of billions of
dollars of government money...
inexorably and directly to AIG's
--including Goldman Sachs.
According to Bloomberg news this week,
Geithner arranged for Goldman Sachs
to receive full payment on credit default
swaps they had purchased rather than
40 cents on the dollar AIG proposed.
A Fed-run entity called Maiden Lane III
was used to sell these CDSs, which cost
American tax payers at least $13 billion
dollars at the time.
It is currently estimated that due
to a continuing decline in value,
this bank favoritism case could
cost the American tax payer $35.6 billion
The Communist Hell Care Coups
The Energy and Environment Coups
The Commie Coups Against
Domestic Free Enterprise
Exposing The Enemies
Of Domestic Free Enterprise